
The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

author:Yusuke Tano
The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

In the Liaoning Bengang team, this summer is not usual. As the celebrations of the three-peat, the players were relieved and ushered in a rare off-season. Without the call of the national team, their schedule was filled with double bonuses and precious holidays.

This offseason has not been easy for Liaoning Bengang. The players were finally able to relax and enjoy the rest and prize money they had won. However, the internal tension has been quietly heating up during this time. It all started when captain Han Dejun posted a video of himself playing football on social media. In the video, he was in a brave state, but this aroused the dissatisfaction of head coach Yang Ming.

After Yang Ming saw this video, he quickly left a message in the comment area, bluntly saying that Han Dejun had too many activities during the holidays, which might affect his training status and the overall preparation of the team. His criticism of Han Dejun was straightforward and intended to remind him to pay attention and maintain a high level of competition.

The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

After Han Dejun saw the coach's message, he was not angry or evasive, but chose a high emotional intelligence way to respond. He admits that his performance on the field is not comparable to that of the official training session, explaining that the relaxed atmosphere of the holiday has allowed him to recover better physically and mentally. He also expressed his understanding and respect for the coaching staff, understanding the coaches' concerns and being willing to make adjustments to them.

Deep down in his heart, he felt the concern and anticipation of his coach. As the leader of the team, he is well aware of the impact his words and actions have on his teammates. He is not just a player, but also a spiritual pillar in the team, and every choice he makes takes into account the interests of the whole team.

During this time, he struggled to balance his personal and professional life in an attempt to find the best form for the next season. He understands that as a captain, he not only has to play well on the pitch, but also to show the qualities of a leader off the pitch and lead the young players to grow and improve.

The flame of internal friction has not been extinguished. After teammate Zhao Jiwei saw Han Dejun's video, he didn't forget to joke about it, copied Yang Ming's message, and provoked Han Dejun's "activity". Han Dejun did not show weakness in this and responded to Zhao Jiwei in a humorous way, which not only showed the intimate relationship between each other, but also resolved the outside world's worries about the contradictions within the team.

The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

Despite the occasional internal friction, Han Dejun showed excellent leadership as the captain. He not only organized a dinner party for the whole team to enhance team cohesion, but also actively passed on his experience during training to help the young players grow. His commitment to the future of the team is unquestionable, and his presence is not only a spiritual pillar, but also a mainstay on the road to the championship.

Looking forward to the future, the Liaoning men's basketball team will face new challenges and opportunities. As the captain, Han Dejun's leadership ability will be the key to the team's impact on four consecutive championships. Although the "small turmoil" within the offseason has caused some discussion and attention from the outside world, this internal challenge is also quietly tempering a more united Liao basket. They are not only teammates, but also brothers, and their tacit understanding and unity will not be shaken by momentary friction.

Netizens have their own opinions on the controversy between Han Dejun and Yang Ming, and the comment area has become a lively battlefield. Some netizens are understanding and supportive of Yang Ming's criticism. A netizen "Basketball Lovers 233" believes: "As a coach, Yang Ming's worries are also justified, after all, the state and performance of the players are directly related to the team's results. He believes that Yang's reminder is necessary to safeguard the overall interests of the team, although it may cause some controversy on the surface.

The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

On the other hand, many fans expressed their appreciation and understanding for Han Dejun's response. Netizen "Fan Xiaobai" commented: "Captain Han's way of dealing with this kind of thing is very mature, and his answer not only maintains his own position, but also reflects respect for the coaching staff, such a leadership quality is rare." They felt that Han's response showed his professionalism and emotional intelligence as captain, which is essential for stability and unity within the team.

In the fan group of Liao Basket, this turmoil also sparked heated discussions. Some fans support Yang Ming, believing that his management style is strict but effective, which can keep the team competitive and combative. They hope that through the strict requirements of the coach, the team will push the team to go further in the new season.

The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

There is also another part of fans who are more inclined to support Han Dejun. They take it for granted that players can have proper relaxation and recreation during the off-season, which not only helps to regulate their physical condition, but also enhances team cohesion and team atmosphere. Netizen "Liaoning Basketball Fan 777" said: "Coach Yang is right, but Captain Han is also right, isn't the offseason just resting?" The key depends on how the players control their own state, and there is no need to make a big deal about this kind of thing. ”

These views and comments reflect different fan perspectives and concerns about management and athlete rights in professional sports. Their discussion also reflected their concern and expectations for the future development direction of the Liaoning men's basketball team. Despite the controversy, most fans hope that the team's internal problems can be resolved sooner rather than later and focus on preparing for the challenges of the next season.

The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

Han Dejun was not affected by the outside world, and he continued to influence his teammates in his own way. He organized a team-wide dinner in the offseason, which not only enhanced the emotional exchange between the players, but also further strengthened the team's cohesion. The dinner allowed the players to understand and trust each other better, and they realized that only by working together can they achieve greater success in future competitions.

On the training ground, Han Dejun showed another side of him as a leader. He is not only a performer of his skills, but also a role model and mentor to young players. He shares his professional experience and skills with the younger generations, patiently guiding them on how to gain an edge in the game. This spirit of passing on the help has made the reserve force of Liao Basket grow and progress rapidly in a short period of time.

In this summer, the Liaoning men's basketball team interpreted the true meaning of unity and challenge with actions. Han Dejun's presence will continue to inject strength into the team, and their goal is clear: not only to defend the honor, but also to hit a higher peak.

The "infighting" of Liao Basket continues to escalate! The two cores went head-to-head, and Zhao Jiwei supported Yang Ming, which was too embarrassing

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