
Recently, I watched the news, and after seeing the comments below, I want to say to some Chinese people, get out, get out of here!

author:Hard work and luck 1237

I found that some Chinese people can't say that the United States is not good at all, and they feel that in their hearts the United States is good everywhere, and who wants to say that the United States is a little bad, as if they have stepped on their tail, I don't know how they still think that the United States is their motherland, otherwise how could they be so vigorous in defending it.

Recently, I watched the news, and after seeing the comments below, I want to say to some Chinese people, get out, get out of here!
Recently, I watched the news, and after seeing the comments below, I want to say to some Chinese people, get out, get out of here!
Recently, I watched the news, and after seeing the comments below, I want to say to some Chinese people, get out, get out of here!
Recently, I watched the news, and after seeing the comments below, I want to say to some Chinese people, get out, get out of here!

Some Chinese people have been in the United States for several years, and some have never even been to the United States, and they do not have a real comprehensive understanding of the United States, but if someone says that the United States is a little bad, it is like it has been stepped on by the tail of a dog and jumps out, and retorts that the United States is so good, don't slander and slander the United States, and say that it is so difficult to admit that others are excellent, as if the United States is its motherland, and strive to defend it!

It's like having a leper pug in your own home, and when you are in your own home, you don't like anything, you dislike it, and even dislike your own home, and you only know how to howl loudly in your own home every day, and it's not good to see your own home! On the one hand, he kneels and licks all kinds of other people's homes, other people's homes are good anywhere, and even other people's houses are fragrant with, and they want to go to other people's houses every day!

I want to say this, and no one ties you with a rope, you can go if you want to, but I don't know that other people's hearts are tired of this, and they don't want it, what people want is 1 rich 2 is capable!

People are also annoyed by this kind of leper pug, but you can use it, although you don't want these leper pugs to come to the house, but you can use these leper pugs to harm other people's homes, make other people's chickens and dogs restless, and let others develop slowly!

These are also like a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp that stinks a pond, [these stinky fish and rotten shrimp dislike the pond where they were born and raised every day, and dislike this pond that allows it to grow up in a peaceful and stable environment], and when they grow up, they want to go to other ponds every day, in fact, other ponds don't like these stinky fish and rotten shrimp either!

I saw someone who said that he wanted to move his ancestral tomb to a foreign country, so you can move it quickly! Hurry up and get out of !! Let's get out!!

As soon as I saw this, I just wanted to say to it, get out, get out of here, no one is tying you up, no one is begging you to stay!

Without you, the motherland will become better, I hope that when you encounter wars or conflicts in other countries or encounter any problems or dangers in daily life, don't lick your face and ask for help from the motherland you once abandoned!!

Recently, I watched the news, and after seeing the comments below, I want to say to some Chinese people, get out, get out of here!

"The son is not ugly to the mother, and the dog is not tired of being poor," even if your home is not good, it is still your own home!

There is no such thing as a perfect country in this world!!

Just go to foreign travel to see it, and if there is a good place, we will learn, take its essence and go to its dross!

What needs to be done is to work hard to become better and stronger yourself, and then build and develop, help and improve your own home to make your home better and better!!

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