
Standing in a hundred lines, learning first

author:The first appearance of life

In the process of sorting out the information today, I found a lot of good sentences and golden sentences, which feel very good, such as "standing in a hundred lines, learning first", "becoming a body and the world, governing the body and the world", "youth is wasted, and the white head is sad", there is a refreshing feeling. Sometimes I also ask myself, why can't I output excellent, high-quality content? Because I have too little exposure and too little absorption, when my amount is insufficient, how can I talk about output? So for me, in addition to learning, I still have to learn, learn from excellent people and content, and work hard to keep learning, so that I can achieve a qualitative leap one day in the future.

In today's sharing, the content shared mainly includes the content of the five modules of "Integrity and Innovation", "Practicing Hard Skills", "Responsibility and Fighting Spirit", "Agriculture and Industrial Revitalization", and "Youth".

01 About integrity and innovation

1. Adhere to integrity and innovation. For cultural construction, integrity can not lose oneself and direction, and innovation can grasp the times and lead the times.

2. Upholding integrity means guarding the fundamental system of Marxism's guiding position in the ideological field, the fundamental requirement of "two combinations", and the cultural leadership of the Communist Party of China and the cultural subjectivity of the Chinese nation.

3. Innovation, creating new ideas, new discourse, new mechanisms, new forms, under the guidance of Marxism, to truly achieve the use of the past for the present, the foreign for the Chinese, dialectical trade-offs, through the old and bring forth the new, to achieve the organic connection between tradition and modernity.

4. Only by keeping integrity can we not lose our way and not make subversive mistakes, and only by innovating can we grasp the times and lead the times.

Standing in a hundred lines, learning first

02 About practicing excellent skills

7. Practice excellent skills. The ancients said: "

8. Young cadres should become pillars of talent, and they must not only be worthy of their positions, but also worthy of their positions, as the so-called."

10. Stand up for a hundred lines and take learning as the first.

11. As far as leading cadres are concerned, relying on study to improve their ability and quality is the principle that "scholars are not necessarily scholars, but scholars must be scholars."

03 About responsibility and fighting spirit

12. Carry forward the spirit of responsibility and struggle. Along the way, our party has been able to defeat all powerful enemies, all difficulties and obstacles, and achieve great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, because generation after generation of communists have the courage to take responsibility and fight bravely.

13. Responsibility and struggle are a kind of spirit, and what is most needed is selfless character and fearless courage; Responsibility and struggle is a kind of responsibility, and only when we dare to be responsible can we call it true responsibility and struggle; Responsibility and struggle are a kind of pattern, and it is more valuable to insist on subordinating the local to the overall situation and consciously taking responsibility for the overall situation.

14. The selfless are fearless, and the fearless can take responsibility and fight.

Standing in a hundred lines, learning first

04 Agriculture and Industrial Revitalization

15. In my opinion, the Chinese characteristics of an agricultural power should mainly include the following aspects:

The first is to rely on your own strength to hold your job.

Second, it is necessary to rely on the two-tier management system to develop agriculture.

The third is to develop ecological and low-carbon agriculture.

Fourth, continue the civilization of farming.

Fifth, we will solidly promote common prosperity.

17. Industrial revitalization is the top priority of rural revitalization, and it is also the entry point of practical work. In rural areas where there is no industry, it is difficult to gather popularity, let alone retain qualified personnel, the way for peasants to increase their incomes is not widened, and it is difficult to carry out cultural activities.

18. To revitalize the industry, we must think through the three words of "native products".

"Soil" refers to the development of local resources based on the water and soil of one side. It is necessary to be good at analyzing the new market environment and new technical conditions, make good use of new marketing methods, open up our horizons to make good use of local resources, and pay attention to the development of new functions of the agricultural industry and new values of rural ecology, such as the development of eco-tourism, folk culture, leisure and tourism.

"Special" refers to highlighting regional characteristics and reflecting local customs. It is necessary to jump out of the local area to see the local, and create characteristics that are recognized by the majority of consumers and can form a competitive advantage, such as building Apple Village, Mujia Township, Huanghua Town, etc. according to local conditions.

"Industry" refers to the real construction of industries and the formation of clusters. It is necessary to extend the industrial chain of agricultural products, develop the processing, preservation, storage, transportation, and marketing of agricultural products, form a certain scale, and leave the value-added income of agricultural products in the rural areas and to the peasants.

19. The ancients said: "The world will become when it becomes its body, and the world will be governed by its body." ”

Standing in a hundred lines, learning first

20. How to jump out of the historical cycle rate? The party is always thinking and exploring. Comrade Mao Zedong gave the first answer in the cave in Yan'an, which is to "let the people supervise the government"; After a century of struggle, especially the new practice since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party has given a second answer, which is self-revolution.

05 About youth

20. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Communist Youth League actively participated in the most extensive and profound social changes in the history of the Chinese nation, formed youth commandos, youth reclamation teams, and youth literacy teams, carried out activities to learn from Lei Feng, united and led the vast number of League members and young people to inspire the pride of "daring to teach the sun and the moon to change the sky", shouted the loud slogan of "dedicating youth to the motherland", marched to science, marched to difficulties, marched to the wasteland, and displayed the spirit of daring to work hard and hard work.

21. In the new period of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, the Communist Youth League has adapted itself to the strategic shift of the work center of the Party and the state, emancipated its mind, forged ahead with determination, and extensively carried out a large number of creative activities with a strong youthful atmosphere, such as striving to be the assaulter of the New Long March, "Five Stresses, Four Beauties, and Three Loves", the Hope Project, Youth Volunteers, Youth Civilization, and Protecting the Mother River. The spirit of leading the fashion.

22. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Communist Youth League actively participates in the magnificent practice of great struggles, great projects, great causes, and great dreams, persists in upholding integrity and innovation, works hard, comprehensively deepens its own reforms, unites and leads the vast number of League members and young people to fight on the battlefield of poverty alleviation, strive to climb in scientific and technological research posts, charge forward on the front line of emergency rescue and disaster relief, go out in armor on the front line of epidemic prevention and control, strive to be the first in the Olympic arena, and defend the motherland in the post of defending the motherland. At the moment when the party and the people need it most, they can rush out and stand up, and show a spirit of self-confidence, self-improvement, and vigor.

23. The times are different, and the youth is the same.

24. If young people have high aspirations, they can stimulate their potential to forge ahead, and their youth will not be like a rudderless boat drifting.

25. Mr. Lu Xun said that young people "have more vitality, and when they meet deep forests, they can open up flat land, they can meet wilderness, they can plant trees, they can meet deserts, and they can dig wells and springs."

26. Young people should maintain the vigor and courage of newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, and move forward more and more difficult and dangerous, bravely stand at the forefront of the times, and strive to be the pioneers of the times.

27. In the new era, Chinese youth must have the courage to struggle. Struggle is the brightest background color of youth. "I am confident that if I live for 200 years, I will be hit by water for 3,000 miles."

Standing in a hundred lines, learning first

28. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has experienced hardships, but none of them has been able to defeat us, and in the end, they have promoted the sublimation of our national spirit, will, and strength again and again.

29. Youth is wasted and nothing is accomplished, and the white head is sad.

30. How long the history and vast civilization of China are, this is the foundation of our self-confidence and the source of our strength.

31. The upbringing and education of children, the employment of young people, and the medical care for the elderly are both family and state affairs, and everyone should work together to do these things well.