
Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

author:Ho Hui Ping

Tang Yi's counterattack

In an online world full of filters and beautification, Tang Yi, an Internet celebrity sister who is nearly forty years old but still has a girlish appearance, has attracted the attention of countless fans with her sweet singing voice and true and unpretentious character

Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

The road to chasing dreams is full of thorns

Tang Yi has been full of love for music since she was a child, dreaming of one day being able to stand on the stage and impress the world with her singing, the road to chasing her dreams is not smooth sailing, she has participated in various singing competitions, but she has repeatedly hit a wall, and has never been able to stand out in the talent show, in 2005, she mustered up the courage to participate in the "Super Girl", which was popular all over the country at that time, but unfortunately stopped at the beginning of the competition, and the successive failures made Tang Yi begin to doubt his musical talent, and the seeds of her dreams seem to be blown out by the cold wind of reality

Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

The dream of marrying a "mom bao man" by mistake was almost shattered

Just when Tang Yi felt confused about the future, a man walked into her life, Wang Xin, a staff member of "Super Girl" who was the same township as Tang Yi, launched a passionate pursuit of her, and soon, the two fell in love and entered the palace of marriage, this marriage has become the darkest experience in Tang Yi's life, Wang Xin was born in a single-parent family, his mother is a strong, bitter and mean woman, after marriage, Tang Yi not only has to face heavy housework, but also endure all kinds of difficulties and humiliation from her mother-in-law, What makes her even more chilling is that her husband Wang Xin ignores all this and has become a typical "mom treasure man", in such an environment, Tang Yi's music dream was almost completely wiped out, and she lost hope in life, and finally, she mustered up the courage to end this painful marriage

Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

The live broadcast platform rekindles the light of hope

After the divorce, Tang Yi's life fell to the bottom, the arrival of the Internet era brought her new opportunities, by chance, Tang Yi came into contact with the online live broadcast platform, she thought, maybe she can sing through live broadcast, and pick up her music dream again, so she began to try to sing live on the platform, at first, due to lack of experience, Tang Yi's live broadcast room was very popular and had a meager income, but she did not give up, but kept groping, trying to change the indoor live broadcast to outdoor live broadcast, and build a simple stage in the streets and alleys, used singing to attract passers-by to stop and watch, this novel live broadcast method quickly attracted the attention of netizens, and the popularity of Tang Yi's live broadcast room also soared

Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

A song became famous and counterattacked to become a "sister of Internet celebrity"

With the continuous increase in the number of fans, Tang Yi's live broadcast career is becoming more and more prosperous, and she covered a classic old song "Moth to Fire", which quickly became popular on the Internet, with more than one million clicks, Tang Yi also became famous and became a hot Internet singer

Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

In the face of temptation, stick to the original intention

Tang Yi's success attracted the covetousness of her ex-husband Wang Xin and her mother-in-law, they saw Tang Yi's current fame and wealth, so they cheekily proposed to remarry, in a vain attempt to get a piece of the pie, Tang Yi was not carried away by the immediate interests, she decisively rejected her ex-husband's unreasonable request, and publicly stated that she would never renew her relationship with such a person, Tang Yi's courage and strength won the unanimous appreciation of netizens

Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

The flower of dreams will eventually bloom

Tang Yi's story is a story about dreams, perseverance and courage, she used her own personal experience to tell us that even in adversity, don't give up the pursuit of dreams, as long as there is light in your heart and make unremitting efforts for it, the flower of dreams will eventually bloom, Tang Yi's success also allows us to see the huge potential of the online live broadcast platform, which provides a stage for ordinary people to show themselves and realize their dreams

Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way

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Internet celebrity Tang Yi attracts more than 10 million dollars a year, and he has to be troubled by his ex-mother-in-law in every way