
The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

author:The third son of the ball king

Zhao Benshan, the once famous sketch king, also engaged in football for a period of time, which is a special "stylistic love", but the fate is only 180 days. After that, Uncle Benshan quickly withdrew.

After quitting football, Zhao Benshan once expressed his emotion: "Chinese football is a good dish, but the chopsticks that add the dish are poisonous." ”

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

Just this sentence, compared to some football bigwigs, I don't know how high the realm of celebrities throwing the pot to the whole society and the whole of China at every turn.

Zhao Benshan, the sketch king who was once dominant and popular all over the country, how could he suddenly come to stir up the troubled waters of Chinese football? In the end, I was embarrassed and almost lost my life, so let's review that history today and re-feel the bottomless darkness of Chinese football.

The reaction of human civilization after the secret of the dark forest in the second part of "The Three-Body Problem" was revealed: black! It's dark!

Wandering Liaozu, Benshan took over

In 2003, Liaozu, which could not get sponsorship, was acquired by Sanyuan Group, forced to change its name to Beijing Sanyuan Team, and entered the Beijing football market.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

But the Beijing circle is not so easy to mix. There is Guoan, an orthodox Beijing team, which harvests a large number of fans and considers itself the "eldest son", so the team from other places can only be reduced to a "concubine" born to a concubine who is not loved by anyone.

Due to the lack of a sense of belonging and the support of the fans, the Beijing Sanyuan team has never been able to gain a foothold in the capital, so it has become a "wandering Liaozu" with no fixed place.

With the intervention of the Sports Bureau, the poor homeless team went around and returned to their hometown of Liaoning. However, the team's financial problems are serious and it is struggling, and it urgently needs a real destiny to help it fill the funding gap and get on the right track.

At this time, a man appeared. He is the famous sketch king Zhao Benshan.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

Zhao Benshan, an orphan who grew up from a snack of 100 meals, and finally grew into Taishan Beidou in the entertainment circle, is a household name, and women and children know it, such a life is too legendary.

Zhao Benshan in 2005 was at the peak of his career, and he was the only big boss in the Spring Festival Gala. In the song "Northeast Northeast" sung by Zhang Dongling back then, there was a lyric in it that was tampered with like this: After passing the Shanhaiguan, I will find Zhao Benshan.

After that, this sentence was widely circulated, which shows the influence of the sketch king back then.

So such a man of the year settled in Liaozu, the fans were naturally thunderous and very optimistic, is there anything else in this world that Zhao Benshan can't solve?

Zhao Benshan and Liaozu held hands, thanks to Zhang Shuguang, general manager of Liaozu.

Zhang Shuguang, a double doctor of law and economics, has a lot of ideas and first-class ability to fool, and he did not give up on himself in the desperate situation of the team, but looked for money everywhere to help the team get through the difficulties.

is also the persistent Zhang Shuguang who is lucky. At the beginning of 2005, Zhang Shuguang, who was on a business trip to Beijing, met Zhao Benshan at a wine party, and Xu Ming, the boss of the Dalian team, was also present.

While the wine was hot, the three of them chatted about football. Zhao Benshan said that he liked football and had feelings for the Liaoning team through wine, and the speaker had no intention of listening, and this drunken sentence was firmly remembered by Zhang Shuguang.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

Since then, Zhang Shuguang has frequently "flattered" Zhao Benshan and worked hard to persuade Zhao Benshan to join Liaozu. With his three-inch tongue, Zhang Shuguang spat and promised all kinds of benefits, among which there were two reasons that deeply moved Zhao Benshan: first, Liaozu can use its own brand resources to attract students for Benshan; Second, obtain part of the equity of Liaozu and the management and decision-making power of the club.

So Zhao Benshan was moved. A month later, Zhang Shuguang waited for Zhao Benshan's affirmative reply: "You can cooperate with Liaozu." So Zhao Benshan invested 5000W at once and became the chairman of Liaozu.

Since then, Zhao Benshan, the omnipotent sketch king in the entertainment industry, has entered Chinese football.

What he didn't expect was that Uncle Benshan, who often fooled others on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, was fooled this time, and the reality was much more complicated and exciting than the twists and turns of the sketch.

Full of ambition, match-fixing suspicions

Zhao Benshan, who had just taken over Liaozu, put on a posture of rolling up his sleeves and working hard. In June 2005, Chairman Zhao, who took office, made a generous speech at a press conference, and he was overwhelmed with all kinds of bold words, saying:

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

First, we will never owe you your wages, and if you can't pay the money, I will pay for you; Second, what are the difficulties to solve, foreign aid cannot be changed for foreign aid, coaches cannot change coaches, in two years, Liaozu has returned to the top three; Third, I am not here to fool everyone, but to help Chinese football sincerely, and I hope everyone will cooperate with each other and work together.

Looking back now, these words are like a career prospect for a college student who has just entered the workplace and has not been beaten by society, but the speaker is Zhao Benshan, who has the capital and confidence.

Soon, Boss Zhao, who was calling for wind and rain on the rivers and lakes, brought a sponsorship fee of 15 million yuan from Zhongyu Automobile for Liaozu, and the big guy made a big move.

After that, Zhao Benshan used his connections in the entertainment industry to bring a group of performing arts stars to the home stadium of Liaozu to cheer for the team. In the game with Shanghai Zhongbang, stars Fan Wei, Na Ying, Man Wenjun, Jiang Kun, etc. all appeared in the audience, all of them heavyweights.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

In a sports game, a bunch of popular acting stars in the audience shouted and cheered, this is the treatment only in the NBA finals, and I am afraid that Liao football players can't even think of it before the game.

But in a football game, no matter how big the pomp is, strength speaks. At that time, Liaozu was a veritable weak team, and in that game, Liaozu played against the same weak team of the Zhongbang team, and the two sides played a calm and lackluster game, and finally shook hands 1:1.

The 1:1 draw made Zhao Benshan very dissatisfied, and what made him even more angry was that he felt that there were major problems with the team's technical and tactical play and the attitude of some players. So soon after, head coach Wang Hongli was disgraced, and player Wang Liang was almost punished by three suspensions (suspension of salary, suspension, suspension of training).

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

Zhao Benshan's resolute and iron-fisted methods shocked the team very much, which was too far from the humorous and humorous and cute image of the people on the sketch stage, and the players were silent. It seems that Zhao Benshan is really not just playing.

Soon after, Liaozu challenged Dalian Shide away team. At that time, Dalian Shide was a A giant, there was no opponent in Chinese football, and the result of the game was without suspense, and Liaozu suffered a 0:5 defeat.

This time, Zhao Benshan fired at Xu Liang, who is known as "Tsui Keham". At the wine table, he pointed his nose and scolded Xu Liang for playing match-fixing.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?
The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

In the face of Zhao Dong's angry reprimand, Xu Liang could only promise to keep apologizing, constantly holding a wine glass to apologize.

Zhao Benshan's suspicion that the team is playing match-fixing is justified. In the 1:1 draw with Shanghai Zhongbang, the change of the game situation was surprisingly consistent with the change of the betting handicap, losing Dalian Shide 0:5, Xu Liang's several unbelievable mistakes puzzled the audience.

Therefore, Zhao Benshan's anger like a tiger actually represents the anger of the majority of fans who really love football.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

But Zhao Benshan is the chairman of the team and can use his power to set things right, but strange and bizarre things followed.

Caught in a puzzle and disheartened

Soon after Zhao Benshan took over the team, Sanyuan Group, Wanlin Group, and Olympic Sports Center launched a lawsuit of tens of millions of yuan against Liaozu.

It turned out that what Zhao Benshan inherited was not only a team with low morale, bottom-down results, and urgent need for rectification, but a huge mess of shit.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

This is clearly a dilapidated house that is about to collapse, looking for a big head to fight the thunder. Although Zhao Benshan regretted it, he could only bear it hard. But fortunately, Zhao Benshan is not an ordinary person, but a strong and popular comedy star all over the country.

But the more you play, the more wrong it becomes. Zhao Benshan felt that he had no real power, and there seemed to be an invisible force behind him, and he was partnered with Zhang Shuguang, the executive director who was pushed to the front desk and was like a pawn, Zhao Benshan didn't even know who the big guy behind him was.

In order to thoroughly understand the club's debts and rights and responsibilities, Zhao Benshan began to thoroughly investigate the club's historical financial trends and interviewed some players, so a deeper inside story was dug up.

It turned out that the club sold people a few years ago, and hundreds of millions of funds did not know where it went.

The amount of this funding gap is too large, and Zhao Benshan, who has a lot of money, was also shocked into a cold sweat.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

In December 2005, at the shareholders' meeting of Liaoning Kaiyuan, the contradiction between Zhao Benshan and the shareholders behind him broke out completely.

So Zhao Benshan proposed a plan to let the shareholders behind him make additional investment, or let the shareholders sell their shares, and let people who know the ball manage it. This is a naked force to the big guy behind the back.

The big guy behind him was unwilling to give in, and immediately proposed a-for-tat plan, that is, to sell equity, but Zhao Benshan must invest another 15 million to solve the club's funding problem.

Zhao Benshan's heart was completely cold, and at this moment he finally realized how deep the water of Chinese football is.

First draw a beautiful blueprint for you, fool you into the set, invest money, but the return is far away, when you want to stop in time to return the principal, but tell you that you need to continue to increase investment...... This is Chinese football, and this is clearly the routine of the MLM organization.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

"Match-fixing suspicions" and "debt turmoil" are problems that Zhao Benshan feels powerless to solve.

Zhao Benshan, who was full of pride before entering the pit, was finally blown out by reality, and the disheartened Zhao Benshan had the idea of retreating. The sketch king who is calling for wind and rain in the entertainment circle, in front of the foggy and bottomless Chinese football, he has to bow his arrogant head.

But the big guy behind him didn't want to let go of Zhao Benshan so easily, and they released the news of Zhao Benshan's withdrawal in advance. In December 2005 in Northeast Liaoning, a group of shirtless fans went to the door of the hotel where the filming crew of "Ma Dashuai" was located to besiege Zhao Benshan, pull banners, and shout slogans.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

Break in with enthusiasm, but it's not so easy to get out. Zhao Benshan finally saw clearly that football is a black hole that will never be filled, and if he doesn't quit, not only will his reputation be ruined, but even the net worth of half a lifetime of struggle will have to be put in, and the main business of filming will be delayed.

So Zhao Benshan learned from the pain, broke his arm to survive, and stopped the loss in time, under Zhang Shuguang's bitter pleading, Zhao Benshan withdrew his heart and withdrew from Liaozu.

Since then, the fate of sketch king Zhao Benshan and Chinese football has come to an end. From the ambitious takeover to the disgraced withdrawal, it was only 6 months and 180 days.

Talking about the change of color of the ball, I have palpitations

As the Taishan Beidou in the entertainment industry, Zhao Benshan's cross-border takeover of football is not completely a whim. As early as 2004, Zhao Benshan said in an interview: "Football is the most attractive sport in the world. ”

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

So Zhao Benshan can be regarded as an amateur pseudo-fan, but ordinary fans can only shout slogans and cheer, and Uncle Benshan has a broad network and huge resources, which can support him to play football and manage a team.

Therefore, Zhao Benshan's original intention to take over Liaozu is the same as the original intention of the fans, that is, a wonderful game and good-looking results.

However, Uncle Benshan was ignorant, and came in with the heart of a fan, only to find that this is a place full of lies, plots, conspiracies, palace fights, and traps everywhere.

This is the tip of the iceberg in the inside story of Chinese football, Zhao Benshan had to gasp after discovering the truth, retreated in time, and vowed never to touch football again in the future, and left a sentence: "The water is too deep, the football is too dirty." ”

And Liaozu finally turned against Zhao Benshan, and the high-level posted that Zhao Benshan's contribution to Liaozu was zero, negating all Zhao Benshan's efforts, and saying that Zhao Benshan was a-stirring stick.

Zhao Benshan no longer responded, and even said in the show: When you see the football station, you must change it.

The past of the national football team: How did Chinese football, which does not enter with oil and salt, fool Zhao Benshan and become lame?

After quitting for many years, Zhao Benshan talked about the experience of that year and sighed: "Chinese football is like a big plate, there are a lot of dishes in it, and a lot of chopsticks are stretched in to hold delicious dishes. If the dishes are clean and everyone has washed their chopsticks, then the dish will be delicious. But the hateful thing is that these chopsticks are poisonous, the result is not only to pollute the dish, but also to other chopsticks, so it is not interesting to stir it in, Chinese football is a good dish, but the people involved in it have played it badly, and they have to be in the same stream to engage in football, and they must be crooked and evil, I will not play evil, so we will not play.

Therefore, football completely broke Zhao Benshan's heart.

Even the king of comedy can't handle Chinese football, which shows how muddy the water is in the football industry.

Football originated in the West and was a popular sport for the working class and toiling masses. It doesn't have any threshold, a pair of sneakers, a leather ball, an open field can be played, you can make ordinary children happy all day, it is not like golf, racing and other aristocratic sports, you need to buy expensive equipment, but in China, it is firmly in the hands of some people, become a tool for them to launder money and make profits.

Later, they crippled football and did not want to endure the infamy, so they hired a group of people who shook their lips and threw the pot to the whole society, all the fans, saying that the Chinese were not good at playing football and were not suitable for football, and the national football team was our child, and scolding the national football team was equivalent to scolding themselves.

Ridiculous no? Ridiculous no?

Chinese football is a good dish, but the chopsticks that add the dish and the people who eat the dish are poisonous.

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