
Phlegm dampness and obesity? Traditional Chinese medicine has "miracle tricks" for weight loss

author:Dr. Ho Wah

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen is the "source of phlegm".

When the spleen is deficient, the function of the spleen will be weakened, resulting in the internal cessation of water and dampness, and then condensation into phlegm.

Phlegm dampness and obesity? Traditional Chinese medicine has "miracle tricks" for weight loss

As the old saying goes, "Fat and phlegm-damp." ”

It is manifested as obvious loss of appetite, sticky mouth, no thirst, easy to sweat without moving, heavy body, slippery pulse, loose stool, coughing and wheezing, excessive phlegm, fatigue, and heavy limbs.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen likes dryness and hates dampness, the spleen deficiency is abnormal, and the internal phlegm and dampness accumulate in the abdomen, resulting in abdominal obesity.

Phlegm dampness and obesity? Traditional Chinese medicine has "miracle tricks" for weight loss

So how to lose belly?

Obese people have a lot of dampness, which is essentially caused by spleen deficiency, so they should strengthen the spleen.

The medical saint Zhang Zhongjing has a very vivid description in "Jin Kui Yaolu", "The heart is strong, as big as a plate, the side is like a rotating plate, made by drinking water, and boiled in citrus soup".

Citrus aurantium soup is composed of citrus aurantium and atractylodes. It can dispel phlegm and dampness and reduce belly!

The first is citrus aurantium, which can dissolve phlegm and disperse ruffians, break qi and dissipate accumulation, dissolve phlegm and dampness in the abdomen, and digest undigested food.

Phlegm dampness and obesity? Traditional Chinese medicine has "miracle tricks" for weight loss

The second is Atractylodes, which can strengthen the spleen and invigorate qi, dry dampness and improve water.

The dampness in the body and the phlegm and dampness dissolved by the citrus aurantium are discharged from the body, then the problem of phlegm dampness is solved, and the big belly will gradually become smaller.

Two medicines into a soup, one elimination and one supplement, good at eliminating phlegm and drinking.

It should be noted that this recipe is not a home-cooked medicinal diet instead of tea, and the specific dosage is recommended to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

The medicines, prescriptions, and medical techniques mentioned in this article are for the sharing of TCM knowledge only and are not intended as methods, advice, recommendations or guidelines for medical treatment or diseases.

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