
In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

author:Minami Shobo

In 2008, Phoenix Satellite TV filmed an interview program called "Garland Under the Mountain", and the protagonist of the interview was Xie Nan, a veteran female soldier who experienced the Battle of Laoshan.

For this interview, Xie Nan explained: "The evaluation of me is too high, and the real 'Laoshan heroes' are buried in Malipo. ”

In Malipo County, Yunnan Province, there is a martyr's cemetery with a green mountain and facing the motherland, where 978 martyrs are buried, and they all came to the front line of Laoshan 40 years ago......

In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

1. Losing control of emotions and being punished

The Battle of Laoshan, a war that many people do not want to mention, although this war is not well known by the younger generation, but its tragedy is remembered by the older generation.

Liu Zhihe, then secretary to the head of the Malipo command post, recalled:

"I watched with my own eyes as groups of fighters rushed forward, and saw them fall and be carried back for burial."

On the day of the Battle of Laoshan, more than 200 corpses wrapped in white cloth were pulled down the mountain by trucks after only a few hours of fierce fighting, and then a large number of wounded were taken to the field hospital, where doctors and nurses were constantly engaged in rescue work.

In the crowd, the figure of nurse Xie Nan appeared frequently, and in the face of this bloody and cruel scene, she felt scared when she came here after graduating from high school.

Xie Nan always remembers the scene when a 16-year-old little soldier came to the hospital, his legs and arms were blown off, and the nurse gave him a liquid diet, but he refused to eat until Xie Nan appeared, and the little soldier smiled and said:

"Sister, can you sing a song for me? When you're done singing, I'll eat. ”

In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

As soon as the words fell, Xie Nan couldn't suppress his emotions and ran out of the ward with his mouth covered.

There was also a comrade-in-arms who was good with Xie Nan, he went to the battlefield and never came back, Xie Nan ran to the martyr's burial place like crazy to look for it, but he didn't see the name of his comrade-in-arms.

When Xie Nan saw that someone was digging a pit and preparing to bury the martyrs, she mistakenly thought that this was the comrade-in-arms, so she raised her submachine gun and fired a shuttle of bullets into the sky, which was a serious violation of discipline.

As a result, Xie Nan was disqualified from joining the party and reporting his military exploits, and after the merits were offset, Xie Nan was discharged from the army in his third year of service. What is embarrassing is that the comrade-in-arms Xie Nan was looking for miraculously "lived" later, but Xie Nan never had a chance to return to the army.

After being discharged from the army, Xie Nan was admitted to a university in Beijing for further study, and the turmoil in the 80s made Xie Nan confused, and Xie Nan finally chose to work in Zhongguancun.

In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

2. Apologize for the past and comfort the soul

After Xie Nan entered the social work, she kept silent about her experience as a soldier, about which she explained:

"No one around me knew that I had been a soldier, and even I had forgotten about it."

Although Xie Nan tried his best to forget that memory, every night, Xie Nan would always have the same dream, and the dream was full of his comrade-in-arms Liu Yong.

Liu Yong often said in Xie Nan's dreams: "Sister Nan, I'm so cold, I'm so hungry." ”

Recalling the experience of interacting with Liu Yong, Xie Nan has never been able to calm down, Liu Yong on the eve of going to the battlefield, he once found Xie Nan to borrow 15 yuan, the purpose is to buy a radio.

At that time, Xie Nan didn't have so much money on him, so he only gave Liu Yong 10 yuan, and a few days later, Liu Yong died unfortunately because of rescuing the wounded, and when the two met again, Liu Yong had become a cold corpse, and Xie Nan had been blaming himself for this later.

Until many years later, Xie Nan could not face the 5 yuan denomination, and her heart was always filled with an indescribable pain.

In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

Haunted by nightmares, Xie Nan finally decided to go to the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery and burn the 5 yuan to Liu Yong, and in January 2003, Xie Nan flew to Yunnan alone, and found his way to the former Laoshan battlefield with his memory.

Xie Nan walked into the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery with three wreaths, the largest of which was dedicated to all the martyrs, with the words "The martyrs of southern Xinjiang are immortal".

Xie Nan came to Liu Yong's tomb in the dark, lit a cigarette for Liu Yong, and then put the wreath in front of the tombstone, Xie Nan folded his hands and said:

"I've come to see you, please don't look for me in my dreams in the future."

After doing all this, Xie Nan left the cemetery, and the next morning, Xie Nan went and returned, she re-examined each tombstone in the sun, and at this moment, Xie Nan understood:

"They are silently guarding the old mountain, compared to them, what is the use of money, fame and fortune in the face of me? Man has a soul. ”

In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

3. Volunteering to help martyrs and change their lives

That night, Xie Nan placed another small wreath next to Ji Xinglin's tombstone, and when he looked at Ji Xinglin's tombstone the next day, the past couldn't help but cross his mind.

Xie Nan and Ji Xinglin did not know each other, only knew that not long after Ji Xinglin's sacrifice, his daughter Ji Yunyun came to the world, and this hard-working child later suffered from brain cancer.

After Ji Yunyun became sensible, she heard about her father's heroic deeds, and she was determined to come to Yunnan to go to university, Xie Nan said in front of Ji Xinglin's tombstone:

"Don't worry, Yunyun is Lao Shan's child, and I will definitely try my best to help her."

For nearly a year after that, Xie Nan temporarily put down her business and worked hard for Ji Yunyun to come to Yunnan to go to university, and she went to Yunnan University more than 40 times.

With Xie Nan's unremitting efforts, Yunnan University finally decided to admit Ji Yunyun, and on the day Ji Yunyun received the admission letter, Xie Nan burned the copy to Ji Xinglin.

In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

In 2004, Xie Nan bought 957 roses out of her own pocket to dedicate them to the 957 martyrs in Malipo.

Not long after, some martyrs and veterans came to the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery to pay respects, they found out about Xie Nan's feat, and the reporters in the accompanying team took a photo.

After experiencing Ji Yunyun's incident, Xie Nan's life changed completely, and she began to try to learn more about the moving stories of the Malipo martyrs and sent these stories to the newspaper.

As a result, some families of martyrs who were living in difficulty received donations from all over the country, and leaders of Yunnan Province also began to pay attention to the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery.

At the beginning of 2006, when the Laoshan Memorial Hall was completed, Xie Nan made a decision that shocked everyone:

"End the business in Beijing, don't go back to Beijing, open a teahouse in Yunnan, and make this teahouse a meeting place for veterans and martyrs."

In the 80s, the only female soldier who was discharged from the army after being punished on the Laoshan front, how did she live later?

Many years later, Xie Nan sent her son into the army, and she asked her old comrades-in-arms to arrange her son to the most difficult company, in a letter to her son, Xie Nan wrote:

"I always thought that when the times changed, some spirits would dissipate with them, but your experience tells me that no matter how the times change, the spirit of Chinese soldiers' bravery, tenacity, loyalty and observance will not change......"