
1,000 people! Targeted training, there are posts and posts!

author:Xianning News Network
1,000 people! Targeted training, there are posts and posts!

From 2024, Hubei will fully implement the "Jingchu Excellent Teacher Plan", entrust a number of comprehensive universities and normal colleges to train 1,000 normal students in 66 counties and cities included in the strong county project every year, exempt from tuition, accommodation fees and subsidize living expenses during their studies, and have posts after graduation, continuously optimize the source supply of primary and secondary school teachers, and promote the high-quality development of education in the county


How do I register?

For the recruitment of candidates from all over the province, candidates need to meet the following conditions at the same time: meet the registration conditions of the Hubei Unified College Entrance Examination and participate in the Hubei Provincial Unified College Entrance Examination; Love education, voluntarily apply for the examination and sign a targeted training agreement, and after graduation, he will teach in primary and secondary schools in the targeted county for 6 years; Possess the physical qualifications to engage in the teaching profession.

In the general college entrance examination undergraduate early batch admission, the implementation of a single volunteer, separate admission. The admission score line shall not be lower than the control score line of the undergraduate general batch admission in the corresponding category. Fill in the volunteer time online from 8:00 on June 29 to 17:00 on June 30.

According to the enrollment plan and admission rules announced by the university, the training institution determines the list of candidates to sign the agreement from high to low scores. In early July, candidates were organized to sign a targeted training agreement with the municipal (state) education department and training institutions.

Candidates who fail to sign the agreement within the specified time will be withdrawn and continue to participate in the subsequent batches of submission. Candidates to be admitted should go through the enrollment procedures at the training institution within the specified time with the original admission notice and agreement.

How to cultivate?

The training institutions include Hubei University, Yangtze University, Hubei Normal University, Huanggang Normal University, Hubei Second Normal University, and Hanjiang Normal University. The training work shall be undertaken by the majors that have been approved as national first-class or provincial-level first-class professional construction sites or have passed the second-level certification of normal majors in the normal majors of the training colleges.

Referring to the relevant policies of the national publicly-funded education for normal students, normal students of the "Jingchu Excellent Teacher Program" are exempted from tuition, accommodation fees and living expenses during their studies, and are exempted from the national primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination to apply for recognition and obtain primary and secondary school teacher qualifications.

After graduating and passing the assessment, normal students shall be arranged to teach for 6 years in primary and secondary schools in the targeted county under the jurisdiction of the city (prefecture) in accordance with the assessment and placement plan formulated by the city (prefecture) that signed the agreement. The provincial, municipal and county education departments, in conjunction with the establishment, finance, and human resources and social security departments, have strengthened overall planning and coordination, and implemented the establishment of posts, benefits, and various conditions and guarantees.

Where normal students do not follow provisions to find employment in targeted primary and secondary schools after graduation, or have taught for less than 6 years after graduation (except in special circumstances such as termination of agreements), or where there are other circumstances of breach of contract, they are to be pursued for responsibility for breach of contract in accordance with the agreement, and records of breach of contract are to be included in the personnel file, and included in the social credit system in accordance with laws and regulations.

Targeted counties and cities

Yangxin County, Daye City, Danjiangkou City, Yunyang District, Yunxi County, Zhushan County, Zhuxi County, Fang County, Maojian District, Zhangwan District, Baokang County, Nanzhang County, Gucheng County, Zaoyang City, Yicheng City, Laohekou City, Zigui County, Changyang County, Wufeng County, Dangyang City, Yuan'an County, Xingshan County, Yidu City, Zhijiang City, Jianli City, Honghu City, Jiangling County, Songzi City, Gong'an County, Shishou City, Shayang County, Zhongxiang City, Jingshan City, Huarong District, Liangzihu District, Dawu County, Xiaochang County, Hanchuan City, Yingcheng City, Yunmeng County, Anlu City, Tuanfeng County, Hong'an County, Macheng City, Luotian County, Yingshan County, Qichun County, Xishui County, Wuxue City, Huangmei County, Chongyang County, Tongshan County, Tongcheng County, Jiayu County, Chibi City, Sui County, Guangshui City, Enshi City, Lichuan City, Jianshi County, Badong County, Xuan'en County, Xianfeng County, Laifeng County, Hefeng County, Shennongjia Forest District

Except for college entrance examination recruitment

"Jing Chu Excellent Teacher Program"

The establishment of a dynamic selection mechanism will also be explored

Supplementary selection from the undergraduate students of the training institutions

Excellent students who will have the intention to teach

It is included in the scope of training of targeted normal students

Some colleges and universities are piloting

Select and train master's level orientation normal students

Click "Read More" at the end of the article

Check out the "Jingchu Excellent Teacher Program" colleges and universities in Hubei Province

Admissions Guidelines

Source: Xianning released the WeChat public account transferred from Hubei and Hubei Province

Editor: Shi Lili

Review: Hong Wei Producer: Zhu Fengjin

Producer: Xianning Daily Network Media Center

1,000 people! Targeted training, there are posts and posts!
1,000 people! Targeted training, there are posts and posts!
1,000 people! Targeted training, there are posts and posts!

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