
Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years

Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years


2024-06-21 10:09Published on the official account of the "Sports Talk" column of Tencent News and Sports in Beijing

Written by丨Horsen

Editor丨Si Hang Yu

Who is Sun Hongran?

This question has suddenly become a hot search in sports news in the past two days.

It turned out that the official website of the Chinese Football Association published a penalty announcement that a player named Sun Hongran was banned for one month for falsifying his name.

Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years

The matter of "name fraud" sounds fresh, what is the need for name fraud? What does this have to do with playing football?

01 Name fraud? It's just a new symptom of an old problem

To be honest, the content of the Football Association's announcement is really very simple, so simple that it barely reveals too much useful information, just to say that after verification, Sun Hongran has falsified his name, so he is hereby punished.

But combined with another announcement, it is easy for us to see the clues of the matter - players Huang Yujie and Yu Weijing have age fraud and have been banned for 2 months.

So Sun Hongran's name fraud is actually clear at a glance, it is nothing more than a change of name, which is more convenient for age fraud. The difference is only that the two players, Huang and Yu, use their real names, but change their ages; Sun Hongran seems to have changed his name and age together.

In order to play a game, you don't even want your real name, you don't even want your surname, this thing sounds exaggerated, but it has been practiced for a long time.

For example, Fan Dongqing, who was selected for the 1989 age group of national youth, played in the Chinese Super League for several years, Fan Dongqing was "gone", and a Wang Fan in 1987 appeared, Fan Dongqing and Wang Fan successively played for Chongqing Lifan, Guizhou and other teams.

For another example, Luneng Football School once had a 1999 striker Ding Qilong, and after this name suddenly "disappeared", a 1998 Tian Xin appeared, and Tian Xin is still playing in the low-level league in Shandong.

Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years

Tian Xin/Ding Qilong

There is also Li Jinglin, who was selected for Zheng Xiong's 1990 age group, and later changed back to 1989 and changed his name to Cui Ren. Cui Ren's process of changing his name and surname is even more outrageous, according to his own words: the coach stuffed himself with a participation card of a player named Li Jinglin, and asked him to use it as a basis to report to the national youth. As soon as Cui Ren saw that the name was not his own, he didn't want to go. After being scolded by the coach, he reluctantly boarded the train to Guangzhou for training, but he regretted it as soon as the train came out of the station, but he didn't have the courage to jump home. In this way, Cui Ren played the Asian Junior Championship with Li Jinglin's name.

From Fan Dongqing to Ding Qilong, from Li Jinglin to Sun Hongran, why do you want to make a fake name instead of directly falsifying your age?

It turns out that for a long time in the past, when Chinese players participated in competitions, they used the personal files provided by the local youth team to verify their identity, and there was a lot of room for operation.

In the era when Wei Di and Cai Zhenhua were in charge of the Football Association, it was the insistence of these two that led the Chinese Football Association to adopt a very important policy - the verification of players' identity information is linked to household registration.

Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years

Cai Zhenhua and Wei Di

Since then, the Football Association has abandoned the past paper participation card, but launched a new information platform for player information registration, and even the pre-game player verification is also connected to the public security bureau's large database online, directly compared with personal ID cards.

At the same time, the country's household registration management has also entered the paperless information age, and if you want to modify the key content of your identity information (age, place of birth, etc.), you must provide the corresponding certificate to the household registration police station.

This has led to a significant increase in the cost of age fraud – in the past, only local youth teams needed to be dealt with, but now the household registration public security system needs to be managed – so it has become relatively easy to replace a person of the right age through name fraud.

Therefore, the so-called "name fraud" is just a new symptom of the old problem of "age fraud" in the new era.

02 Age fraud, an unavoidable chronic disease

Needless to say, age fraud in Chinese sports is not only widespread, but also very serious.

There is a joke in the basketball circle, except for Yao Ming, who was on the news when he was born, other players, from Yi Jianlian, Wang Zhizhi, Battle and other stars, to ordinary CBA players, the two hands involved in the age turmoil can't be counted.

Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years

The story of the young Yao Ming made headlines in local media newspapers

There are countless examples on the football side, in addition to the aforementioned Zhang Xiuwei, the well-known Gao Hongbo Gao coach, who was born in 1966, but participated in the U19 game in 1987.

and Deng Lejun, a teammate of Gao Gui in Guoan, has changed his age three times, playing U17, U19 and the National Games......

Fan Zhiyi, Jiang Jin, and Li Bing were at the National Olympics, and it is no longer a secret that the birth age was changed to 1969 when registering; Even the 1985 national youth who shined in the World Youth Championships, there are Chen Tao, Zhao Xuri and others who are rumored to have age problems.

Even in today's Chinese Super League, Li Shenglong and Hu Ruibao have been punished by the Football Association for age fraud.

Age fraud has long been a chronic disease of Chinese football, and its birth history is even earlier than the A League itself.

Although there are fewer such things after the introduction of bone age measurement and the linkage between player information verification and household registration, there are still more than one prohibition, especially in the youth training area - after all, the advantage of playing big and small in the youth training game is too big, and the supervision is a little looser, and there will always be people who use their brains.

However, there are more stories in the National Games about age fraud.

The reason is that the National Games is of special significance to the evaluation of local sports bureaus, so it is needless to say. The second is that the age access card of the National Games is quite dead, and it is not possible to do it for one more day, but the interesting thing is that the verification is very loose, and I am not willing to have one more procedure......

Under the superposition of the two, of course, some people have gone down the road of age fraud.

In fact, once most players talk about age fraud, they are also helpless - if you don't cheat, maybe you can't even kick the ball, and sometimes even the leader takes the initiative to help you cheat, what can you do?

In the past, the Chinese Football Association formed a national youth team to participate in the 2008 U16 Asian Youth Championship, a player who was born in 1993, when he signed up for the U19 Asian Youth Championship, the identity registration information became 1992, the problem is that this confidence does not match the date of birth left when the player participated in the 2009 AFC Champions League, which is exposed.

After the incident, the Chinese Football Association was punished by the AFC and lost face......

Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years

03 The death of non-professionalism, the old tune of helplessness is repeated

From the above examples, of course, we can easily see that the matter of age fraud does not have much substantial benefit for professional clubs - the bulk of the income is naturally the local sports bureau, the youth training in the system, and the leading comrades who need various "political achievements".

Professional sports, which are market-oriented and commercialized, are actually more concerned about the individual abilities of players.

Therefore, the more non-professional sports are, the higher the benefits of age fraud; On the contrary, in a highly professional sports environment, the sensitivity to age is not so high, and the willingness to cheat is not so high, after all, over the years, I have not heard of a player who has played in a professional league before starting age fraud.

The disadvantages of age fraud are obvious - fraudulent players crowd out the resources of players of the right age, bad money drives out good money, and the youth training environment is destroyed......

But the problem now is that the general environment is not good, and good money is scarce, almost equal to none, so we can only use bad money to paint it and barely put it on - this can be regarded as a kind of Chinese-style black humor.

The fundamental reason why age fraud has always existed, especially after the paperless bone age measurement and registration information, is that the professionalism of our league is not thorough enough, the managers do not pay attention to the long-term development of the league, and the club does not care about the construction of youth training.

Although it is not easy to completely eradicate this kind of thing because of personal self-interest, it has been until now, even elite players in the league like Li Shenglong have to cheat their age in order to participate in the National Games - you might as well guess, is this the original intention of the players, or is there some other reason?

Prescription? Naturally, there is.

However, the old tune of "separation of management and management" is repeated, and it is said every day, every month, and it is said too many times, and it will inevitably become more and more boring, so I can only haha and sing a cool autumn.

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  • Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years
  • Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years
  • Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years
  • Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years
  • Behind the Football Association's punishment of "name fraud", there is a stubborn disease of Chinese football for 40 years

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