
Do you know? The data of the article you write is not good, except for the topic and the quality of the article. It is also possible that it was plagiarized by others on other platforms, come and come, I found a plagiarized account,

author:Dark Horse Caiyi

Do you know?

The data of the article you write is not good, except for the topic and the quality of the article. It is also possible that it was plagiarized by others on other platforms, come and come, I found a plagiarized account, quickly claim if there is any article about yours.

The key is that my own is not a breaking article,

What are you copying from me?

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(It's just a part of the screenshots, I haven't reported it every day, so I'm tired)

Do you know? The data of the article you write is not good, except for the topic and the quality of the article. It is also possible that it was plagiarized by others on other platforms, come and come, I found a plagiarized account,
Do you know? The data of the article you write is not good, except for the topic and the quality of the article. It is also possible that it was plagiarized by others on other platforms, come and come, I found a plagiarized account,
Do you know? The data of the article you write is not good, except for the topic and the quality of the article. It is also possible that it was plagiarized by others on other platforms, come and come, I found a plagiarized account,

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