
CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

author:13 lectures on literature

"Work well, live well. Cherish the people around you and care about the things around you. Live in the moment and don't regret it. These short and profound words seem to be the condensation of Xiao Xiaolin's lifelong experience, and it is also her earnest entrustment to future generations.

In the last moments of her life, Xiao Xiaolin's son stood by her hospital bed. Despite suffering from advanced liver cancer, Xiao Xiaolin's face was free of pain and fear, only calm and relieved.

She smiled and held her son's hand, her eyes full of attachment to life and reluctance to her relatives. These 26 words were uttered intermittently by her last bit of strength.

Every word is full of deep meaning, as if it is a microcosm of her life. These words are not only an exhortation to the family, but also a wake-up call to everyone. It reminds us to find value in our work and joy in our lives; We must cherish the people around us and care about the things around us; Live in the moment and leave no regrets.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

This is a woman with a successful career and a deep understanding of life at the end of her life. Xiao Xiaolin's life is busy and fulfilling. From the first female announcer of a local TV station to the host of CCTV's "News Talk" program, her career can be described as brilliant.

However, at the pinnacle of her career, she did not forget about her family. She often says, "My family is my safe haven and what keeps me going." After retiring, Xiao Xiaolin planned to travel, learn new skills, and spend more time with her family.

She is looking forward to starting a new chapter in her life. However, fate played a cruel joke on her. At her son's home in the United States, she suddenly fell ill and was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.

In the face of death, Xiao Xiaolin showed amazing courage and open-mindedness. She told her family: "I have no regrets. I have a wonderful career, a happy family, and that's enough.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

It was this mentality that allowed her to leave such philosophical last words at the end of her life. Xiao Xiaolin's career is like a wonderful inspirational movie, from a newcomer to a well-known CCTV host, every step of her is full of hard work and persistence.

The story starts when Xiao Xiaolin just graduated. As a top student of the Broadcasting Department of Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Xiao Xiaolin came to a local TV station with her love for broadcasting.

Here, she became the station's first female announcer. Xiao Xiaolin, who is new to the workplace, although she has a solid professional foundation, is still nervous when facing the camera. However, her unique voice and affinity quickly won the hearts of the audience.

During her time at the local station, Xiao Xiaolin showed extraordinary talent and perseverance. She is not satisfied with just being an announcer, but constantly learning and improving her business skills.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

Every day after work, she would repeatedly practice her broadcasting skills in front of the mirror, trying to do her best. In order to increase her knowledge, she often stays up late to study program planning and read a lot of books and newspapers.

Xiao Xiaolin's efforts quickly paid off. In an important news live broadcast, the original host suddenly fell ill, and Xiao Xiaolin was ordered to be in danger. In the face of this sudden challenge, she did not flinch, but completed the task perfectly with her usual accumulation and calm performance.

This experience not only made her famous in Taiwan, but also laid the groundwork for her to enter CCTV in the future. After entering CCTV, Xiao Xiaolin is even more like a fish in water. The "News Talk" program hosted by her became a popular news commentary program at that time with its in-depth interpretation and unique perspective.

On this stage, Xiao Xiaolin showed excellent hosting talent and profound cultural literacy. However, success did not stop Xiao Xiaolin. She still maintains the habit of studying hard, often studying all night for a program theme, and repeatedly scrutinizing questions for an interview subject.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

Her colleagues all said that Xiao Xiaolin's office was always lit up late, and she was always the last to leave the studio. Xiao Xiaolin's professionalism has also infected the colleagues around her.

She always said: "It is our responsibility to do a good job in every episode of the program and be worthy of every audience." Under her leadership, the team at The News has fostered a culture of excellence.

In addition to her work ability, Xiao Xiaolin has also won the love of her colleagues with her affinity. Whether it is an old-timer in Taili or a newcomer who has just entered the industry, she can get along with it.

She often encourages younger colleagues to share her experiences and help them grow quickly. Xiao Xiaolin's success is not accidental. She once said in an interview: "My success is built on countless overtime nights and days of continuous learning.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

This kind of love and dedication to her work allowed her to gain a foothold in the fiercely competitive CCTV and eventually become the audience's favorite host. It is this kind of dedication and love for work that allowed Xiao Xiaolin to gain a foothold in the fiercely competitive CCTV, and eventually became the audience's favorite host.

Her career is a history of continuous self-breakthrough and pursuit of excellence. From a newcomer to a well-known host of CCTV, Xiao Xiaolin has used her efforts to interpret what professionalism is and what dedication is.

Her story tells us that there is no shortcut to success, and only through continuous learning and hard work can we continue to improve in our field and eventually reach the top. Xiao Xiaolin's career is not only her personal success, but also sets an example for those who come after her, showing the quality and spirit that a journalist should have.

To understand Xiaolin's career choices and achievements, we need to go back to her school days. At the end of the 80s of the last century, 18-year-old Xiao Xiaolin was admitted to the Broadcasting Department of Beijing Broadcasting Institute (now Communication University of China) with a vision for a broadcasting career.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

At that time, broadcasting was an unpopular major, and many people thought that the future of the industry was uncertain. However, the young Xiao Xiaolin is enthusiastic about it. She recalls: "Since I was a child, I loved to read aloud and use my voice to convey information and express emotions.

When I found out that there was a broadcasting major, I knew this was what I wanted. "However, choosing this major was not all smooth sailing. Her family was worried about her job prospects, and her classmates didn't understand her choice.

In the face of doubts, Xiao Xiaolin did not flinch. She firmly told her parents: "I believe that as long as you work hard, you will definitely be able to make a difference in this industry." This persistence stems from her love for the broadcasting career and her confidence in her own abilities.

On the campus in Beiguang, Xiao Xiaolin soon became a well-known "desperate Sanniang" for her diligence and hard work. She goes to the playground every morning to practice vocalization, even in the cold winter.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

In the evening, when the other classmates were resting, she still practiced expression management in front of the mirror in the dormitory. In order to change her hometown accent and master standard Mandarin, she even used the method of practicing with stones in her mouth, and the corners of her mouth were often rubbed to blood, but she never shouted bitterly and tired.

Xiao Xiaolin's efforts were not in vain. She was always at the top of the various competitions in school. Her talent and perseverance have also earned her appreciation from her teachers. An old professor once commented: "Xiao Xiaolin is not only talented, but what is even more commendable is that she has a persistent heart."

I believe that she will definitely become a good announcer in the future. Such an evaluation strengthened Xiao Xiaolin's determination to pursue a broadcasting career. In her study and life in Beiguang, Xiao Xiaolin not only learned professional knowledge and skills, but more importantly, developed a rigorous work attitude and the habit of continuous learning.

She often said, "Beiguang taught me how to be a qualified announcer, but more importantly, it taught me how to be a responsible journalist." On the eve of graduation, when many students were worried about finding a job, Xiao Xiaolin was very calm.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

She said: "I believe that as long as we are good enough, there will be a stage that suits us. This self-confidence comes from her tireless efforts and outstanding performance during her school years.

Looking back, Xiao Xiaolin often said that it was this experience in Beiguang that shaped her love and dedication to her career. This original intention accompanied her throughout her career until the last moment of her life.

Even after becoming a well-known host of CCTV, she still maintains the learning momentum she had when she was in Beiguang, constantly enriching herself and improving her business ability. Xiao Xiaolin's story tells us that choosing the career you love and working hard for it is the most wonderful life.

Her study experience in Beijing has not only laid a solid foundation for her career, but more importantly, cultivated her love and dedication to her career, which has become the driving force to support her all the way.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

As she said on her deathbed: "Work hard, live well", this may be the life creed that she has established when she was in Beiguang. Behind Xiao Xiaolin's glamorous career is a little-known supporter - her husband.

This unknown man is the strong backing of Xiao Xiaolin's career and the warm harbor of her life. Xiao Xiaolin's husband is an ordinary civil servant. Although his work is not as dazzling as Xiao Xiaolin's, he has always maintained understanding and support for his wife's career.

When Xiao Xiaolin was busy with work, he always silently took on more family responsibilities. Once, in order to prepare for an important episode of "News Talk", Xiao Xiaolin worked late at night for several days.

Instead of complaining, her husband would bring her a hot supper every night and sometimes help her sort things out. He used to say, "Your success is my pride."

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

This silent dedication made Xiao Xiaolin feel warm and guilty. Xiao Xiaolin once said emotionally in an interview: "Half of my success belongs to my husband. Without his understanding and support, I would not have been able to devote myself to my work.

She knows that it is her husband's support that allows her to go all out in her career without worries. Not only that, Xiao Xiaolin and her husband also raised an excellent son together.

Despite her busy schedule, she never neglected to educate her son. She often calls her son during work breaks and cares about his studies and life. Whenever she has free time, she accompanies her son and participates in his growth.

Xiao Xiaolin often said: "Family is my safe haven and the driving force for me to continue to move forward." She knows that only a happy family can make her more comfortable at work.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

Therefore, no matter how busy she is, she tries to balance work and family. During the critical period of her son's growth, Xiao Xiaolin was faced with an important career opportunity. This opportunity may take her career to the next level, but it also means that she will have less time to spend with her family.

After careful consideration, she chose to give up this opportunity for the time being and devote more energy to her son's education. Although this decision affected her career development in the short term, in the long run, it allowed her to achieve a good harvest for both her family and career.

Her son is not only excellent in his studies, but also very sensible and often takes the initiative to help his parents with household chores. This made Xiao Xiaolin feel relieved and proud. It is this cherishing of the family that makes Xiao Xiaolin go further and further in her career, and at the same time, she also gains a happy family life.

Her story teaches us that successful professional women don't have to sacrifice family happiness. The key is to find a balance, cherish the people around you, and care about the things around you. Xiao Xiaolin's story reminds us that no matter how successful you are in your career, family is always the most important harbor.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

She used her actions to explain how to not forget to care for her family in her busy work, and how to find a balance between career and family. This is perhaps the most precious life wisdom she left us.

An important turning point in Xiao Xiaolin's career was the transformation from an ordinary announcer to the host of "News Talk". This transition not only marks the pinnacle of her career, but also reflects her determination to constantly push the boundaries of what she can do.

At that time, CCTV was preparing a new news commentary program "News Talk". This show needs a host who can interpret the news in simple terms and guide the audience to think.

For Xiao Xiaolin, who has already made achievements in the field of broadcasting, this is a huge challenge and a rare opportunity. She began to "recharge" in an all-round way: subscribing to various newspapers and magazines, and spending a lot of time reading the news every day; Participate in various training courses to improve your analytical skills; He even took the initiative to ask experienced colleagues for advice and learn with an open mind.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

Xiao Xiaolin's office lights are always on late, and she is often the last to leave the studio. Her efforts quickly paid off. In the pilot broadcast of "News Said", Xiao Xiaolin's performance exceeded everyone's expectations excellently.

Not only is she able to host the show fluently, but she is also able to put forward unique insights and guide the guests to in-depth discussions. A teacher in the program team sighed: "Xiao Xiaolin not only has the professionalism of an announcer, but also the keen intuition of a news person.

After "News Talk" was launched, it quickly became CCTV's trump card program, and Xiao Xiaolin became a well-known host. Her hosting style is gentle and sharp, which can not only take care of the understanding of ordinary audiences, but also guide deep thinking.

An audience member commented: "Watching Xiao Xiaolin's "News Talk" is like chatting with a knowledgeable friend, which is both relaxed and in-depth. This change is not only an improvement of Xiao Xiaolin's personal ability, but also reflects her love and sense of responsibility for journalism.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

She often said: "As a journalist, we should not only convey information, but also guide thinking and promote social progress." In the process of hosting "News Talk", Xiao Xiaolin also encountered many challenges.

Sometimes, the topics covered in the show are more sensitive and need to be measured. Xiao Xiaolin is always able to use her wisdom and experience to not avoid questions and guide the discussion appropriately.

Her handling has won the appreciation of the audience and her peers. Xiao Xiaolin's successful transformation is not only a personal victory for her, but also an example for the entire journalism industry. She proved that with determination and perseverance, an announcer can be a good news commentator.

This turning point became an important milestone in her career and gave her a broader space for development in the field of journalism. At the beginning of 2024, Xiao Xiaolin, who has worked at CCTV for decades, officially retired.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

After retiring, Xiao Xiaolin should have started a new chapter in her life. She plans to travel, learn new skills and spend more time with her family. She looks forward to being able to slow down, enjoy life to the fullest, and make up for the time missed over the years due to her busy schedule.

However, fate played a cruel joke on her. Only five months after her retirement, Xiao Xiaolin came to live at her son's house in the United States. It was supposed to be a warm family happiness, but it unexpectedly became the last time of her life.

One day, Xiao Xiaolin, who originally seemed to be in good spirits, suddenly felt severe abdominal pain. At first, everyone thought it was just a normal gastrointestinal upset, but the pain got worse and worse.

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaolin's son immediately took her to the hospital. After an examination at the hospital, the doctor told Xiao Xiaolin and her family a brutal truth: she had advanced liver cancer that was incurable.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

The doctor said, "I'm sorry, but the disease is at an advanced stage and we can't guarantee how long we will live." The news came like a bolt from the blue, plunging everyone into great grief.

In the face of death, Xiao Xiaolin showed amazing courage and open-mindedness. Instead of being pessimistic and hopeless, she accepted this fact calmly. She told her family: "I have no regrets.

I have a wonderful career, a happy family, and that's enough. At the last moment of her life, Xiao Xiaolin looked back on her life. She remembered the passionate years in front of the broadcast station, the support and love of her family, and the love and recognition of the audience.

"My life is full, it's just too short," she said. Despite her serious illness, Xiao Xiaolin remains her usual optimism and strength. She told her son, "Don't feel sorry for me, I've lived the life I wanted."

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

Now, I just hope that you can live your life well and cherish every day in front of you. It was in this state of mind that Xiao Xiaolin uttered the last words of those 26 words: "Work hard, live well."

Cherish the people around you and care about the things around you. Live in the moment and don't regret it. These words are not only her summary of life, but also her entrustment to future generations. They embody the life wisdom of a successful woman, and also reflect an ordinary person's deep understanding of life.

In June 2024, Xiao Xiaolin passed away peacefully at her son's home in the United States at the age of 55. Her departure is not only a loss for the media industry, but also a life education for each of us.

Xiao Xiaolin's story tells us that life may be short, but as long as we treat the people around us well and take every day seriously, we will not leave regrets.

CCTV Xiao Xiaolin: Five months after retirement, she died at her son's house in the United States, and her 26-word last words were too profound

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