
Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

author:Uncle Luo Ying
Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

The prostate gland is arguably one of the most valuable organs in a man, and if something goes wrong with it, it doesn't taste good.

But in our daily lives, most people lack the common sense of these organs to protect their organs, and they don't wake up until they are in pain.

I advise men that the 5 behaviors they usually do are quietly destroying the prostate! Know early, benefit early.

Let's talk about the prostate

There is a saying on the Internet: "Life is like urine", from a drooping teenager to an elderly person, he has been troubled by "urine" all his life.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

Xu Guoliang, a doctor in the Department of Urology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University, once mentioned such a real case.

The patient, Lao Zhang (pseudonym), is a 70-year-old retired worker who has been busy with work since he was young, and wants to live a stable life when he is old.

But this simple wish was not realized, and I don't know when he always encountered problems in the toilet.

Every time I felt the urge to urinate, I rushed to the toilet desperately, but I stood in front of the urinal for most of the day, and I didn't see a drop.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

The legs standing were sore, so I put on my pants and left, but as soon as I stepped out of the toilet door, the urge to urinate came up again.

If you haven't experienced this kind of taste, you don't know how painful this situation is, and you're scared when you see the toilet all day long.

In this regard, Lao Zhang also sighed: "I think I was a windward pee back then, but now I am wetting my shoes with the wind." ”

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

In order to find out the cause of this symptom, Lao Zhang consulted a lot of information and taught himself about health care, but he failed to answer the doubts in his heart.

Finally, I consulted the doctor and found out that he had prostatic hyperplasia, which was related to the bad habits of his youth.

The doctor's diagnosis made Lao Zhang feel even more confused, he didn't do anything when he was young, why did he commit this crime as soon as he got old?

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

It turns out that the prostate gland is responsible for the frontmost end of the urine outlet, so the medical community named it "prostate", and the specific location is deep in the pelvis under the lower abdomen, the front and lower of the bladder, and it is exclusive to men.

In short, the prostate gland is hidden deeply, it cannot be seen or touched, but it plays an important role in the urinary tract, and the urine produced by our human kidneys after filtration will flow through the ureters into the bladder, which is equivalent to a large pool of water that can store urine.

We know that the bladder is elastic, and as more and more urine is collected, it will swell, swell to a certain extent, which will stimulate the brain, and at this time, it will produce "urine".

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

When urinating, the prostate organ opens the "valve", the sphincter opens, and the natural contraction of the bladder allows urine to be slowly excreted.

It is worth mentioning that the prostate of a normal person, the shape of which is similar to that of a chestnut, will undergo subtle changes as it ages, and this change is mainly related to people's living habits.

1. Sedentary lifestyle

In modern society, many people sit in the office, and often sit in the office for a day.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

Even if you stand at work, then when you go home, you will sit down when you are chasing dramas and playing games, and you have to sit for a few hours, but you don't know that sitting still for a long time is extremely harmful to prostate health.

According to the sitting posture of most people, the prostate gland is likely to be compressed by weight when sitting, but it also needs fresh blood to constantly "nourish", so over time, blood circulation is blocked, and congestion and edema are inevitable.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

If you are a man with a large body weight, the prostate gland is compressed, and after sitting for a long time, you may even have pain in the lower abdomen when you stand up, which is a signal that the prostate is sending a warning to the body.

The prostate is not like other organs, it reacts to a little stimulation, it is usually a long-term bad habit, resulting in problems with the prostate, when you perceive symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, and painful urination, it means that the prostate has been "abused" for a long time.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

That's why it is recommended that no matter how busy you are at work, you should give yourself a little time to relax, such as sitting for an hour, and getting up and moving for at least 5 minutes to ensure that the body gets sufficient blood circulation, which is very helpful to protect the prostate organs.

If you really can't find time to get up and move, you should also find a way to create comfortable conditions, such as choosing a comfortable and breathable chair, and try to keep the base of your thighs in the air to minimize the pressure of your upper body weight on the prostate organs.

2. Addiction to holding urine

Regarding the matter of holding urine, I believe many people have had similar experiences, lying in bed in winter and not wanting to get up, in the tense examination room, long-distance passenger buses, scenic spots can not find toilets, etc., all in all, sometimes there is really no way, can only hold back.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

As we mentioned earlier, the bladder can be seen as a human intelligent water bag, which has a very sensitive alarm system, when there is more and more urine in the bladder, the baroreceptors of the bladder wall will be stretched.

At this time, organs such as the bladder and prostate will send a series of "emergency signals" to the brain, telling you to hurry to the toilet, to put it bluntly, this signaling mechanism is essentially a self-protection mechanism of the body to prevent damage caused by excessive bladder distension.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

However, on some special occasions, we do not have the conditions to urinate immediately, so the brain can only choose to ignore the command to "go to the toilet", and may not notice any discomfort in the body at first.

However, as the bladder expands more and more, the autonomic nervous system in the body will activate the "emergency mode", and people who hold urine will feel their hearts beat faster, sweat, and even nervous, and they will unconsciously twist their bodies.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

This is because the pelvic floor muscles and sphincter muscles need to be tightened during the process of holding urine, otherwise urine will flow out of the urinary tract gap, and prolonged muscle tension will inevitably lead to local soreness, which may even spread to the lower abdomen and waist.

At this time, you will feel that the whole body is "tense", and the discomfort of the body will be brought into the brain, which will then cause psychological pressure, making you feel more anxious and uneasy when holding urine, as if all the attention is focused on the "urgency to urinate".

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

The project is almost over, hold it for a while, the game is playing to a critical moment, hold it for a while, the movie is about to climax, hold it for a while...... Sometimes we even have the illusion that if we hold our urine for a long time, we will even exercise our bladder, and next time we will hold it for longer.

So, the prostate silently carries everything for you, and when holding urine becomes a habit, the body will make you pay, especially the prostate, which is an important "valve" of the urinary tract.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

Where did all the urine go? Urine will definitely not disappear out of thin air, it can only be in the bladder, but due to mental fatigue, the brain is used to this feeling of holding urine, and the next time even if the bladder is full, there is no strong urge to urinate.

So we must be careful, no matter how important the matter at hand is, we must make time to expel urine and reduce the burden on the prostate and bladder, not to mention that after the body is emptied, we can also concentrate more and do a good job.

3. Tobacco and alcohol

In the world of men, "tobacco and alcohol" are probably the two indispensable social weapons.

Especially on social occasions, even if you don't usually smoke or drink, you will force yourself to smoke and drink for the sake of etiquette, and some people are even addicted to these bad habits.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

But many people don't know that whether it is tobacco or alcohol, the threat to human health is great, and the World Health Organization has long released data that alcohol is a class of carcinogens with a safe intake of 0.

Generally speaking, it is harmful to drink a drop, there is no such thing as drinking pleasure, and now there are many wines that are not made of food at all, they are all blended with various industrial food additives, and drinking them is more harmful to the body.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

Modern science believes that alcohol itself is a diuretic, and many people drink beer at night market stalls in summer, and many people drink more than they drink, which will lead to overstimulation of the bladder, which will affect the health of the prostate.

Not to mention cigarettes, smoking is harmful to health, our country requires that it must be printed on cigarette boxes, tobacco contains nicotine, tar and other substances, which will affect various organs of the body, and the prostate is no exception.

Fourth, stay up late and return late

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus once recorded a story in his book Histories: a soothsayer told Pharaoh that Pharaoh had only six years left to live.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

When Pharaoh heard this, he was horrified, so he immediately ordered that the servants should light torches in his palace every night, so that night would become day, and his six years would become twelve.

Staying up late for a long time, the pharaoh's physical condition can be imagined, but the pharaoh could not have imagined that thousands of years later, in modern society, there are a large number of people who follow in his footsteps and stay up at night into daytime, especially young social groups.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

Many people think that the time during the day is used for work, and only the time at night is their own, so the "revenge" use of the night to do their own things, and staying up late is inadvertent.

However, staying up late will cause a series of endocrine problems, and the prostate gland should be resting at sunset, but it can only continue to be tight with the owner, and it is easy to get sick after a long time.

Fifth, personal hygiene is not done well

The last point is also crucial, and many people ignore it, when you usually take a bath, you must pay attention to hygiene.

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent

Although the prostate gland is hidden deep inside, it will carry the disease to the prostate organ through urinary tract infection, which is inevitable.

Remind everyone that if you feel unwell, you should go to the hospital for regular treatment as soon as possible, and after a period of conditioning, most of the symptoms can be well alleviated.

Uncle Luo Ying

Edited by Uncle Luo Ying


People's Daily Online's report on "Issue 26: A Men's Must See: 5 Signals of Prostatic Hyperplasia".

Advice to men: quit these 5 behaviors now! It is "pitting" the prostate! Don't be too indulgent
