
Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news

author:Ai Lei 2020

#头条创‮战挑作‬赛#6月27日,新闻热榜火爆全网,大陆的两任国防部长落马被查并被开除党籍军籍的信息迅速热门起来。 Wei Fenghe and Li Shangfu are two state councilors who are concurrently ministers of national defense, vice-state-level cadres, two generals, a dragon among people, a general of the Rocket Army, and the most mysterious army in China. An army general, the unit with the largest number of Chinese and the most glorious traditions. It is rare for two generals to be expelled from the party on the same day, and both former and former generals are corrupt elements, and the defense of the family and the country is handed over to these people, so that people can live and work in peace and contentment, and live and work with peace of mind? There's so much to think about.

Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news
Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news

On the positive side, the dismissal of Li Shangfu, Wei Feng, and the two "military tigers" was very gratifying, and the expulsion from the party, expulsion from the army, and revocation of the rank of general shows the firm determination of the central authorities to fight corruption and to administer the party and the army strictly. In fact, the army's anti-corruption campaign has been on the road and has never stopped. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Xu Houcai, Guo Boxiong, former vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission, Zhang Yang and Fang Fenghui, members of the Military Commission, and the four "tigers in the army" were the biggest "pollution sources" of the army's political ecology. From the side, the central authorities dare to fight even such a big tiger that holds military power, let alone some flies and mosquitoes in society. But often because there are few things, it is easier to be forgotten and let go gently.

Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news
Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news

Li Guifu, the secretary of Qianxi County in Hebei Province, is also a black and red figure, and is famous throughout the country for retaliating against Ma Shushan, a veteran cadre in his 70s, who reported the whistleblower. Involved 22 local responsible persons and was dealt with by party discipline and state law. Later, he was also suspected of serious violations of discipline and law, and is currently under review by the Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, and there has been no result so far. But it can be regarded as an unexpected gain for Li Guifu's two leaders, Guo Yanhong and Yang Jie, to fall into an accident.

Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news
Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news

Tancheng County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, during the Spring Festival this year, two police cars entered the village and shouted "Li Moumou is suspected of soliciting prostitution", ruining the reputation of the villagers. More than 2 months have passed. This matter has not had a big impact on the results of the handling of the police involved, and there has been no follow-up so far, whether it is extortion or extortion, or improper working methods, the Internet has a memory.

Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news
Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news

There was also a fight between several students at a school in Jinan and a drunken female student, resulting in serious injuries to the drunk. The arrest of the student by the Public Security Bureau on suspicion of assault has provoked public outrage over whether the student's actions were justified in self-defense or intentional harm. Now the official authority is here. The students' legitimate defense is too big, and it is a big deal. Praise for the timely disposal of the Jinan Public Security Bureau.

Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news
Starting from the fall of the two defense ministers, tigers dare to fight, can flies be easily let go, and there is no more follow-up to the hot news

Although these things cannot be compared with fighting tigers in the army, if they are not handled in a timely manner and cannot convince the common people, they will still have a negative impact on the government's image.

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