
Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

author:Three-in-one goodies

A controversy surrounding "diplomatic immunity" has recently caused a public opinion storm in Beijing that continues to ferment. Ms. Yu, a head of an international organization, has been criticized for not listening to dissuasion from illegally parking her vehicles, and for her clamor of "diplomatic immunity." What was supposed to be a trivial incident quickly turned into a puzzling farce.

What happened was quite absurd. A husband and wife pulled the embassy bus in the middle of the road, causing the community to enter and exit. When alerted by an enthusiastic resident, the two men not only ignored it, but instead engaged in a fight, claiming that they enjoyed diplomatic immunity and did not need to move their cars.

Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

Ironically, the couple's understanding of "diplomatic immunity" seems to have stopped at the surface. They thought that by monopolizing this honorary title, they could do whatever they wanted, and they could put on a show to the general public. But they do not know that power is built on responsibility, and abuse of power will eventually be punished by law.

For a while, this video went viral on the Internet, igniting the fire of anger among netizens. Some people have condemned Ms. Yu's arrogant behavior, believing that she has violated the basic concept of the rule of law and public morality.

Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

In the face of such public pressure, Ms. Yu had no choice but to frequently publish public apology videos on the matter. But unfortunately, her "apology" was insincere and completely coerced. The wording is stiff, the wording is restrained, and there is a lack of sincere self-reflection. It can be seen that she has no intention of realizing her wrong behavior at all, just to calm things down.

Sure enough, netizens didn't buy it. It is believed that such an apology is at best a false and wrongful apology, which cannot calm public anger, let alone demonstrate the basic moral bottom line. At this point, it is not enough to simply say "I'm sorry", you must pay the corresponding price for your actions.

Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

At the same time, Ms. Yu's identity and background have also been exposed on the Internet. It turns out that this so-called lady who enjoys "diplomatic immunity" is also quite out of line on weekdays. A former colleague revealed that she climbed all the way to the top of the leadership and was good at flattery, but she was arrogant to ordinary employees.

What's even more ironic is that on the day of this incident, Ms. Yu's husband was more concerned about dogs than his wife. Not only did he take the lead in evacuating the dog from the scene, but even when he apologized afterwards, his face couldn't stop being happy, and he was quite gloating.

Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

And not long after, Ms. Yu got her wish and "received" a "special treatment". Beijing police investigated her on suspicion of traffic violations, illegal pet keeping, and picking quarrels and provoking troubles, and finally sentenced her to a fine and administrative detention.

This result is undoubtedly Ms. Yu's own fault. There are no privileges in the face of the rule of law. Ordinary people deserve the same rights protection, but at the same time pay a price for their actions. This time, it may also make Ms. Yu realize that power is only an obligation to be given, and abuse will definitely be punished by law.

Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

In fact, in each of our lives, it is inevitable to encounter this or that "special identity". But whether it is diplomats, dignitaries, or ordinary people, we are absolutely equal before the law, and no one is above the law. Otherwise, once this idea of privilege is allowed to grow and spread, it will inevitably shake the foundation of the rule of law in society.

Regarding Ms. Yu's incident, the relevant departments must not be soft-hearted, and must punish her in accordance with laws and regulations to set an example. At the same time, it is also necessary to use this incident as a negative teaching material, popularize legal education, strengthen the public's concept of the rule of law, and maintain the overall stability of society.

Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

For those who enjoy privileges, they should know the law and abide by the law and cherish the power in their hands. This kind of power is not used to boast, let alone to harm others. It is a responsibility, which means that we need to contribute more to society, lead by example, and set a positive example for the general public.

Follow-up to the embassy traffic jam: A former colleague exposed Yu Qi's character, the dog followed unlucky, and her husband's expression lit up

Facts speak louder than words, and Ms. Yu's incident is a wake-up call. Remind each of us, regardless of status or status, we should abide by the law, respect others, and exercise our power in a civilized and promising manner. Only in this way can we truly realize the ideal vision of equality and co-rule with the law on this land.