
Drunk and lying in the sun

author:Shadow Sky

#长文创作激励计划# #酒# #分享古人的智慧#​ #中国的酒文化有什么可以说道说道的#​

There is a precious liquid in this world, and this liquid is wine.

Drunk and lying in the sun

The birth of wine comes from the deep affection of people. Li Bai said well: "If the sky doesn't love wine, the wine star is not in the sky." If the earth does not love wine, there shall be no fountain of wine on the earth. "People who really like to drink know before they drink that they can't change anything. I don't have much hope for alcohol, so I'm never drunk.

"When you sing about wine, life is geometric. For example, the morning dew, the bitter ...... of the past day" wine can bring the expression of true temperament and clear the fog of life; Wine can make the world no longer cold, and let people recognize themselves in heaven and earth; Wine is the blood-stained knife of heroes, fighting in the mountains and rivers of all directions, and a blood can not shed the true colors of heroes; Wine is the poet's strong pen, swallowing the long river of the desert, a lifetime of love, and can't write a long song. Great drunkenness, great dreams, great sorrow, great joy. Human affairs, can there be no wine?

Drunk and lying in the sun

Wine, which can be shared with the closest people. "When we meet, we will drink for you, and we will be on the edge of the weeping willows in high-rise buildings." "Persuade you to have a glass of wine, and there is no one in Yangguan in the west." A meeting, a parting is even more one. This is a heart-to-heart dialogue, needless to say, just do it first for respect, that is, you and I are affectionate. There will be a lot of fate in life, inadvertently meet each other, but find that each other can give a lot, simple encounters and misses, can also be branded in the heart of a clear mark. This glass of wine is mellow and fragrant.

Wine can be drunk with all things in heaven and earth. "I wish that when the song is against the wine, the moonlight will always shine in the golden bottle." Look at the sky and the earth, and know the joy and sorrow. A ride, a piano, a pot of turbid wine, the four seas are home, and the world is all over the world. The lonely poet in the lonely night, full of no one to tell the knot, then with the heaven and earth of all things, the loneliness in the wine, toast the polar eyes, look at the outline of the world, see the magnificence of the mountains and rivers, think of the infinite universe, sigh the need of life, burst out of thousands of years of great loneliness, big sigh! This glass of wine is sweet and choking.

Drunk and lying in the sun

Sake can be drunk in the scenery of the landscape. "In a hundred years, Hun Sect is drunk, 36,000 ...... Jiangnan is good, a thousand bells of wine, a song "Full Court Fang". "Get rid of the fetters of the world, forget the ups and downs of life, several ups and downs, fame and fortune, think of thousands of thoughts are like ashes, the ambition of the clouds, the heart of the white head, but the sycamore is foggy, the willows shake the wind, the ambition is difficult to pay, Lingyun pities himself. It's better to pour a full cup of Du Kang, it's better to be drunk and play, it's better to dance with fencing. This glass of wine is refreshing and sweet.

Drunk and lying in the sun

Alcohol can also be drunk on the battlefield with the hunting flag fluttering. "Drunk and lying on the battlefield, don't smile, a few people have come back to fight in ancient times." Every hero seems to have a soft spot for wine. "Drunk to pick up the lamp to look at the sword, dream back to blow the horn joint venture." This wine is a chic life of happiness and revenge, and arrogance. Behind him is the homeland of his relatives, and in front of him, there is a beacon of wolf smoke and blood. The sword roars the west wind, sings and marches, looks up to the sky and roars, the strong and fierce, can't drink the blood of the Huns, can't kill the enemy's head, where to look at Shenzhou. This glass of wine is strong and tragic.

Drunk and lying in the sun

The same is drinking, some people are wine fairies, and some people are drunkards. The key to the matter is to have crossed the line. In fact, the good and bad of things are not so clear-cut, and if they are excessive, they become disasters. Moderate drinking can make people feel good, forget their worries, relax the whole body, reduce fatigue and lift their spirits. Once alcoholism develops, alcohol becomes a destroyer of health and family. In fact, the joy of drinking is no longer drinking, but it is just to use wine to speak, borrow wine to intercede, borrow wine to talk about things, and spit out what you want to say that you can't say, and what you want to say that you can't say, which is also a great pleasure in life.

There is a tiger in the heart, sniffing the rose. There is heroism and warmth in wine, loneliness and perfection in wine, and detachment and freedom in wine. Li Bai "raised a glass to invite Mingyue, and the shadow became a trio," Su Shi "When is Mingyue, ask the wine to listen to the sky," This seems to be an eternal posture, desolate and melancholy, and the impermanence of life is interpreted to the extreme. "The ancient sages were all lonely, and only the drinker left his name." The hero accomplished the hero's feat in wine, and the poet fulfilled the hero's dream in wine. So, who are the drinkers? It's Qu Yuan, it's Xiang Yu, it's Cao Cao, it's Liu Ling, it's Ruan Ji, it's Li Bai, it's Du Fu, it's Su Dongpo, it's Xin Qiji...... It is the eternal Chinese cultural context and the magnificent Yanhuang epic.

Drunk and lying in the sun

A wine, a poem, a book, a sword, a confidant, a mountain, a river, a day. Drunk and lying in the remnant sun, it is always a dream of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.