
Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

author:Gossip Ability Bureau


There is a kind of person who specializes in buying old DVDs and CDs, and you may think that this behavior is very strange, don't these old CDs have no economic value?

But they recycle the discs, and even pay a lot of them for a large price.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

So what exactly is the value of these discs?

The number of discs is huge.

Optical discs have been popular in our country for more than a decade, and owning a DVD by yourself ten years ago was a great thing to brag about.

Nowadays, with the development of online movies and online music, many people have begun to give up the carrier of optical discs, and with the popularity of Blu-ray and high-definition television, optical discs have gradually withdrawn from people's sight.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

Many people already have a lot of CDs at home, some because they can't throw them away, and some because they are worried about the information leakage inside.

Over the years, there were more and more of these discs, and sometimes they couldn't fit at home, so they became a mountain of garbage.

So some people started to find ways to sell CDs.

But they find it very difficult to sell CDs, because in this era of the Internet, a movie or a piece of music can be owned anywhere there is a computer.

Moreover, movies and music can be copied for a few dollars to buy a brand new disc, and even those second-hand discs will not sell for much.

So in the eyes of people who want to sell CDs, these CDs are either simply thrown away, or they are worthless and not worth mentioning at all.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

But not all CDs are like this, and these discs are extremely valuable.

For example, some time ago, there was a CD collector who bought a large number of CDs in a small farm yard, and the number of these CDs was very large, as many as hundreds, and finally he spent hundreds of dollars to buy all these CDs.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

Some people may say, "What is the value of a small farm yard and a hundred or dozens of CDs?"

But if there are so many CDs, they must have an unusual value, otherwise the farm yard would not take out these CDs and sell them.

And the person who bought the CDs also had a high interest in these CDs, otherwise he would not have spent so much money to buy these old CDs.

The boss took out the CDs, apparently hoping to sell them, or to exchange them for some money, but the boss probably didn't think that the CDs could also make a lot of money.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

The boss just wants to take out these CDs and sell them, because these CDs have been decades old, the age has passed for a long time, and these CDs don't have any disc players, but take up space, so the boss wants to sell these CDs directly, and he can also get a little pocket money to give these CDs a new place to go.

But many people are reluctant to sell their CDs directly, because in this way, they will not make any money, but they may also get fake money, and their CDs may also be copied by others, or sold by others, in this way, then their CDs will be considered worthless by others, and they will no longer see the figure of these CDs, and they can make money by selling them, but their CDs may be thrown away as garbage, which is the real value of these CDs.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

Before they were thrown away by others, these discs were still sought after by many people, that is, people who liked to collect old discs.

The purpose of recycling old discs.

The boss in the picture is very fond of collecting old CDs, and he collects a lot of CDs, and the person who collects CDs is also very bold, after collecting these CDs, he also tells the value of these CDs.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

Some of these CDs are Microsoft's CDs, some are bankrupt NetEase's CDs, and some offline film company CDs, etc., and these CDs have slowly increased in value after 20 years.

For example, nowadays, Microsoft's CDs are the most valuable, because they are used to store high-intensity software for computers, how to fire the table, these are very expensive things, and the price of these software is relatively high, some software even reaches tens of thousands of yuan, not to mention the CDs stored in these software, so these CDs must also be of very high value.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

And with the development of current technology, the software that can only be used in the disc at the beginning can now be experienced in the computer or mobile phone, but they will have some limitations, such as not being able to use some functions, etc., so in order to solve these problems, it is necessary to use the software stored in the disc, not to mention Microsoft, a world-renowned software company, their software function value is also very high, so the price of their disc will naturally rise.

And famous software like tianya and 4399 are also very expensive, and NetEase has flourished in this decade, from a worthless small company to a priceless software company, and they are also in the era of 20 years ago, specially made discs for their own company, and these discs are also very expensive.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

But the most regrettable thing is that these discs have been thrown abroad, which makes the price of these discs plummet, and it is indeed a pity that they can be bought for a few hundred yuan in dozens of minutes.

Moreover, the collector of the CDs will also estimate that the price of these CDs is also very expensive, and a CD that can be bought for a dollar may be able to buy hundreds of CDs, so these CDs are also very valuable.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

And the boss who collected the disc also explained the purpose of collecting the disc.

Because more than ten years ago, CD-ROM was a very expensive electronic product, just a white CD, it cost 20 or 30 yuan, and some of the writing prices were a little lower, it also cost 15 or 16 yuan, so it was really expensive at that time, and these original CDs were relatively expensive, a movie CD, it may cost hundreds of dollars, not to mention some computer software CDs, which may cost thousands of dollars.

So if there is a CD, there will be a pirated CD, so the difference between the original CD and the pirated CD is clear at a glance, in this case, many people are not willing to spend so much money to buy the original CD, and even some people will think that the original CD is divided into dozens of dollars, and only a disc needs to contain something, and it can be worth thousands of dollars, which is undoubtedly a very stupid behavior.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

So the boss of the CD collector took advantage of this, in order to get more original CDs, he opened a store to recycle CDs, so that those who bought pirated CDs could recycle their disks, and then use the money to go to Taobao to buy some original CDs, and you can buy hundreds of CDs for only a hundred yuan, but these CDs are worth having.

In this way, those who are not valuable to their own disks can see that these pirated disks they buy have different value, so that those who buy pirated disks will not throw away their disks, but sell these disks, and then go to Taobao to buy the original disks they want, and they can experience the value of the original disks.

People who use old discs.

So in the boss's acquisition of CDs, who are the people who only buy old CDs?

These people can be said to be people of all ages, and they also have different social statuses, and they are not only keen on collecting CDs, but also about the value of these things, as if chasing the footprints of value, and among these people, there is also a group of very lovely people.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

That is, people who have used CDs before have amazing value in the Internet, games, movies and other fields, and in the minds of these people, they also cherish the CDs they have used.

In their opinion, it is not easy to have an original CD, even if these are not of high value, they are also very attractive, they also cherish their CDs very much, few people will sell their disks, because they know that these disks also have an unusual value.

Even though they don't know how to use them, they still love them, and it's a pleasure to collect them as just a kind of nostalgia.

Why would someone recycle old DVD discs nowadays? What is the value of discarded discs?

When one day, their CDs were seen, only to know that their CDs could also get a very large amount of money, which made them very surprised, and they did not expect it, so in the eyes of these people, these CDs are also very precious.

It is because of these people who buy and sell discs that these discs are given a new glow.


As an electronic product more than ten years ago, they also have a very large value, this value is their former glory, from them, so we can not ignore the value of one thing and one price.