
My mother-in-law asked my younger son to come to my eldest son's house every day to eat, and the eldest daughter-in-law said that if they came again, I would go back to my parents' house

author:Casual grapefruit

"This time, if they dare to come again, I will really go back to my parents' house!" I stood in the kitchen and said angrily to my husband, Li Qiang, tears already rolling in my eyes.

Li Qiang looked at me helplessly, obviously not knowing how to deal with the situation in front of him. He is an honest and responsible man, and he has never been good at words, let alone handle family affairs properly. My anger stems from the fact that my mother-in-law assigns her brother-in-law Li Wei to come to our house every day to eat, and Li Wei himself is also a lazy eater, not only does he not eat every time he comes, but also takes the sheep by the hand and takes away the leftover meals from our house.

At first, I was just a little dissatisfied, thinking that my brother, it wouldn't hurt to take care of it more. But as the days passed, such unreasonable demands became more and more frequent, and the mother-in-law took it for granted that we should receive Li Wei without complaint. Especially Li Wei himself doesn't know how to be considerate at all, and every time he comes, he makes his family miserable.

"Can't you talk to your mom? Let her not always call Li Wei to rub rice? We also have our own lives, can't she see it? I asked angrily.

Li Qiang sighed, "Mom, it's not easy for her, since Dad left, she took Li Wei alone, and she always felt that she owed him something." I'll talk to her tomorrow. ”

At this time, the little brother-in-law Li Wei arrived as scheduled and stepped into our house, seemingly not feeling that there was anything wrong with his behavior at all. As soon as he entered the door and saw the sumptuous meal on the table, his eyes immediately lit up, and he greeted warmly, "Sister-in-law, what are you eating today?" ”

I resisted the unhappiness in my heart and replied coldly, "It's all home-cooked food, you can watch and eat it yourself." ”

Li Wei sat at the dining table and unceremoniously began to put vegetables in his bowl, and did not forget to exaggerate his praise, "Sister-in-law, your craftsmanship is so good, this taste is much stronger than the restaurant outside!" ”

I didn't feel anything about him, just sat in silence and watched him feast. Li Qiang also ate silently, and the entire dining table was almost silent except for Li Wei's voice.

After the meal, Li Wei, as usual, packed the leftovers and prepared to take them away. I finally couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Li Wei, we have to eat these leftovers tomorrow, so don't pack them and take them away." ”

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Sister-in-law, my mother doesn't have anything to eat over there, and these dishes are also put away, so why don't I take them back to her old man to taste." ”

When I heard this, my heart was even more angry. My mother-in-law assigned Li Wei to eat every day, and when she turned her head, she still felt that we were sorry for her, where did she start? But in front of Li Wei, I still didn't have a seizure after all, I just said coldly, "Then you take less and leave some for us to eat tomorrow." ”

Li Wei obviously sensed my dissatisfaction, nodded hurriedly yes, and hurriedly packed up and left. I looked at his departing back, and my heart was full of resentment.

In the evening, my mother-in-law's call came as scheduled. "Ah Xia, Li Wei went to your house for dinner again today, right?" There was the usual kindness in her tone, but it sounded stressful to me.

"Mom, he packed and took away a lot of today's meals, and Li Qiang and I won't have enough meals tomorrow." I tried to control my emotions and said as calmly as I could.

My mother-in-law seemed to hear my dissatisfaction, and her tone became a little stern, "What's wrong with you young people cooking more?" You have the strength, don't you even want to take care of your own brother? Li Wei is still young, you have to take care of it. ”

My heart suddenly cooled in half, and my mother-in-law's maintenance multiplied my grievances. Li Qiang looked at me from the sidelines, not knowing how to comfort me. I put down the phone and said to Li Qiang, "You see, Mom doesn't understand our difficulties at all. ”

After Li Qiang was silent for a moment, he gently held my hand, "Ah Xia, I know you have been wronged. I'll talk to my mom about it tomorrow. ”

Early the next morning, Li Qiang went to his mother-in-law's house, while I stayed at home, waiting for news from him with mixed feelings. At noon, Li Qiang came back with a bad face.

"What's wrong? What does Mom say? I asked eagerly.

Li Qiang sighed, "Mom is still like that, saying that Li Wei is still young and needs to be taken care of." She didn't think there was anything wrong with letting Li Wei come to our house for dinner. ”

My heart was completely cold. "Your mother only knows how to favor Li Wei, so what should we do? Don't we need our own lives? I almost cried out to say it.

Li Qiang shook his head helplessly, "Ah Xia, let's think of a way, after all, my mother is old and her health is not good." ”

Just when the two of us were at a loss for what to do, the doorbell rang. When I opened the door, it was my mother. Her loving smile warmed my heart a little.

"Mom, why are you here?" I hurried forward.

"I heard that you guys have been bothered a little lately, so I'll come over to see you." My mother looked at Li Qiang and me, her eyes full of concern.

I couldn't help but tell my mother the ins and outs of the matter, and after hearing this, my mother sighed, "Ah Xia, my mother-in-law is also for the good of the children, but it is indeed a little inappropriate for her to do this." I think you need to communicate with her and find a compromise. ”

My mother's words calmed me down a little, but I was still very uneasy when I thought of my mother-in-law's tough attitude.

In the evening, Li Wei came again, this time he brought his girlfriend Xiaomei. Xiaomei is a beautiful girl who looks very quiet, but as soon as she speaks, people think that she is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Xiaomei, this is my sister-in-law, her craftsmanship is very good, you will have a good mouth in the future." Li Wei enthusiastically introduced.

My mother-in-law asked my younger son to come to my eldest son's house every day to eat, and the eldest daughter-in-law said that if they came again, I would go back to my parents' house

Xiaomei smiled sweetly, "Hello sister-in-law, I've heard Li Wei talk about you a long time ago, so I'm here to take a look today." ”

I barely managed to squeeze out a smile, "Hello, you're welcome." ”

Xiaomei looked at the food on the table and frowned slightly, "Oops, these dishes look a little greasy, sister-in-law, don't you usually pay much attention to healthy eating?" ”

Her words made my heart sink, and although they sounded caring, they were actually a little critical. Li Wei hurriedly played a round, "Xiaomei, don't talk about this, hurry up and eat, the dishes made by my sister-in-law are delicious." ”

Xiaomei reluctantly sat down and began to eat in small bites. I looked at the two of them, and the dissatisfaction in my heart grew stronger. Li Wei not only came to eat by himself, but also brought his girlfriend, which is obviously an inch.

After the meal, Xiaomei took the initiative to help clean up the dishes and chopsticks, and I felt a little better, but her words in the kitchen made me even more angry.

"Xiaomei, you can put these dishes and chopsticks there, I'll wash them." I said politely.

Xiaomei shook her head, "Sister-in-law, you are usually quite tired by yourself, let me help you." By the way, I heard that your family has often entertained Li Wei recently, and he is really happy. ”

Her words sounded like concern, but I felt uncomfortable in my heart, "I don't come every day, I just come over for dinner occasionally." ”

Xiaomei smiled, "It's not easy for Li Wei to, after so many years of being alone with a child, it is also appropriate for you to take care of it now." ”

I held back the dissatisfaction in my heart and smiled reluctantly, "Yes, it's all family." ”

At this time, Li Wei came over from the living room, saw us in the kitchen, and said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, Xiaomei, don't be busy, come and rest." ”

I nodded, but I had already made up my mind in my heart that if my mother-in-law and Li Wei continued like this, I must have a good talk with Li Qiang, and I couldn't go on like this.

In the dead of night, Li Qiang and I were lying in bed, and I whispered, "Li Qiang, I really can't stand it, if they come again, I will go back to my parents' house to live for a while." ”

Li Qiang held my hand tightly, "Ah Xia, I know you have worked hard, let's discuss and find a solution." ”

I closed my eyes, but my heart was full of uneasiness and worry. When will this life end?

The next day, Li Qiang left early to go to work, while I was busy with housework at home. Suddenly, the phone rang, and it was my mother-in-law calling.

"Ah Xia, you cook something delicious at noon, Li Wei and his girlfriend are going over." My mother-in-law's voice was still gentle, but it sounded commanding to me.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, "Mom, Li Wei and Xiaomei come every day, and we are a little too busy here." ”

The mother-in-law obviously didn't expect me to refuse, and her voice suddenly raised an octave, "Ah Xia, what do you mean by that?" Li Wei is your brother-in-law, and you should take care of him. Besides, Xiaomei is not an outsider, she also helps you share some housework, how can she be too busy? ”

I bit my lip and secretly vowed in my heart that I must stick to my position this time, "Mom, you're right, but we also have our own lives, and if it goes on like this, I really can't stand it." ”

The mother-in-law was silent for a while, and then said coldly, "Ah Xia, I think you have forgotten who helped you when you got married. Li Wei is a child of our family, and it is only natural for you to take care of him. ”

I felt a nameless fire burning in my chest, but I still tried to restrain myself, "Mom, you're right, but it doesn't mean that we have to receive Li Wei and Xiaomei unconditionally. ”

The mother-in-law was obviously angry, and she hung up coldly. Putting down the phone, I had mixed feelings and didn't know what to do next.

At noon, Li Wei and Xiaomei arrived as scheduled. As soon as he entered the door, Li Wei said happily, "Sister-in-law, what are you doing today?" ”

I replied with a cold face, "I didn't prepare any special dishes today, so you can eat them." ”

Xiaomei obviously felt my coldness, and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Sister-in-law, is there anything unhappy?" ”

I took a deep breath and decided to have a showdown, "Li Wei, Xiaomei, you come to our house for dinner every day, it really makes us very embarrassed." We also have our own lives, and we can't afford you to come so often. ”

After Li Wei heard this, his face changed, and he said with some dissatisfaction, "Sister-in-law, we are family, what's the difficulty?" You say that, how embarrassed is it for me and Xiaomei to come again. ”

My mother-in-law asked my younger son to come to my eldest son's house every day to eat, and the eldest daughter-in-law said that if they came again, I would go back to my parents' house

Xiaomei was also a little at a loss on the side, "Sister-in-law, why don't we come a few times in the future?" But you make me feel embarrassed to say that. ”

I held back my tears and said coldly, "It's not that I don't want to take care of you, but we also have our own lives. We are really tired of you coming so often. ”

Li Wei stood up, his face pale, "Sister-in-law, if you think we are a burden, then we won't come in the future!" After saying that, he pulled Xiaomei and turned away.

I looked at their backs, and although I felt a little guilty, I was more relieved.

In the evening, Li Qiang came back, and I told him about today's events. After Li Qiang heard this, he said with some concern, "Ah Xia, if you say this, my mother will definitely be unhappy." ”

I smiled wryly, "What if you're not happy?" We can't just go on like this. ”

Sure enough, her mother-in-law's call came again in the evening, and this time her voice was obviously angry, "Ah Xia, what do you mean by what you said to Li Wei today?" Do you think he and Xiaomei are getting in the way of you? ”

I took a deep breath and replied calmly, "Mom, it's not that we don't want to take care of Li Wei, but he and Xiaomei come every day, and we really can't afford it." ”

The mother-in-law said coldly, "You young people, what can't you afford? Li Wei is your brother-in-law, and you have the responsibility to take care of him. ”

I couldn't hold back any longer, and said angrily, "Mom, it's right to take care of them, but that doesn't mean we have to receive them unconditionally." We also have our own lives, please understand. ”

After hearing this, the mother-in-law hung up the phone angrily. I looked at the phone in my hand, and my heart was full of helplessness.

In the next few days, Li Wei and Xiaomei really didn't come to my house to eat again. Although the house is much cleaner, I feel faintly uneasy in my heart, worried that my mother-in-law will do something drastic.

One evening, I had just made dinner, and Li Qiang's face was a little heavy when he came back, "Ah Xia, my mother found me today, and she was very angry and said that you are not sensible." ”

I was stunned for a moment, feeling aggrieved, "Then did she say anything?" ”

Li Qiang sighed, "She said that if you continue like this, she will let Li Wei move to our house." ”

When I heard this, I immediately became angry, "Isn't she forcing us?" Li Wei moved in, so how can we live? ”

Li Qiang said helplessly, "Ah Xia, I don't want to do this either, but Mom, she has made up her mind, can you see if you can talk to her again?" ”

I shook my head, "Li Qiang, I've really had enough. If Li Wei really moves over, I will go back to my parents' house. ”

Li Qiang was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "Ah Xia, I understand, I will go talk to my mother again." ”

The next day, Li Qiang went to his mother-in-law's house again, and this time he stayed for a few hours before returning. As soon as I entered the door, I saw that he had a very bad face.

"How? Did Mom agree? I asked eagerly.

Li Qiang shook his head, "Mom, she insisted that Li Wei move over, saying that she wanted us to take care of him." ”

My heart suddenly cooled, "So what do we do?" ”

Li Qiang said heavily, "Ah Xia, I've done my best. If you really can't stand it, go back to your parents' house for a while. ”

Hearing this, my heart was full of sadness, but I still nodded, "Okay, Li Qiang, you also have to take care of yourself." ”

That night, I packed a few changes of clothes and decided to go back to my parents' house for a few days the next morning. This night, I tossed and turned, my heart full of melancholy and helplessness.

Early the next morning, I said goodbye to Li Qiang and returned to my parents' home. Seeing that I was tired, my mother asked distressedly, "Ah Xia, what's the matter?" Is your mother-in-law embarrassed you again? ”

I nodded and told my mother what had happened. After hearing this, her mother sighed, "Ah Xia, don't be too sad, sometimes people's hearts are unpredictable, but you must stick to your own position." ”

I stayed at my mother's house for a few days, during which Li Qiang kept calling me and was concerned about my situation. Although my heart was full of grievances, I still couldn't help but not go back.

My mother-in-law asked my younger son to come to my eldest son's house every day to eat, and the eldest daughter-in-law said that if they came again, I would go back to my parents' house

A few days later, Li Qiang came to pick me up, he looked a little tired, but there was a hint of determination in his eyes. "Ah Xia, my mother finally agreed to let Li Wei not move here for the time being." He said with a smile.

I was stunned for a moment, "Really? ”

Li Qiang nodded, "Really, Mom said that she would think about it again and ask Li Wei not to come to our house for the time being." ”

Hearing this news, I was immediately relieved, but I was still a little uneasy, "Then will she change her mind?" ”

Li Qiang smiled, "No, my mother has already agreed, and I will supervise Li Wei not to come to our house frequently." ”

When I got home, the stone in my heart finally landed. Li Wei and Xiaomei really didn't come to our house to eat again, and the family returned to peace. Li Qiang's life and I are also back on track, although there will be occasional small frictions, but overall, life is slowly starting to get better.

One night, Li Qiang said to me, "Ah Xia, we still have to care more about Mom, after all, it is not easy for her to bring up Li Wei alone." ”

I nodded, "Yes, Li Qiang, we can take proper care of Li Wei, but we can't let him rely on us too much." ”

Li Qiang smiled and nodded, "You're right, Ah Xia, let's work together to make this family more harmonious and happy." ”

In life, we will inevitably encounter various challenges, but as long as we face them together, everything will pass. As Li Qiang said, we want to make this home more harmonious and happy.

The days back home were much calmer, but the shadows of Li Wei and Xiaomei still flashed in my mind from time to time. I decided to be proactive and solve this problem instead of always waiting passively. So, after discussing with Li Qiang, I decided to invite my mother-in-law, Li Wei and Xiaomei to have dinner at home and talk openly and honestly.

In the evening of the weekend, we prepared a sumptuous meal, and my mother-in-law, Li Wei and Xiaomei arrived as promised. Although the atmosphere was a little awkward, I tried to keep a smile and greet them through the door.

"Mom, Li Wei, Xiaomei, let's get together as a family today, there are some things I want to say in person." I said with a smile, a little nervous.

The mother-in-law nodded, her face softened slightly, "Okay, if you have anything to say, let's talk about it openly." ”

After everyone sat down, I took a deep breath and started today's conversation, "Mom, Li Wei, Xiaomei, I know that you are all family, and there should be no estrangement between us. But there are some things that we need to communicate well and reach a consensus. ”

Li Wei said impatiently, "Sister-in-law, if you have anything to say, just say it." ”

I nodded, "Li Wei, Xiaomei, you come to our house for dinner, Li Qiang and I are not unwelcome, but coming frequently does bring us a lot of inconvenience." We also have our own lives and pressures, and I hope you can understand. ”

After hearing this, Xiaomei said with some grievances, "Sister-in-law, we didn't mean to trouble you, but sometimes I think it's good for the family to get together more." ”

The mother-in-law interjected, "Ah Xia, Li Wei, they do need to be taken care of, but you have a point. We can find a compromise that will make everyone feel comfortable. ”

I glanced at my mother-in-law gratefully, "Mom, I mean, Li Wei and Xiaomei can come once a week, we have a meal together and chat, and they arrange it themselves at other times." ”

Li Qiang also echoed, "Yes, Mom, so that everyone will have time and space, and life will be more harmonious." ”

Li Wei muttered with some dissatisfaction, "Is once a week a little less?" We also want to be as close as possible to you. ”

The mother-in-law patted Li Wei's hand and motioned him not to speak, "Ah Xia's proposal is good, once a week, so you won't be too tired." ”

I nodded, "Thank you, Mom, for understanding." Li Wei, Xiaomei, you must also learn to be independent and don't always rely on others. This is also an exercise for your future life. ”

Xiaomei nodded thoughtfully, "Sister-in-law, you're right, we'll pay attention." ”

After dinner, everyone chatted in the living room for a while, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed than before. I felt that the attitudes of my mother-in-law and Li Wei had eased, and a stone in my heart had finally fallen to the ground.

In the following days, Li Wei and Xiaomei really kept their agreement and only came once a week. As a result, our family has a lot of relaxation and joy. My mother-in-law's attitude gradually eased, and she cared for me a lot more.

One day, my mother-in-law called me out of the blue and said that she had something to discuss with me. I was a little apprehensive, but I agreed to her invitation to meet her at her house.

"Ah Xia, how is your family doing lately?" The mother-in-law asked with concern.

My mother-in-law asked my younger son to come to my eldest son's house every day to eat, and the eldest daughter-in-law said that if they came again, I would go back to my parents' house

I smiled and replied, "Mom, that's good." Li Wei and Xiaomei are also quite sensible, and now our family's life is more regular. ”

The mother-in-law nodded, a relieved smile on her face, "That's good." I've been thinking about something lately and would like to hear your opinion. ”

I was curious and asked, "What's the matter, Mom?" ”

The mother-in-law sighed, "Li Wei and Xiaomei plan to get married, but they don't have stable jobs or savings now, so I want to sell our family's old house and give them a little start-up capital." ”

I was a little surprised to hear the news, but I was more happy for Li Wei and Xiaomei, "Mom, this is a good idea, Li Wei and Xiaomei have their own homes, and they can start their lives better." ”

The mother-in-law smiled slightly, "However, I have one condition, I hope you can help them find a job, or provide some help." ”

I nodded, "Mom, this is fine, we'll do our best to help." ”

After returning home, I told Li Qiang about it, and he also expressed his support after hearing it. We started asking around to find suitable job opportunities for Li Wei and Xiaomei.

A few months later, Li Wei and Xiaomei's marriage was finally decided. On the day of the wedding, our whole family gathered, and my mother-in-law looked at Li Wei and Xiaomei's happy appearance, and her eyes were full of tears.

"Mom, Li Wei and Xiaomei have their own homes, and we will care more about them in the future." I whispered.

The mother-in-law nodded gratefully, "Axia, thank you for your continued understanding and support." ”

After the wedding, Li Wei and Xiaomei moved into their new home, and their lives gradually got on track. Li Qiang and I are getting better and better, and there is a lot of laughter and laughter at home.

Once, Li Wei and Xiaomei invited us to their home, and I was full of relief to see that their lives were in order.

"Xiaomei, Li Wei, are you doing well now?" I asked with a smile.

Xiaomei nodded, with a happy smile on her face, "Sister-in-law, thank you for your continued help." We're doing well now and our jobs are stable. ”

Li Wei also said gratefully, "Sister-in-law, brother, thank you." We will also work hard in the future to live up to your expectations. ”

Hearing these words, Li Qiang and I felt extremely relieved. In life, there will inevitably be twists and turns and challenges, but as long as the family works together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

That night, when Li Qiang and I returned home, I said with emotion, "Li Qiang, our family has finally become harmonious and happy. ”

Li Qiang smiled and nodded, "Yes, Ah Xia, this is all in exchange for our hard work and persistence." ”

I leaned on Li Qiang's shoulder, my heart full of happiness and satisfaction. No matter how many challenges lie ahead, as long as we are united as a family, we will be able to overcome everything and usher in a better tomorrow.

As the days passed, the atmosphere at home became more and more warm. My mother-in-law no longer interferes in our lives, and occasionally takes the initiative to help us with some housework and cares about our daily life.

Once, my mother-in-law and I were busy in the kitchen together, and she suddenly said, "Ah Xia, Mom used to be a little harsh on you, it was Mom's fault, I hope you don't take it to heart." ”

I put down the dishes and chopsticks in my hand and looked at my mother-in-law with a smile, "Mom, the past has passed, and now we are a family, as long as everyone is in harmony, it is more important than anything else." ”

The mother-in-law nodded, tears flashing in her eyes, "Axia, thank you for your tolerance and understanding." ”

I walked over and gently held my mother-in-law's hand, "Mom, our family will always be happy." ”

The days passed in a dull and warm life, and the relationship between me and Li Qiang became deeper and deeper. Whenever we recall those days in the past, although there are twists and turns and contradictions, it is more about our courage and determination to face difficulties together and finally overcome everything.

One night, Li Qiang looked at me and said affectionately, "Ah Xia, thank you for always being by my side, no matter what you go through, you are my strongest backing." ”

I smiled and responded, "Li Qiang, we are a family, and there are many beautiful days waiting for us to meet in the future." ”

The little happiness in life is the result of the joint efforts of our family. No matter how many challenges lie ahead, we will face them together and go through every spring, summer, autumn and winter together.

My mother-in-law asked my younger son to come to my eldest son's house every day to eat, and the eldest daughter-in-law said that if they came again, I would go back to my parents' house

This family is warmer because of love and more harmonious because of understanding. We firmly believe that as long as our hearts are together, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome.

In the days to come, we will continue to work together to meet a better life. Our story will continue in love and happiness.

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