
Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024

author:Northern Rural Network

The "withered ears of wheat" (commonly known as "withered white ears") of wheat are like "bacterial wilt" or "yellow wilt" of corn, but wheat suffers more damage than corn because there are at least four soil-borne diseases that cause the rot of the rhizomes of wheat: stem base rot, root rot, total erosion, and sheath blight.

Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024

Moreover, the more so-called "dwarf stalk and large spike" wheat varieties, the more serious the "dead trees and dead ears" - because the root system is underdeveloped, the panicle formation rate is low, the grain is small, the 1000-grain weight is low, and the bulk density is low. Relying on increasing the sowing amount to maintain the yield is not reduced, but also because of the crowding and poor growth of seedlings, not only does not increase the yield, but leads to a very serious "withered white ear".

In particular, some seed companies that are "eager for quick success and quick profit" may chase to reduce plant height, resulting in poor growth and development of wheat; Or chasing "large ears" and "small grains" (poor root development), which is not conducive to the formation of yields, and is not conducive to resisting the "dead ears of dead trees and ears" caused by rhizome rot diseases.

Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024
Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024

A few days ago, the "Biotechnology Bulletin" published the scientific research results of Fang Tianyi and Yue Yanling: varieties with developed root systems are resistant to soil-borne diseases because of the increase in "root exudates".

Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024

@北方农村网科技顾问团结合2024年在冀鲁豫陕4个省的奔波考察, combined with the above research, two wheat varieties resistant to "dead trees and dead ears" were preliminarily determined, and the common characteristics are as follows, which can be compared and verified:

1) The grain is large, and the approved 1000-grain weight is high (not less than 45 grams for the southern slice and not less than 44 grams for the northern variety).

2) The approved grain bulk density is 820 g/L as the "bottom line" (the lower the bulk density, the worse the filling capacity = the worse the root system).

3) The approved plant height should not be lower than 75 cm, and 75 cm to 80 cm [medium plant height] can improve disease resistance. Don't be too short, not too tall.

4) The amount of seeds used must be small, and the spike rate must be high - the varieties bred in the south must be about 400,000 per mu as the "bottom line", and the varieties bred in the north should be more than 460,000 per mu as the "bottom line". For there is one more spike in the ground and one more tuft of roots in the ground.

5) With the same fertilizer and water input, the yield can be increased by about 200 catties per mu compared with other wheat varieties in the neighboring area.

6) For the wheat varieties planted, only 30 kg of fertilizer can be used to "save fertilizer and high yield" for corn cropping.

7) Strong drought resistance, generally only need to water 1-2 times in spring.

8) After the "flowering period", the earliest "color change" begins, and the field appears early in the "glittering" golden yellow.

These two wheat varieties are from the formal Academy of Agricultural Sciences: one is "Shimai 32" bred by Shijiazhuang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and the other is "Baoyan 12" jointly bred by Baoji Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Xinong.

Starting with these two wheat varieties, future wheat varieties began a new era of "not afraid of withered white ears". #小麦真科技 ##农业真科技#

Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024
Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024
Wheat varieties are not afraid of "withered white ears" and are not afraid of rhizome rot, starting in 2024