
HarmonyOS NEXT is open to developers and pioneer users to explore the future of HarmonyOS together

author:Technology white

At HDC 2024, Huawei HarmonyOS NEXT opened the beta version to developers and pioneer users, and through native intelligent technology, Xiaoyi intelligent twins have been upgraded, bringing unprecedented development opportunities to developers and the HarmonyOS ecosystem.

Below, we will take an in-depth look at how HarmonyOS NEXT and Xiaoyi Intelligent Twins will empower developers and promote the development of the entire HarmonyOS ecosystem from the perspective of developers.

HarmonyOS NEXT is open to developers and pioneer users to explore the future of HarmonyOS together

Software, hardware, and cloud integration provide a native intelligent development experience

HarmonyOS NEXT deeply integrates AI with the OS to create a new set of native intelligent architectures. Relying on Huawei's self-developed full-stack hardware and infrastructure, Huawei's device-cloud collaborative computing power scheduling and inference framework is implemented, making the operation efficiency of large AI models more efficient and providing developers with a native intelligent development experience.

Of course, developers want their apps to have a stronger ability to understand intent, so that they can more accurately identify and respond to user needs, and improve the user experience and the intelligence of the application. Xiaoyi intelligent body can meet the needs of developers for intent understanding ability. It has the capabilities of multi-dimensional system perception and large model, builds a global intent paradigm, realizes the understanding of the explicit and latent intentions of users, can timely and accurately transmit user needs to ecological partners, match timely and appropriate services, and enable users to get multi-modal and personalized advanced scene experience.

Developers also hope that applications can obtain full-scene smart distribution capabilities, and Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi Suggestions, Xiaoyi Vision, and Xiaoyi Search provide developers with full-scene smart distribution solutions, reach target users more efficiently and accurately, and make the application and service experience more continuous.

HarmonyOS NEXT is open to developers and pioneer users to explore the future of HarmonyOS together

In addition to Xiaoyi Intelligent Twins, HarmonyOS NEXT also builds a native intelligent base by sinking AI capabilities into subsystems, such as media subsystems and file subsystems, making it easier for developers to integrate AI technologies into their applications and improve the intelligence level of applications. For example, in basic, high-frequency, and innovative scenarios, HarmonyOS NEXT enables developers to implement "zero-cost" AI applications through AI subsystems.

In addition, through the AI-based control, the native HarmonyOS AI capabilities are opened to third-party applications, so that more third-party applications can invoke the powerful AI capabilities of HarmonyOS NEXT through controls, and work with developers to create an inherently intelligent application ecosystem. This approach greatly improves the efficiency of application development and enables AI technology to be quickly integrated into applications. At the same time, users also get a consistent AI interaction experience across applications at the system level, so that they can enjoy more intelligent and convenient services in different applications.

HarmonyOS NEXT is open to developers and pioneer users to explore the future of HarmonyOS together

The general trend of the HarmonyOS ecosystem has become a success

Up to now, many applications have joined the HarmonyOS ecosystem, covering multiple scenarios such as social networking, content sharing, information browsing, short videos, and cultural life. Especially in the social field, the head app took the lead in completing the development of the core functions of the HarmonyOS native app, covering more than 100 million users.

HarmonyOS NEXT is open to developers and pioneer users to explore the future of HarmonyOS together

Taking Xiaohongshu as an example, by accessing the HarmonyOS ecosystem, Xiaohongshu efficiently connects application content with user intentions, and realizes accurate distribution of system traffic entrances such as Xiaoyi suggestions, Xiaoyi dialogues, and intelligent search, and the natural traffic is significant and continues to grow.

The joining of the industry's leading apps in the HarmonyOS ecosystem not only demonstrates the industry's active embrace of technological innovation, but also provides valuable reference and inspiration for other app developers. By joining the HarmonyOS ecosystem, developers can not only improve application services with powerful native intelligence and AI capabilities, but also gain wider user recognition and market favor.

At HDC 2024, the HarmonyOS NEXT developer beta was opened, marking the arrival of a new era of all-scenario intelligent experience, and providing a more powerful development platform for developers, making the application of AI technology more convenient and efficient. In the future, as more apps join the HarmonyOS ecosystem, developers will be able to leverage the powerful capabilities of HarmonyOS NEXT and Xiaoyi to create more innovative apps and services, bringing users a smarter and more convenient experience.

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