
After becoming my husband's ex-wife, I drove the senior to go crazy, and the process was too relieving

author:A leisurely view of emotion
After becoming my husband's ex-wife, I drove the senior to go crazy, and the process was too relieving


Two o'clock in the morning.

Ning Mengqiu, who was asleep, subconsciously touched his son beside him and felt that his forehead was a little hot.

She got up and touched it carefully, it was indeed very hot, it was a fever.

Without thinking about it, she turned over and got out of bed, took the mobile phone on the bedside table, and called Zheng Wu directly.

It took a long time for someone to pick it up.


"Zheng Wu, come over quickly, my son has a fever!"

The other end was a little anxious: "Don't worry, I'll rush over immediately." ”

This was followed by the sound of shreddling.

It should be that he got up and got dressed.

At this time, a female voice sounded: "Zheng Wu, are you going to your ex-wife again?" Has she forgotten that the two of you are divorced, why do you keep calling you! ”

"Xiaoqian has a fever, Mengqiu doesn't have a car, I'm going to take them to the hospital, don't make trouble, sleep at home obediently, I'll be back soon."

"Zheng Wu, I don't agree with you going, you can't go!" The female voice looked angry.

"I have to go, you are obedient."

A woman's roar was heard over there, and the phone was hung up.

Ning Mengqiu smiled triumphantly.

Huang Qian, you also have today!

The injuries she suffered at the beginning, now she wants Huang Qian to experience it!


Huang Qian is the current wife of Ning Mengqiu's ex-husband Zheng Wu, and she is the third child.

During the marriage between Ning Mengqiu and Zheng Wu, Huang Qian hooked up with Zheng Wu.

The two are in the same unit.

Huang Qian has just graduated for two years, and Zheng Wu's career is considered a small achievement, plus he is mature and charming, which quickly attracted Huang Qian's attention.

Huang Qian was young and energetic, so she didn't have much effort, and Zheng Wu took the bait.

They thought they were hiding it well, but they didn't know that it had already been exposed.

Ning Mengqiu gave Zheng Wu a chance, hinted at him, and put his heart at home.

But Zheng Wu was so confused that he couldn't listen to it at all.

I also think that I have done it seamlessly.

In fact, Huang Qian had betrayed him a long time ago.

Huang Qian graduated from college and was unwilling to be a junior, so she had already demonstrated with Ning Mengqiu.

Every time Zheng Wu found an excuse to go to Huang Qian's place for overtime, Huang Qian would call Ning Mengqiu to demonstrate.

also mocked her for being an old woman.

Constantly hit her.


Once, Xiao Qian was injured by a classmate at school, Ning Mengqiu called Zheng Wu, but he didn't come over under the pretext of working overtime.

Ning Mengqiu was disappointed.

Later, she took photos of Zheng Wu and Huang Qian in front of him.

And calmly file for divorce.

She told Zheng Wu that in fact, Huang Qian showed off to her as soon as she hooked up with him.

So she knew about this from the beginning that the reason why she didn't fall out was just for the sake of her son and the love between the two of them.

Zheng Wu was very angry and threatened to settle accounts with Huang Qian.

But within two days, he was coaxed by Huang Qian.

Ning Mengqiu knew that this person still had a bit of brains.

However, she is already planning to divorce, and this matter has been discussed, and the two can't go on.

Ning Mengqiu said: "I won't make a fuss about this matter, I hope we can get together and disperse, and I won't stop you from pursuing the happiness you want."

I have three requests, my son belongs to me, I will pay monthly child support, and I will go to see my son more in my free time.

Although we are divorced, he is still your own son, you are not qualified to be a husband, I hope you are not too bad as a father! I don't want our divorce to cause too much harm to my son! ”

Zheng Wu agreed.

Because of guilt, he transferred the house worth 1.6 million to Ning Mengqiu, and only drove the car away.

Looking at the back of him leaving, Ning Mengqiu sneered.

She's playing a game of chess.

No woman can calmly accept her husband's cheating, and she has been provoked by the mistress.


Ning Mengqiu knew that there was no way to solve the trouble, the matter was already like this, and if it was troubled, it would only make Zheng Wu disgusted.

Rather than this, it is better to make him feel guilty.

Facts have proved that Ning Mengqiu did the right thing.

After the divorce, Dan Fan's son was a little sick and in pain, so she called Zheng Wu without thinking about it and asked him to come over to deal with it.

Men are so weird.

When he was stealing, he seemed to forget that he had a son, and once he succeeded, he felt that he should be a good father.

So for Ning Mengqiu's every request, he would not refuse.

But Huang Qian quit.

She made trouble with Zheng Wu.

In addition, before the two got married, Ning Mengqiu intentionally or unintentionally mentioned Zheng Wu, saying that he would get married as soon as he divorced, which was not good for his career.

Zheng Wu also thought that Ning Mengqiu was thinking about him.

gave up the idea of marrying Huang Qian.

But I don't know what method Huang Qian used, but she still asked Zheng Wu to testify with her.

It's just that the two didn't hold a banquet, so others didn't know that they had actually received the certificate.

Because of this, Huang Qian has resentment in her heart, she is the junior in the upper position, and she must be worried about whether it can be made public.

As a result, in the end, even if you get the certificate, you still hide it, how can you be happy?

So every time Ning Mengqiu called, Huang Qian would definitely make a big fuss.


Zheng Wu drove the mother and son to the hospital.

The doctor examined them, prescribed some medicine and let them go back.

In the car, Zheng Wu looked at Ning Mengqiu through the rearview mirror, saw that her face was tired, and said, "You can sleep in the car, and I'll call you when it's time." ”

Ning Mengqiu responded softly, hugged her son and leaned on the back seat to squint and rest.

The car arrived soon, and looking at the sleeping two, Zheng Wu got out of the car and smoked a cigarette.

He hadn't enjoyed such a moment of calm in a long time.

Since divorcing Ning Mengqiu and marrying Huang Qian, he thought he was a winner in life.

The ex-wife is gentle and sensible, and she doesn't cry or make trouble when she finds out that she is cheating.

The lover is young and energetic.

Life is simply not too cool.

But it didn't take long for him to think wrong.

Since remarrying, Huang Qian has changed as a different person, suspicious all day long.

If you are dissatisfied, you will make trouble with him.

He began to regret marrying her!


There was a sound of the car opening the door.

Zheng Wu looked back and saw Ning Mengqiu getting out of the car with the child in his arms.

"I'm bothering you again today." Ning Mengqiu looked a little embarrassed.

The words spoken were gentle and gentle, making Zheng Wu shake his mind for a moment.

There was a buzzing sound from the phone in his trouser pocket, and a bright light was streaming through his trouser pocket.

Zheng Wu was a little annoyed and didn't plan to take it out to see it.

It is estimated that it is Huang Qian.

From the time he went out until now, Huang Qian didn't know how many calls he had made, as soon as he answered, there would be a roar.

Zheng Wu was impatient and simply put his phone on silent.

But Huang Qian didn't give up and fought hard.

Ning Mengqiu also saw it, she asked Zheng Wu to go back first, and she could take care of her son herself.

Zheng Wu had no intention of leaving.

"Xiao Qian is sick, you can't be busy alone, I'll take care of it with you."

Ning Mengqiu tugged at the corners of his mouth where he couldn't see it.

Softly agreed.

That night, Zheng Wu did not go back.

I didn't leave until dawn.


Huang Qian's phone called.

Ning Mengqiu saw that it was an unfamiliar number and answered.

Hearing that it was Huang Qian's voice, she didn't want to hang up directly.

She was quite smart, knowing that she had blocked her and changed her number to call.

However, she was not obligated to answer her calls and endure her abuse.

In the past, she was suffering every night, but now it's time for Huang Qian to experience it.

In the evening, Zheng Wu drove over and stood downstairs looking up, as if he was thinking about not being able to get up.

After thinking for a moment, he locked the car and walked up the stairs.

Ning Mengqiu's phone just rang, she took a look at it and felt that the number was a little familiar.

I didn't even think about picking it up.

The other head roared: "Is Zheng Wu there with you?" Why are you so shameless, you are both divorced, and you are still pestering him! ”

Ning Mengqiu's face was cold, and his tone was cold: "Zheng Wu is an adult, it's up to me to decide where he wants to go, he came to me, you didn't look for his fault, but called me to question me?" ”

The other end seemed to be a little broken: "But he doesn't answer when I call him, he doesn't answer my phone!" ”

"What does that have to do with me, your own man can't be found, you call me, isn't it ridiculous?"

Ning Mengqiu hung up the phone coldly.

I can't suppress the joy in my heart, the show is about to be staged!


Zheng Wu said that he hadn't eaten dinner yet, and Ning Mengqiu pushed the boat down the river to leave him here for dinner.

Halfway through the meal, there was a banging knock at the door.

Hammer louder than louder.

Accompanied by a scolding voice: "Ning Mengqiu, you come out, you jian person, hook. Lead other people's husbands, you want to be shameless! ”

Zheng Wu's face was ugly.

looked at Ning Mengqiu apologetically.

The latter furrowed an eyebrow.

Ning Mengqiu got up and went to open the door.

As soon as Huang Qian saw her outside the door, she immediately wanted to slap her, but Ning Mengqiu grabbed her and threw her back with all her strength, but Huang Qian fell to the ground.

"Go crazy and get out, don't come to my house!"

Zheng Wu walked out of the living room with a gloomy face: "What are you doing here!" ”

Huang Qian got up, her face full of anger: "Okay, you are really here, stealing from this woman behind my back. Love, you want to be shameless! ”

"Zheng Wu is the child's father, what's wrong with him coming to see the child? But you, who have the right to stop him from coming to see the child? Ning Mengqiu looked provocative.

Huang Qian was successfully provoked, she came to Ning Mengqiu and wanted to beat her.

was stopped by Zheng Wu, pushed hard, and said to her angrily: "Look what you look like, hurry up and get me back, otherwise I will divorce you!" ”

Huang Qian was afraid that Zheng Wu would really divorce her, even if she was dissatisfied, she could only hate to leave.


After she left, Zheng Wu looked apologetic.

Ning Mengqiu's face was not very good, and she could see that she was very angry.

Zheng Wu grabbed her hand: "Xiaomeng, or let's remarry!" ”

Ning Mengqiu was stunned for a moment, and quietly withdrew her hand.

Zheng Wu didn't care, and continued: "Since I married Huang Qian, I only know that she knows that she is suspicious.

Suspect me all day long, suspect me and that, but whenever I am a little abnormal, just mess with me.

It's like a shrew, I'm really fed up, I used to be blind and divorce you for a woman like her!

But it's not too late, let's get married! I know, you still have mine in your heart, don't you? ”

Ning Mengqiu sneered in her heart.

Where did he get the confidence to think that she still had him in her heart?

This man is disgusting.

It's obvious that he forced people to become shrews, but he never found the reason in himself.

That's true.

Marrying a good man can spoil a woman, and marrying a bad man can drive a woman crazy.

If you jump out of the fire pit, there is no reason to jump into it again.


Ning Mengqiu thought that in order to take a breath, she actually pulled with a woman like Huang Qian, which made Zheng Wu misunderstand.

It's disgusting.

Actually, everything makes no sense.

It's time for her to let go.

For such a wavering man, it's not worth her trouble.

After figuring it out, the expression on Ning Mengqiu's face suddenly turned cold.

"What nonsense are you talking about, you're married, we can't be. Your wife is still waiting for you at home, so you should come here as little as possible in the future.

As for the son, you can see him twice a month, and I will send him there when the time comes. ”

"Can I get a divorce......"

Ning Mengqiu looked at him like a piece of garbage: "We'll stop here." ”

With that, she turned and went into the house and closed the door.

Since then, she has lived with her son in peace.

Anyway, after the divorce, she has a house and savings in her hands, and it is not difficult to support her and her son.

There's no need to block yourself for a man.

There is no need to entangle with rotten people in order to take a breath.


[This content is a fictional story, please read it rationally, do not sit in the right seat]