
It's getting bigger and bigger! "Black Myth: Wukong" has aroused heated discussions among European and American netizens and received a lot of support

author:Boling cruises

In this era of rapid change, cultural exchanges and collisions never stop. In recent years, a highly anticipated Chinese domestic game, Black Myth: Wukong, has caused a global uproar. At the heart of this turmoil is the accusations and attacks of Western feminists on the game, which has provoked a strong reaction from a number of European and American players.

It's getting bigger and bigger! "Black Myth: Wukong" has aroused heated discussions among European and American netizens and received a lot of support

They followed in the footsteps of the Chinese great sage Sun Wukong and "made trouble in the heavenly palace" on the battlefield of public opinion. This controversy, which has been abused by Western culture from the Chinese game to the world, reflects the differences and collisions between Eastern and Western cultural values. In 2023, when the game demo screen of "Black Myth Wukong" was first revealed, it immediately attracted widespread attention around the world.

But IGN, a well-known gaming media outlet, was the first to publish an inflammatory article accusing the game team of having a "history of sexism". The author of the article, Rebecca Valentine, seized on a self-deprecating joke made by members of the game's main creative team on Weibo 10 years ago and slandered it out of context as an "insult to women."

It's getting bigger and bigger! "Black Myth: Wukong" has aroused heated discussions among European and American netizens and received a lot of support

Against this cultural backdrop, IGN's coverage has naturally sparked widespread controversy. Western gamers soon formed an "anti-feminist" online army, hoping to defend the game and its developers through collective action. Western feminists tried to achieve their political goals by discrediting "Black Myth: Wukong", which caused strong dissatisfaction among European and American players.

They believe that the feminists' approach not only distorts the truth, but also is an unprovoked attack on traditional Chinese culture. So, they decided to stand up for the game and the development team and uphold cultural diversity. Under the call of many European and American players, they have joined the battle, setting off waves of counteroffensives on the battlefield of online public opinion.

It's getting bigger and bigger! "Black Myth: Wukong" has aroused heated discussions among European and American netizens and received a lot of support

They denounced feminists for hypocrisy and bigotry, and bought Black Myth Goku in large quantities to show their support for the game. With the concerted efforts of players, Black Myth: Wukong has topped the sales charts for two consecutive weeks on Steam pre-sales, becoming one of the most popular games at the moment.

For these players, the controversy isn't just about fighting for a game, it's about defending their cultural identity. For a long time, they have been feeling helpless and angry under the suppression of feminist ideology. And this cultural battle has allowed them to find an opportunity to speak out and vent their grievances for years.

It's getting bigger and bigger! "Black Myth: Wukong" has aroused heated discussions among European and American netizens and received a lot of support

Traditional Chinese culture advocates harmonious coexistence and emphasizes cultural diversity and inclusiveness. Western feminism, on the other hand, tends to subscribe to a single cultural value and tries to impose it on other cultures. In China, equality between men and women has always been a social norm that is taken for granted, not a slogan that needs to be deliberately emphasized.

Western feminists tend to over-politicize gender issues as a tool for cultural export, which explains why they lash out so fiercely at a game set in traditional Chinese culture. In the era of globalization, dialogue and exchange between different cultures is essential. Only by respecting each other and embracing differences can we achieve true cultural integration.