
The unit recruited two new civil servants, one 985 and one three, and their work performance was very different

author:Gentle wung at the fingertips

Chapter 1: The Recruitment Dilemma

In a county-level administrative unit in the east, spring is in full swing, and when everything is recovering, there is an undercurrent. Due to the continuous tightening of the staffing within the unit, the already overstretched human resources have become even more difficult, many key positions have been vacant, and the pressure on the existing personnel has been huge, and the cumulative work efficiency has also been hindered. In the face of all this, the director had to make a difficult decision: the year before last, he made an exception to launch an open recruitment, hoping to use this as an opportunity to introduce new blood and alleviate the urgent need. As soon as the recruitment order came out, there were a group of heroes, and the applicants were like carp crossing the river, including Li Ying and Zhang Kai, two candidates with completely different backgrounds.

The unit recruited two new civil servants, one 985 and one three, and their work performance was very different

Chapter 2: Job Seekers

Li Ying, a talented Chinese language girl who graduated from the famous 985 University in Beijing, has an impeccable resume - more than 600 points in the college entrance examination, the winner of various scholarships, and it seems that everything about her tells her that the future is bright. And she chose to return to her hometown and devote herself to such an inconspicuous county-level administrative unit, which in the eyes of many people is tantamount to a phoenix going into the wilderness.

In stark contrast to her is Zhang Kai, a little-known graduate of three colleges, his major is business administration, and his grades are not outstanding, and can even be described as mediocre. But he has an unspeakable dedication to the profession of civil servant. He did not hesitate to sign up for various examination and training courses, and after three or four times of tempering and testing, he finally boarded the last train of civil servants with difficulty with tenacity and indomitable efforts.

The unit recruited two new civil servants, one 985 and one three, and their work performance was very different

Chapter 3: Public Doubt

When the news came out that the two candidates were selected at the same time, the whole unit was shocked both inside and outside. After the dinner, people talked a lot, comparing the huge difference between the two, some were full of emotion, and some were unbelievable. Li Ying's choice was seen as the self-depravity of the pride of the sky, while Zhang Kai's success was regarded as a fluke, and some people even predicted that he was just a mediocre genius.

The unit recruited two new civil servants, one 985 and one three, and their work performance was very different

Chapter 4: The Leader's Choice

With the addition of the two newcomers, the question of their work arrangements sparked a heated discussion among the leadership. The office director, a middle-aged man who pays attention to practical results, knows that the office affairs are complicated, and there is an urgent need for a talented woman like Li Ying to make up for the shortcomings of copywriting; The deputy director, a far-sighted leader, hopes that through key training, Li Ying will grow rapidly in the business department and become the backbone of the unit.

The controversy lasted for several days until the Director himself came forward and made a final decision. The director believes that since the need for copywriting skills is more urgent, then let Li Ying go to the office first to experience, and at the same time, taking into account the gender balance, Zhang Kai will be assigned to the business department that often travels, so as to give full play to his male physical strength.

The unit recruited two new civil servants, one 985 and one three, and their work performance was very different

Chapter 5: Position Arrangement

The announcement of the decision did not completely calm the controversy, but it invisibly caused a lot of pressure on the two newcomers. Although Li Ying was a little unwilling in her heart, she still accepted the arrangement and threw herself into the busyness of the office with a bookish spirit; Zhang Kai, on the other hand, silently endured the questioning eyes around him, and worked hard to gain a firm foothold in the business department, hoping to prove his strength.

The unit recruited two new civil servants, one 985 and one three, and their work performance was very different

Chapter 6: Fair Opportunity

After a period of work, the two newcomers began to show their strengths. With her excellent copywriting skills and keen thinking, Li Ying has gradually become an indispensable core force in the office; Zhang Kai is also in the business department, through unremitting efforts, won the respect of colleagues and the affirmation of leaders. They responded to the doubts of the outside world with practical actions, proving the fairness of the civil service examination system and the possibility of talents from different backgrounds shining in fair competition.

Time passed slowly, and the growth of the two newcomers was gradually recognized by everyone. The story of Li Ying and Zhang Kai has become a good story inside and outside the unit, and it also makes people see that on the road to the public examination, regardless of background or academic background, everyone has the opportunity to show themselves and realize their value. As the saying goes: "Heroes don't ask where they come from, they compete fairly to show their talents." ”

This experience not only had a profound impact on Li Ying and Zhang Kai, but also gave the leadership and ordinary staff of the unit a new perspective on talents. People are beginning to realize that a person's potential does not depend entirely on his past, but more importantly on his attitude and efforts towards the future. This change has undoubtedly brought a new atmosphere to the entire unit and even the wider social environment, a cultural atmosphere that pays more attention to fairness and diversity.

In conclusion, the end of the story does not mean the end, but a new beginning. Li Ying and Zhang Kai's journey will continue, and their future possibilities are endless. And this unit will continue to move forward in continuous change to meet every new challenge.

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