
Want to do business after the "declaration of war"? China has an urgent matter to do, and the Philippines needs to be taught a lesson

author:Lu Zhe has something to say

Want to do business after the "declaration of war"? China has an urgent matter to do, and the Philippines needs to be taught a lesson and correct the concept that business is business and relationship is relationship.

Want to do business after the "declaration of war"? China has an urgent matter to do, and the Philippines needs to be taught a lesson

Recently, the friction between the Philippines and China in the South China Sea has attracted a lot of attention. Although the Philippines did not take advantage of it in the end, Manila's main focus is to be tough with China to the end. According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Philippine Secretary of Defense Teodoro recently had a phone call, reaffirming the US security commitment to the Philippines and supporting the Philippines in defending its sovereignty in the South China Sea. Judging from the content of the phone call between the US and Philippine defense ministers, the United States is still the same old-fashioned and only willing to use its lips to make a so-called "rock-solid security commitment" for the Philippine side. But as far as the actual situation is concerned, the United States is really unreliable, and in order to give the Philippines chicken blood, it hyped up the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty", and that posture gave people the impression that as long as the Philippines was injured by a single hair in the South China Sea, the United States would take action. But as you can see, when the Chinese coast guard won a great victory, the United States did not even see a single figure, which is enough to prove that the United States' commitment is a lie.

Want to do business after the "declaration of war"? China has an urgent matter to do, and the Philippines needs to be taught a lesson

In addition to the phone call between the US and Philippine defense ministers to reiterate the security commitments of the two sides in the South China Sea, Philippine Ambassador to the United States Romualdez recently said in an interview with the Financial Times that if a war breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, Manila may allow the US military to use Philippine bases. In addition, the dispute between China and the Philippines over Ren'ai Jiao may also spread to the entire Indo-Pacific region, and may even raise fears of nuclear war. There is no doubt that the Philippine ambassador to the United States is thinking that the matter is not big enough, that it cannot fight China in the South China Sea, and that he is now trying to use the Taiwan Strait to make an argument and win the attention of the international community and the support of the United States by exaggerating the regional situation. However, this approach is clearly playing with fire, and the Taiwan Strait issue is China's untouchable red line, but the Philippines is sending the wrong signal and is also thinking of opening military bases for the US military in the event of a war in the Taiwan Strait. In my opinion, the Philippines is not unaware of where China's bottom line is, and it knows that it cannot do it, and even so, then the introduction of war is also a "declaration of war", and the Philippines probably wants to completely turn the other cheek with China.

Want to do business after the "declaration of war"? China has an urgent matter to do, and the Philippines needs to be taught a lesson

However, a dramatic scene was staged, the Philippines still wanted to do business with China after "declaring war"? According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, the director of the Philippine National Economic and Development Agency, Balisakhan, said that although the Philippines and China "have contradictions" on the South China Sea issue, for the Philippines, China is its largest trading partner, so Manila still welcomes Chinese investment in the Philippines. From this point of view, I think China has an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with more urgently, and that is to teach the Philippines a lesson with practical actions and correct the concept that business is business and relationship is relationship. Although the two exist independently but complement each other, why does the Philippines think that it can achieve "economic and political separation" and try to benefit from China while provoking China? Although China is benevolent, it does not mean that we can be regarded as the wronged leader, and the Philippines must first show sincerity if it wants to do business.

Want to do business after the "declaration of war"? China has an urgent matter to do, and the Philippines needs to be taught a lesson

In short, the Philippines now has to recognize its own position, because they cannot do without the Chinese market, not that China cannot do without them, if they blindly engage in confrontation and act as a pawn for the United States, then when their own value is exhausted, the Philippines will most likely end up as an outcast, and the lack of people and money may be the final destination of the Philippines.

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