
Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

author:Step into the ordinary

The temple collapsed in the Shanghang landslide in Fujian, and the villagers' family of six lost contact with each other, and the search and rescue work was carried out urgently

Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

Heavy rainfall occurred in the Shanghang area of Fujian Province, triggering landslides. Unfortunately, a historic temple collapsed in the landslide, leaving many people buried.

According to local villagers, six of them were buried to escape the torrential rain. At present, the relevant departments have launched emergency search and rescue work, and made every effort to search and rescue the trapped people.

Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple
Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

The incident took place in a mountainous area in Shanghang County, Fujian Province, where the mountains are steep and the vegetation is dense. Affected by heavy rainfall for several days, the soil water content of the mountain is saturated, and landslides are very prone to occur. In the afternoon of the same day, after a torrential rain, a landslide suddenly occurred, and a huge mudslide instantly washed away the temple at the foot of the mountain. The roof and walls of the temple collapsed in an instant under the impact of the mudslide, and the scene was in shambles.

Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

According to local villagers, at the time of the incident, six people came to the temple to take shelter from the torrential rain. What they didn't expect, however, was that the torrential rain would trigger a landslide. The moment the temple collapsed, they were buried under the rubble. After the incident, villagers came to help with the search and rescue, but due to the complex situation at the scene, the search and rescue work progressed slowly.

Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

After receiving the alarm, the local government quickly activated the emergency plan and organized fire, public security, medical and other departments to rush to the scene for search and rescue. At the same time, excavators, life detectors and other rescue equipment were also mobilized to search and rescue the trapped people. Search and rescue crews braved heavy rain and mudslides to carry out dragnet search and rescue in the rubble. While clearing the rubble, they used life detectors to look for traces of trapped people.

Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

The rescue work faced many difficulties. The situation at the scene was complicated, and the mudslide covered the entire temple area, which brought great difficulties to the search and rescue work.

The number of trapped people is large, and all of them are vulnerable groups, and the search and rescue work must be carried out against time. In addition, the heavy rainfall for several days has caused new landslides to occur in the mountain, which has brought great safety risks to search and rescue personnel.

Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

Netizens said: "I'd rather stay at the grave than at the temple!"

Rare landslide, temple collapse buries 6 people! Netizens are hotly discussed: I'd rather live in a deserted grave than a temple

Anyway, pray that their family will survive!
