
Nostalgia Trivia||School in Bujia Village

author:Mt. Wuxiang

The word "school" began in the Republic of China, and the "Republic of China" is a very interesting era, the entanglement of tradition and modernity, the collision of Eastern and Western cultures, the blending of old and new ideas, the confusion of social transformation, and the division of warlords in real life, which makes people thriving and uneasy. Enthusiasm for education is also "one of the characteristics of the Republic of China". We should do everything we can to run education, such as "demolishing temples and building schools", such as "building temples and schools".

When did the school in Bujia Village begin, I have not verified, but from the school recorded in the Shouguang County Chronicles of the Republic of China, there was no official school in Bujia Village during the Republic of China, at most it existed in the form of a private school, that is to say, the school in Bujia Village should be a matter after the "liberation", and we can also see the distinctive characteristics of the times from the architectural form of the school building, and I will talk about the characteristics of this era later.

In my memory, there are four places in Bujia Village that have been used as schools, including "South School", "Daotianwan", "Oil Mill" (or Brigade House), "Old School", and "New School". The above four places, that is, the old school and the new school, are schools in the true sense of the word, and the others are temporary expedient measures.

Let's talk about the "South School" first, the South School is in the south of the village, this building is definitely a "mansion" even from the current point of view, four pull the platform house, the blue brick water mill is against the seams, the doors and windows are couponed, the stone is more than one meter long and paved with three or four floors, there are platforms on both sides of the door, it should be a courtyard building, but when we go to school, the east and west south houses are gone, but from the topography can also be seen, there are faint traces of the house. I can't trace the predecessor of this building, but judging from the form of two stone tablets built on the east wall, is it a "family ancestral hall" or a "temple"?

During the Republic of China, the "South School" house was a bandit nest, where "five feet" and "five hammers" lived. The woman is called "five big feet", the man is called "five hammers", this is a nickname, you can't call it that way in person, the big name of the five hammers is Bu Xiantu, the five big feet don't know who the surname is, although I don't know who the surname is, this five big feet have a distinctive feature, there is a pair of big feet, in that era, a woman with a pair of big feet is an outlier. The five feet are not only big, but also play "box guns"! Although the five hammers are said to be the shopkeeper, but the big and small things are still his wife's five feet, and the people in the village say that the five hammers are very honest and don't talk much. There is a group of people under the five feet, and when they come and go, they become a bandit's nest, and the five big feet become the bandit leader. A big-footed woman leads a group of big men to fight and kill, from this point of view, this woman is not good at stubble, not simple! In the eyes and mouths of the people in the village, the "five feet" and "bandits" are at best small fights and small knives and guns, and no one tells what bad things she has done and who has caused trouble, but the "female bandits" and "big feet" were too dazzling and shocking at the time. The five feet played a good marksmanship, but in the end, he played with a gun and died under someone else's gun. Then, the crowd of his men scattered the birds and beasts. Because of the legend of "Five Feet" and "Five Hammers", coupled with the atmosphere of the bandits' den, the South School is very mysterious and intimidating. I was in the first grade at the South School, and I didn't dare to enter the hospital alone when I went early, so I waited at the door, even at the door, and I was nervous. The South School was destroyed in the eighties of the village plan.

Let's talk about "Rice Field Bay", Rice Field Bay is in the west of the village, I don't know if there is a rice field, the bay exists, we were young, in the summer, we often go down to the rice field bay, there are still a lot of fish in the rice field bay, when we were not like "fishing" now, we are "sitting on the fish", get a basin to smear some "big oil", and after a while, the fish will gather over, and mention it vigorously, full of a basin. Of course, you can't go to school in the bay, there is a brigade house in the north of the bay, because I didn't go to school in Paddy Bay, so I am not impressed, there are various medicinal herbs and nurseries planted around Paddy Bay, this brigade house should belong to the temporary residence of watching the slope and resting. After a short period of schooling, Inada Bay became a mill. I don't know if there is still in Daotianwan, and the idle land has become a greenhouse, and it is estimated that it is gone.

"Oil Mill" is the name I gave myself, in the northeast corner of the village, a water of blue bricks, very delicate old houses, it is estimated that the descendants of the rich have not been confiscated into a brigade house. The village developed a side business, and several old men fried fritters and called it an oil mill, of course, it cannot be ruled out that they had done an oil mill before. In the second or third grade, I spent a short time in the oil mill, and the oil mill school was not in the north house, but in a small east house, with its own benches, a few bricks and a wooden plank. Later, a new brigade yard was built, and the "oil mill" that had been used as a school also disappeared.

Let's talk about the old school! The old school is the real sense of the school, as mentioned earlier, the old school has the characteristics of the times, from the characteristics of these times can also be inferred from the school establishment era, after the liberation of education, but also try all means, the Republic of China also demolished the temple to build the school, at this time, the idea of the dead, the deceased grave dug up, dug up the bricks to build a warehouse, build a school, etc., called "old members of the investment". Sometimes I wonder, do we have a tradition of tossing the ancients? From ancient times to the present, the ancients have never lived in peace. The most distinctive feature of the old school is the stone carvings on both sides of the classroom door, there are peonies, lotuses, figures, and shapes, which are very exquisite. Of course we were young! I don't know if this is a "grave stone", we play with mud, put mud on the stone, and the pattern is copied, look! That's when we'll be "rubbing"! Judging from the background of "old member investment", the old school should have been built in the sixties.

Finally, let's talk about the "new school", the new school should be built in the late eighties, I don't know when the resident ID card started, remember the photo of the new school when I applied for the ID card, I was impressed by the fact that the director of the police station was wearing an "outer waist", exposing the gun, and the red cloth of the gun handle was particularly eye-catching outside, even dazzling. The new school is in the east of the village, this land was the cemetery at the earliest, I have seen the stele of "Bu's Xianqi" in the nineties, the stele has been the base of the diesel engine, and the stele appeared for a short time after picking up the brigade, and suddenly disappeared. The centuries-old "double-headed grave" that has made our Bujia Village unjust and aggrieved is also in this place. Later, the old cemetery was moved to Lijiabu, and this land became an orchard, and later the waterlogged land in the west of the slope was transformed, and the fruit trees were transplanted, but the salinity was too heavy, and none of the fruit trees survived. After the orchard became the vegetable field of the second team, an uncle named Fanji undertook the task of looking after the vegetable garden. At that time, the second team of "sweet potato seedlings" of the kang was also "plated" here, when I was a child, there was a shortage of things, and after pulling out the sweet potato seedlings, we went to the kang to eat "sweet potato mother and child", "sweet potato mother and child" is so sweet! Later, the school building was required to meet the standard, and "a new school was built, and the vegetable field of the second team was gone." Later, the school was dismantled, the new school was abandoned, and there was no school in Bujia Village. The site of the new school is still there, and it has been rented out to individuals, either as a house for the elderly, or as a warehouse......

When I went home during the Dragon Boat Festival, my neighbor built a house, and I saw the "new school" next to it, and I saw the "new school" again, and suddenly an idea popped up, should I record the school in Bujia Village? Hence the above text.

(Shouguang Lao Bu original graphic text)

Nostalgia Trivia||School in Bujia Village
Nostalgia Trivia||School in Bujia Village
Nostalgia Trivia||School in Bujia Village
Nostalgia Trivia||School in Bujia Village