
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"

author:Guode elderly care

In Fuzhou Guode Elderly Care Center, there are many elderly people living here, who write their retirement life in their own way.

Today, we had the pleasure of interviewing an elderly person who has been living in Guode for five years - Grandma Qiu Yuying. Today, let us as listeners to perceive her life in the past five years.

The elder of this issue - Grandma Qiu Yuying

"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"

Grandma, how old are you?

I was born in 34 years and am 91 years old this year.

"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"

What did grandma do in the past, can you tell us a little bit about it?

After liberation, I participated in residents' associations, and then I worked in factories in other places for a while before working in factories near my home.

Why did you choose to come to a nursing home?

It's very boring at home, everyone in the family has gone to work, it's good to come here, life is very comfortable and happy, there are all kinds of activities every day, and I have been living here for five years.

Why choose Guode? What appealed to you the most?

The national morality is very good, my son is very relieved to put me here, and the life here is also very lively.

"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"

How do you feel about getting along with other elders in the past five years?

I get along well with other elders. But usually I live alone, because I'm afraid of air conditioning, and it's very comfortable to open it here if you want to.

You have also participated in senior volunteer activities, what are your thoughts on senior volunteer activities?

I did my best to do something, I was very happy, and I was able to help my new grandparents and talk to them, and my life was very fulfilling.

"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"

What is your assessment of the caregivers at GOT?

Guode caregivers are really good, they are very good at taking care of us, caring for us, I think they are very good, I am very comfortable living here now, more comfortable than I am at home, I am not used to it when I go home, and now I am reluctant to leave.

"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"
"In the past five years in Guode, I am more comfortable than I am at home!"

After the interview, we couldn't help but be touched by Grandma Qiu's happiness and open-mindedness, and also happy that she was able to spend her old age in the big family of Guode.

In the days to come, Guode will work harder, never forget its original intention, and realize the true meaning of "providing for the elderly, having fun, enjoying the elderly, and relying on the elderly".