
The air conditioner was stuck in the neck by Japan, and it also cut corners, no wonder the Japanese air conditioner dominated the overseas market

author:Xiaosheng talks about the people

This summer is so hot that you don't want it, and the sales of air conditioners have skyrocketed, whether it is household or commercial, it is inseparable from the company of air conditioners. The competition between domestic air conditioners and Japanese air conditioners is becoming more and more fierce, and all aspects of technology, price, and marketing are competing. Want to know the latest on this air conditioning war? Hurry up and read down!

The air conditioner was stuck in the neck by Japan, and it also cut corners, no wonder the Japanese air conditioner dominated the overseas market

Summer is coming, and air conditioning sales are growing

This year's weather is exceptionally hot, and even the most economical commute time still can't stop everyone's desire for air conditioning. The sudden high temperature has caused the sales of air conditioners in the market to skyrocket, not only household air conditioners, but also some offices and shopping malls have begun to purchase new air conditioners. The already crowded installer was even more busy.

There is another phenomenon that attracts attention in the air conditioning market, that is, Japanese air conditioning companies have begun to move back to China. From the beginning of Southeast Asian factories to the current domestic production, Japanese companies seem to be launching a fierce attack on the air conditioning market of the eastern countries.

Domestic air-conditioning companies are naturally not to be outdone, and have launched low-cost air conditioners, the lowest even as low as 999 yuan, which used to be the price of high-end products in air conditioners. The air conditioning market has been rumored for a while, and everyone is guessing what kind of changes will be next.

The air conditioner was stuck in the neck by Japan, and it also cut corners, no wonder the Japanese air conditioner dominated the overseas market

Domestic air-conditioning technology has sparked controversy

As consumers are most concerned about product quality and performance, domestic air conditioners have been controversial in technology. Especially for inverter air conditioners, the gap between domestic air conditioners and Japanese air conditioners is vividly manifested in the consumer experience.

Why do inverter air conditioners in Japan seem to be more power-efficient? Why do Japanese air conditioners do better when it comes to indoor temperature control? Why are Japanese air conditioners so expensive and still selling so well? Consumers have a lot of doubts about this.

Domestic air-conditioning companies have also worked hard to win the recognition of the international market, but unfortunately most of the time they have not achieved much success. The vicious price war has made the profit margins of enterprises smaller and smaller, and more importantly, the international market has finally won the slightest recognition, which often disappears without a trace in a quarter or two.

The company returned to the domestic market and began large-scale marketing activities. TV, Internet, bus stops, as long as you deal with people, you can basically see the advertisements of domestic air-conditioning companies. Star endorsements in serials and variety shows are also endless.

No matter what kind of product it is, as long as you promote it hard enough, you can always draw a bloody path in a sea of red. The air conditioning market is no exception, and the price of 999 has made many consumers who were originally discouraged moved.

The air conditioner was stuck in the neck by Japan, and it also cut corners, no wonder the Japanese air conditioner dominated the overseas market

Domestic air conditioners need to change their thinking

However, in the long run, such a marketing model cannot bring real growth to domestic air conditioning companies. In the air conditioning industry, like many industries, the influence of the brand determines the purchasing decisions of consumers.

Why can Japanese air conditioners sell so quickly at such a high price? This is inseparable from the decades of hard work of Japanese manufacturers in the domestic market. Although not many people were willing to pay for this "little Japanese" product at the beginning, Japanese manufacturers always insisted on speaking with quality.

Especially for core components such as inverter technology, Japanese manufacturers will never relax their requirements due to cost compression. In doing so, they are also translating their R&D results into an increase in brand influence, which is undoubtedly worth it in the long run.

On the other hand, domestic air conditioning companies, whether in the past or now, marketing always seems to occupy a dominant position. It can even be said that domestic enterprises have not really established a brand of their own. The brand is just a symbol, and it is the product itself that can really impress consumers.

As a manufacturing enterprise, attaching importance to technology research and development is the foundation to win the market. Especially in the home appliance industry such as air conditioners, the performance of the product directly determines the user experience. Even if the marketing is good, if the product itself is not qualified, it is just a drop in the bucket.

In addition, there is another key issue that needs to be paid attention to by domestic enterprises, that is, the intervention of Internet companies in the air conditioning market. In the past, consumers almost always bought air conditioners through physical stores, but now they only need to stay at home and surf the Internet to choose the products they want.

Internet companies can not only promote their products more, but also sell better products at lower prices than in physical stores. In the face of such challenges, domestic air-conditioning enterprises obviously cannot use the original backward thinking and mode to confront.

The air conditioner was stuck in the neck by Japan, and it also cut corners, no wonder the Japanese air conditioner dominated the overseas market


The competition in the air conditioning market is fierce, and domestic enterprises need to pay more attention to product quality and technological innovation in addition to low-price marketing in order to stand out in this competition. Brand influence and user experience are the key to determining consumers' purchase decisions. Which side are you more optimistic about? Leave a comment to share your thoughts!

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