
Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!


Today, Yu Qi publicly apologized on social platforms for his inappropriate remarks, saying, ""

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

On June 16, a netizen posted a video on the Internet: A car with an embassy license plate in Beijing was parked everywhere and blocked the door of the netizen's house, causing traffic congestion.

Netizens stepped forward to theorize, but who knew that the woman in the car was extremely arrogant, not only did not move the car, but shouted at netizens to "Get out!" He also asked netizens, "Do you know what an embassy car is?" Do you know what diplomatic immunity is? ”

When the police arrived to deal with it, the woman also revealed her identity and wanted to put pressure!

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

We don't understand diplomatic immunity, but we understand illegal parking, and illegal parking is justified? This arrogant attitude has aroused public indignation, and netizens want to see who she is, and she can be lawless!

According to netizens, there was a man and a pet dog in the car at that time, and after the netizen and the woman quarreled, the man led the dog and left first.

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

With the fermentation of the incident, Yu Qi finally "couldn't bear it" and apologized publicly, although his attitude was sincere, but netizens didn't buy it!


"I can see that the attitude is very sincere, so sincere that I didn't memorize the manuscript, stared at the manuscript the whole time, and didn't even care about looking at the camera."

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

"Doesn't the car with diplomatic license plate belong to the bus, and there is a man in the car with a large dog, does this belong to the private use of the bus? Moreover, large dogs are not allowed in the Fifth Ring Road of Beijing, and large dogs living in the Fifth Ring Road cannot apply for a dog license at all. ”

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

"It's really terrible for this kind of person to hold the right in his hands, and at first glance he is unruly, it's not 20 years ago, the network information is developed, if it was put in the past, maybe it will be more horizontal than now."

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!


"No one is perfect, everyone will make mistakes, look at her attitude is sincere, let's be more tolerant of her, I have worked hard in the post for most of my life, maybe the events of that day did not come from her heart, but it happened to be in a bad mood, which caused this series of things."

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

In fact, this matter is very easy to solve, parking illegally, just accept the punishment honestly, netizens are mainly angry with her attitude, too arrogant, relying on her identity to feel superior.

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

At present, the corresponding departments have also imposed fines and other penalties on Yu Qi in accordance with the law, and it is worth mentioning that the large dog in the car at that time was also dealt with accordingly. Netizens laughed and said "the ...... who saw the pit dog for the first time"


Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

Diplomatic immunity can be shortened to a special right and preferential treatment, but it applies only to acts in the performance of official duties. Yu Qi's move out of "diplomatic immunity" is somewhat of shooting himself in the foot.

From the fact that she was still holding her pet dog in her car, it should be certain that she was not on official business that day, but a personal matter, so where did the "diplomatic immunity" come from?

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

Yu Qi's turmoil has caused widespread repercussions in society. Many people condemned and disappointed her behavior, believing that she had deviated from professional ethics and social morality.

It's just "forgiving and forgiving", it's good to know that mistakes can be corrected!

Subsequent! Yu Qi publicly apologized with sincerity, Lao Hu: You have to be forgiving and forgiving!

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