
Kuqa: Cotton spinning project promotes employment

author:Tianshan Net
Kuqa: Cotton spinning project promotes employment

On June 21, workers inspected the quality of cotton yarn in the production workshop of Kuqa Lihua Textile Co., Ltd. The company's new 700,000 spindle cotton spinning production project with an investment of 2.36 billion yuan will be completed in November 2023, and will form an annual output of 128,000 tons of medium and high-grade cotton combed tight knotless yarn and pure cotton high-grade OE yarn after it is put into operation at the end of this year, with an annual sales revenue of 3.2 billion yuan and 3,200 jobs. Photo by Shi Jiuyun/Xinjiang Daily reporter Li Rui

Kuqa: Cotton spinning project promotes employment

On June 21, workers worked in the production workshop of Kuqa Lihua Textile Co., Ltd. Photo by Shi Jiuyun/Xinjiang Daily reporter Li Rui

Kuqa: Cotton spinning project promotes employment

On June 21, workers worked in the production workshop of Kuqa Lihua Textile Co., Ltd. Photo by Shi Jiuyun/Xinjiang Daily reporter Li Rui

Kuqa: Cotton spinning project promotes employment

On June 21, workers inspected the quality of cotton in the production workshop of Kuqa Lihua Textile Co., Ltd. Photo by Shi Jiuyun/Xinjiang Daily reporter Li Rui