
The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

author:Starship Science


Emerging from the depths of the Amazon River, it was obvious to most people that it was a mermaid of various colors, but there was a group of people who thought it was a snake.

Then the snake expert was invited to the scene to investigate, and after being certified by the expert, it must be a snake.

In the wake of this investigation, experts have also found previously undetected snakes in the Amazon.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

Previously, a species of python has been spotted in the Amazon River, so how big is this python?

Monty python infestation in the Amazon.

In 2016, a giant python up to 12 meters long roamed near the Amazon River in Brazil, causing panic among almost all local residents.

According to eyewitnesses, the python had even devoured an adult buffalo, and its size was so large that everyone was terrified.

After some investigation, the experts came to the conclusion that this is a large anaconda, but it is not the largest, or rather, there are bigger anacondas.

It was the conclusion of this that caused panic among the people.

Before 2016, there was such an incident in the Brazilian Amazon, when two fishermen ran into an 11-meter-long anaconda while fishing.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

Before the python was discovered, the fishermen thought it was a group of small fish protesting.

In just a few months, the giant anaconda, which could pull fifteen people into the water, has already attacked fourteen villages near the Amazon River.

And this python has already devoured six adults in two months, and the entire local agricultural production has been seriously affected by the threat of this python.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

The python was even able to eat five small children on its own, and most of the children disappeared not far from the water's edge.

Large numbers of local residents fled under the threat of the python, and some families who had no choice but to move watched in front of the python, fearing that their children would follow the python and disappear.

The python was also eventually captured with the help of Brazilian experts, but to everyone's shock, scientists did not calculate the weight of the python, as the python already exceeded the limit of all the scales that Brazil could bear.

The python was eventually sent to a private zoo, where it was not harmed, but given a different life.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

And this is also a testament to the fact that pythons have become an endangered animal, and in the process of breeding, they often encounter a lot of trouble, and these troubles often come from hunters in the wild.

How big is the biggest python in the world?

The world's largest python comes from South America, an ancient python and one of the most famous animals among pythons.

However, the environment in which it lives has been greatly damaged, so its population is decreasing at a rapid rate.

The number of this python may be less than tens of thousands, so this is a very rare python.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

The ancient python is one of the pythons, a relatively new classification of pythons, he lives on the Mexican Peninsula in South America, and the number of this python is also extremely rare.

The number of this python may also be less than a thousand, so this python is also very rare.

The living environment of the ancient python and the South American python is similar, they both live in the forests and tropical rainforests of South America, and they can swallow animals that are obviously larger than themselves without pickiness.

The ancient python mostly lives in the woods of swampy areas, and it is also an expert hunter, climbing trees to wait for its prey to arrive, and then twisting to swallow its prey alive.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

And the number of this python is also decreasing, so scientists are merging them more and more in the higher level of biological taxonomy.

As for the classification of South American pythons and ancient pythons in terms of size, or which python is larger, it is likely that the number of ancient pythons is scarce, so scientists cannot conduct more in-depth research.

A python of the same size.

This python is also a rare python, in the first half of the 19th century, this python used to be very common, but due to human construction, they faced a great threat in their lives.

Due to the size of these pythons, the locals consider them to be like gods, so keeping pythons in South America is a regular practice.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

This python can be more than two meters in size, so it is indeed a rare python in the eyes of the locals.

In the process of studying this python, scientists have found that this python has a very violent temperament, and once threatened, it will have great hatred for the animal that threatens it.

Even a qualified python breeder can be harmed by it, and its body is very strong, difficult to control, and can escape quickly, which is also likely to endanger the people around it.

Similarly, this python will only develop better if it lives well in its own ecological environment, and once its ecological environment changes, or in a non-South American environment, its population will gradually decrease.

This is also due to their ecological habits.


Therefore, people can see pythons in South America, because of the rich ecological environment.

The largest living snake on Earth, found in the Amazon! How big is the biggest snake in the world?

And the decrease in the number of ancient pythons is also due to the serious changes in their living environment, so their numbers will gradually decrease.

Therefore, in the coming time, scientists will definitely conduct research in this area and return them to a stable environment.

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