
China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

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The Chinese's dream of running to the moon is about to come true!

On June 14, 2024, CCTV news broke the news that the overall plan and key technologies of the mainland's new generation of manned lunar landing rocket were announced, and the experiment of the power system of the first sub-stage rocket was a complete success, which means that the manned lunar landing is no longer a dream and will soon become a reality.

Seeing that China's manned landing on the moon is progressing so rapidly, it directly stunned the United States and Russia.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

China's manned lunar landing program announced

The Moon, compared to other planets in the solar system, is neither large nor inconspicuous. But since ancient times, the moon seems to have a special attraction to human beings, from the ancient deification of Chang'e to the moon, to modern scientists have been constantly exploring, trying to learn more, and have not stopped exploring.

Although the moon is always ridiculed by netizens, calling it a "corpse" floating in space, it has to be admitted that it has extraordinary significance for human beings.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

It is inseparable from human life, illuminates the earth in countless dark nights, and is the only natural satellite of the earth, which is inseparable from human life. In 2007, the Chang'e-1 mission sent by the mainland was successfully completed, which also made a further step forward in our lunar exploration project.

Recently, CCTV News announced the mainland manned lunar landing plan, which is divided into two parts from the overall plan, one is the preparation work on the earth, including product research, development and personnel matching, etc.; The other is work on the moon.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

When everything is ready, exploration will be carried out on the moon, including determining landing sites, developing round-trip residencies, joint human-machine exploration, and so on. If all goes well, a scientific research station will be built on the moon, and basic living equipment will be equipped to realize the great wish of living on the moon.

"Long March 10", a powerful help for the moon landing

This time, the "guest" who helped us achieve the moon landing was the Long March 10 rocket, which is also a new generation of manned rockets.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

It is a heavy-duty carrier rocket developed by the First Academy of Continental Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., with a length of 88.5 meters, a thrust of 2,680 tons and a take-off weight of 2,187 tons, with a capacity of not less than 70 tons in a near-earth transfer orbit and a carrying capacity of not less than 27 tons in an Earth-Moon transfer orbit.

In terms of power design, fuel use, engine configuration and carrying capacity, it has shown its unique advantages. The Long March 10 adopts a three-stage, half-root, one-stage parallel structure, and the main body uses a core-stage rocket with boosters on both sides.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

The diameter of the exterior reaches 5 meters, and the internal core stage rocket and booster are equipped with 7 130-ton liquid oxygen kerosene engines, a total of 21 units. It is this powerful engine, paired with a booster, that provides a powerful impetus for the launch and is capable of sending the Long March 10 into space in one fell swoop.

Previous rockets and boosters used nitrogen tetroxide and dimethylhydrazine materials, and the fuel was toxic, requiring 313 tons to launch once. The cost of the two materials is expensive, one ton of nitrogen tetroxide is about 1-20,000 yuan, and one ton of metadimethylhydrazine is 5-100,000 yuan, and its cost can be imagined.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

This time, clean energy is used, using liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and aviation kerosene and other environmentally friendly fuels, and the price of one ton of liquid oxygen is 800-2000 yuan, which not only saves energy and environmental protection, but also greatly reduces the launch cost.

The first-stage rocket is equipped with 7 YF-100K/L engines, 3 of which are two-way swinging after the pump; two-stage rocket, 2 two-way shaking YF-100M engines; The three-stage rocket uses auxiliary power to complete gliding attitude control, thruster management, load separation, etc.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

Not only is it powerful, but it also has super carrying capacity, vertical take-off and landing, reuse and other functions. Able to better complete the transportation of materials and perform tasks.

A manned spacecraft to the moon, landing on the moon is no longer a dream

In addition to the "Long March 10", another heavyweight "player" must be a new generation of manned spacecraft!

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

According to professionals, the manned spacecraft is a fully upgraded aircraft based on Shenzhou, with a total length of 8.8 meters, a maximum diameter of 4.5 meters, and a launch mass of about 21.6 tons.

The manned spacecraft mainly includes a service capsule and a return capsule, which can enable astronauts to travel to and from the Earth and the Moon, and complete missions such as circumlunar orbit and near-earth flight.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

In terms of shape, the new generation of manned spacecraft is more like a blunt warhead, which is able to effectively reduce air resistance when flying, is faster and consumes less fuel.

In order to ensure the safety of astronauts, the return capsule uses new metal materials and new lightweight heat-proof materials that can be disassembled and used repeatedly, which is safe, practical and cost-effective.

At the same time, it is also equipped with a memory system and an intelligent built-in system, which is convenient for the staff to grasp the movement and orbit of the spacecraft, and can record real-time data.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

The spacecraft can carry three astronauts to and fro, and seven astronauts during near-earth flights, and the moon and space station will come and go freely in the future.

Lander, the guarantee of astronauts

It is not easy to successfully land an astronaut on the moon and return it safely to Earth, and the lander is indispensable during this period. The lander is therefore divided into two parts, one of which is responsible for taking the astronauts out of the spacecraft and delivering them accurately to the lunar surface.

The Moon is very different from the Earth, there is no oxygen and no gravity. The astronaut needs to wear a down jacket equipped with oxygen to protect him from coming out of the cabin.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

They will also be equipped with a lunar rover that can move on the moon and move on the moon. The vehicle is powered by electric power, solar charging panels, a communication system and antennas, and is powered by a constant source of energy to facilitate astronauts to travel and perform tasks.

Lunar rovers are extraordinary, not only are they not afraid of 130 degrees Celsius, but they can also walk freely in extremely cold weather of -160 degrees. In order to ensure the safety of the lunar rover, it is also equipped with memory wire and hollow tires.

The other part of the lander needs to lift the astronauts into orbit and send them into the return capsule, so that the astronauts can safely enter the capsule.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

In 2030, the manned lunar landing program will be fully launched!

At present, the continent plans to achieve a manned landing on the moon by 2030, and now the plan has been fully launched and is being implemented in an orderly manner.

First of all, we will launch two launch vehicles, one to transport the lunar orbital module and the lander; A manned spacecraft as well as astronauts. After entering orbit, the lander is handed over to the manned spacecraft, and the astronauts carry the lander to the lunar surface to carry out the mission.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

After completing the mission, the thrust reverser engine was activated into orbit to dock with the manned spacecraft to welcome the astronauts back to Earth.

Could it be possible to settle on the moon in the future?

In addition to the blockbuster news of a manned landing on the moon, CCTV News has even directly shown the idea and model of building a house on the moon in a recent report. The house that stands on the surface of the moon is like an "egg", using 3D printing technology to build the moon house.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

The reporter interviewed the 3D printing room, and the researchers are studying the idea of building the Moon Huzun base with in-situ resources on the lunar surface, and they are using materials similar to the properties of the lunar soil to complete the 3D printing construction of the lunar house.

It is planned to use a traditional Chinese mortise and tenon structure, combining craftsman craftsmanship with modern wisdom. At present, the research and development of materials, processes, construction plans, and robot equipment are all carried out at the head of the Moon House.

After reading the news report, everyone was shocked, it turned out that the country was doing something big and planned to build a house on the moon. Perhaps, it is not impossible that one day we will live on the moon!

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

China's moon landing program, foreign countries are stunned

Since the U.S. moon landing in 1972, no country has carried out a similar program in half a century.

In recent years, the call for the "US moon landing hoax" has become increasingly loud, and even the Americans have come out to stone hammer the US space agency to create a hoax.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

In 2018, Russia announced that it would carry out a lunar landing program, including testing an international station and lunar orbit, and trying to build a space station around the moon. According to their plan, a lunar base will be built in 2035.

However, as the situation has changed in recent years, Russia's plans may change, and the timing has become more uncertain. Now, the continental moon landing program is proceeding in an orderly manner, and it may be possible to complete this task ahead of Russia.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

You must know that at present, the mainland is the first country to successfully land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon, and it is not impossible for it to become the first country to establish a lunar base and a space station around the moon in the future!

This time, after China launched a manned landing on the moon, the world was shocked and directly stunned the United States and Russia.

When the US news reported, the screen full of "sour gas" was about to overflow the screen, saying that Russia's moon landing and the crash of "Luna 25" showed their ambitions. But NASA questioned China's intentions, accusing Chinese of seeking land in space.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

Many foreigners broke the defense and said that the moon is jointly owned by mankind and Chinese cannot take it for themselves. NASA administrator said he did not want China to be the first to land on the south pole of the moon.

When interviewed, the person in charge of the mainland's aerospace industry said with a smile: I hope that the United States will be able to realize its dream at an early date. In one sentence, the irony reached its peak, and the reporters interviewed for a while were speechless.

And after India saw the continent's lunar landing plan, it was not far behind, saying that India will also land on the moon in 2030. South Korean netizens have inherited the fine tradition of "stealing the country", saying that China's landing on the surface of the moon is stealing their technology.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?
China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

However, many sensible netizens have sent blessings, saying that China will build hotels on the moon to help countries vacation on the moon.

In any case, the moon is the first stop for us to explore the solar system, and sending astronauts to the moon, establishing mission bases, and developing and utilizing lunar resources are important goals for spaceflight in the new era.

China plans to land a manned person on the moon in 2030, and a new generation of lunar rockets is coming! The United States and Russia are directly confused?

And we are sincerely happy to be able to watch the country break through major technologies again and again and succeed again and again. I hope that the day of the manned landing on the moon will come as soon as possible, and then let us look up at space from another angle and see this different world!

What do you think of the mainland's manned lunar landing program? Welcome to leave a comment and express your views and opinions.


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