
China can't keep researchers? What are the main reasons for 32,000 scientists to immigrate to the United States?

author:Feige self-media


In recent years, the loss of scientific research talents in China has become increasingly prominent and has become the focus of social attention. According to 2019 data, more than 32,000 Chinese scientists chose to immigrate to the United States.

China can't keep researchers? What are the main reasons for 32,000 scientists to immigrate to the United States?

What are the social realities and deep-seated reasons behind this phenomenon? This article will explore this issue in depth and analyze it from multiple dimensions such as politics, economy, and culture.

Economic treatment and research environment

First of all, economic treatment is one of the important reasons why researchers choose to immigrate. In China, despite the large number of researchers, the remuneration is generally not high, especially in universities and research institutions.

China can't keep researchers? What are the main reasons for 32,000 scientists to immigrate to the United States?

In stark contrast, researchers in countries such as the United States tend to receive more generous funding and compensation. In addition, differences in the research environment are also a factor that cannot be ignored. The research environment abroad is generally more liberal and open, and researchers are able to focus more on their research work without too much administrative interference.

Academic evaluation system and academic circle

China's academic evaluation system is often based on the number of papers published and the impact factor, which leads to the phenomenon of "strange circles" in the academic community.

In order to pursue higher evaluations, some researchers may resort to misconduct such as plagiarism and falsification. This phenomenon not only undermines academic integrity, but also affects the career development and mental health of researchers.

China can't keep researchers? What are the main reasons for 32,000 scientists to immigrate to the United States?

Policy support and talent attention

Policy support and the importance of talent are also key factors affecting the mobility of scientific researchers. Although the Chinese government has increased its investment in scientific research in recent years, this support is still limited compared to the actual needs of researchers. At the same time, some outstanding scientific talents do not receive the attention and support they deserve, which makes them feel limited in their career development.

Cultural factors and personal choices

China can't keep researchers? What are the main reasons for 32,000 scientists to immigrate to the United States?

Cultural factors and personal choices are also one of the reasons for researchers to emigrate. The Western culture of research is more focused on innovation and personal achievement, which is in line with the career pursuits of some researchers. In addition, personal considerations about the quality of life, children's education, etc., are also the motivations for them to choose to immigrate.


The loss of scientific research talents in China is a complex phenomenon involving multiple levels such as economy, policy, and culture. To solve this problem, it is necessary to improve the treatment of scientific researchers, reform the academic evaluation system, strengthen policy support and attach importance to talents.

There is also a need for in-depth thinking and adjustment at the cultural level to create an environment that is more conducive to the growth and development of researchers.

China can't keep researchers? What are the main reasons for 32,000 scientists to immigrate to the United States?

In today's globalized world, talent mobility is inevitable. However, how to retain and attract more outstanding scientific research talents is a major challenge for China. Through in-depth analysis and active response, we have reason to believe that China can make greater progress and development in the field of scientific research.

Through an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of brain drain in China, this paper explores the multiple reasons behind it and proposes corresponding solutions. It is hoped that this paper can attract the attention of all sectors of society and jointly contribute to the prosperity of China's scientific research.

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