
Codename 999 third-line factory: the glory of the military industry in the past, the rise of high-rise buildings today, how has the years changed?

author:Recall the third line

In the northeast corner of Jingdezhen, there is a once-glorious factory, which is codenamed 999. This factory was once the star unit of the city, carrying the youth and dreams of countless people. However, with the change of times, the factory has gradually been replaced by high-rise buildings, but its story is forever engraved in people's hearts.

Codename 999 third-line factory: the glory of the military industry in the past, the rise of high-rise buildings today, how has the years changed?

Glory days: The rise of the codename 999

In the sixties of the last century, in order to cope with the tension of the international situation, the mainland began a large-scale third-line construction. Jingdezhen, a city located in the transition zone between the Yellow Mountain, Huaiyu Mountain and the Poyang Lake Plain, has become an important area for the construction of the third line because of its unique geographical location. In 1965, the Fourth Machinery Department decided to divide several backbone electronics factories in Nanjing into two and move them to the mountainous areas of Jiangxi Province to establish an electronic industrial base in Jingdezhen. And this factory, codenamed 999, is a shining pearl in this base.

Founded in 1964, the factory codenamed 999 is a large-scale backbone third-tier enterprise of electronic ceramics materials and devices in mainland China. At that time, the factory had advanced production equipment and technology, and the products produced were widely used in the defense and civilian fields. Its output value once reached hundreds of millions of yuan, with nearly 3,000 employees, and it has become a well-known star unit in Jingdezhen and even the whole country.

Codename 999 third-line factory: the glory of the military industry in the past, the rise of high-rise buildings today, how has the years changed?

In this factory, people live a full and busy life. Every morning, the sound of the military horn sounded in the factory through the radio, and people opened their eyes to start their day in the radio. They carried the vegetable basket to the vegetable market not far away to buy vegetables, and brought back breakfast by the way, and then woke up the children who went to school. Children walked into the school in groups, and adults hurried to their posts. The factory has all kinds of facilities, from kindergarten to high school, technical school, college and technical secondary school, and even some factories have research institutes. The overall capacity of the hospital's doctors even exceeds that of the local hospital. Banks, canteens, in-house vegetable markets, cinemas, trade union clubs, shops, grain and oil stores, playgrounds, bus stations, etc., basically do not need to leave the factory area, and people can spend their lives in them.

Codename 999 third-line factory: the glory of the military industry in the past, the rise of high-rise buildings today, how has the years changed?

Military features: the highlight of the code name 999

The factory codenamed 999 is not only an ordinary factory, but also a factory with military characteristics. In this factory, people not only produce various electronic ceramic materials and devices, but also undertake important tasks of national defense scientific research. The scientific research personnel in the factory are fighting day and night on the front line of scientific research, overcoming one technical difficulty after another, and making great contributions to the mainland's national defense.

In this factory, people also inherit a special military spirit. Their rigorous and pragmatic work attitude, as well as the spirit of unity, cooperation and selfless dedication, have become an important part of the factory culture. This spirit not only inspires the factory employees to keep forging ahead and pursue excellence, but also influences the people around them and becomes a valuable spiritual wealth.

Codename 999 third-line factory: the glory of the military industry in the past, the rise of high-rise buildings today, how has the years changed?

Changing Times: The Transformation and Decline of Code 999

However, with the changing times, the factory codenamed 999 also faced great challenges. Since the mid-to-late 80s, the status of third-tier enterprises that used to produce according to military orders has completely changed, and enterprises must find their own food. By the 90s, the state was completely weaning the military-industrial complex, and third-tier enterprises were facing unprecedented challenges. The factory codenamed 999 is no exception, and it must move from military products to civilian development.

However, market competition is brutal. After switching to a market economy, almost all third-tier enterprises are in a dilemma. The factory codenamed 999 is no exception, it is facing a series of problems such as shrinking markets, reduced orders, and tight funds. Although the factory leadership took a series of measures to try to salvage the decline, in the end it could not resist the tide of the times.

In 2002, the factory codenamed 999 was restructured, and the original branch of the enterprise was restructured into a private enterprise, and the original 999 factory only had one brand left. At this time, the third-tier enterprises must move from military products to the development of civilian products. However, in the fierce market competition, this once glorious factory has gradually lost its former glory. Many employees had to leave the factory to find another way out, and the factory gradually reduced its production scale.

Codename 999 third-line factory: the glory of the military industry in the past, the rise of high-rise buildings today, how has the years changed?

High-rise buildings replace and memories are eternal

Today, the factory codenamed 999 is part of a new residential complex. Factories, workshops, and dormitories that were once busy have been replaced by high-rise buildings. However, although the factory no longer exists, its place in people's hearts will never disappear.

For those who have worked here, the factory codenamed 999 is a testimony to their youth and dreams. They have spent countless days and nights here, struggle, struggled and grown together with their colleagues. They have gained friendship, love and family warmth here. Even now that they are away from the factory, they still miss those good times.

For the city, the factory codenamed 999 is also a precious memory. It has witnessed the development of the city and the changes of the times. It is one of the important symbols of the city's industrial development and an important part of the city's culture. Even though it has now been replaced by high-rise buildings, its place in people's hearts will never change.