
How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?

How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?

Football in the middle

2024-06-24 00:01Posted in Liaoning Sports Creator

Dembele's departure from Barca was a pain in the ass for Barça, who lost a wide attacker. For Dembele himself, leaving Barça was a relief, where he was burdened with too many negative things. As a result, his life at Barcelona has been very depressing, and the long-term mental tension will increase the severity and frequency of injuries in athletes.

In the season he came to Paris, although there was still no big progress in the Champions League, he won the league title. Crucially, Dembele found his happiness again. This is the environment Dembele wants most, the kind of ease that you can't get at Barca.

How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?

His home debut, without the tsunami of Messi and Neymar, shows that fans do not expect too much from him. It also shows that he is only a supporting role, and Paris has only one protagonist and that is Mbappe, so he can do his auxiliary work on the right side.

Dembele is not the kind of player who is particularly combative and self-motivated, and he likes that bohemian feeling. He's one of those players who lives purely on talent, and Paris' dominance in Ligue 1 gives him plenty of room to be at ease.

So much so that Dembele has not scored much of his season in Paris, but we don't seem to see much news criticizing Dembele. Because the attention of Ligue 1 is not high, and Dembele is a supporting role, the tolerance of fans will be high. What's more, with Dembele's talent, it is much easier to face these players in Ligue 1 than in La Liga.

How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?

At Barcelona, his right wing is the heart of the team's attack, and on the left side of Paris, Mbappe is the team's main attacking line. Everyone's attention is also on Mbappe, just watch Mbappe score. Paris can win with Dembele, and without Dembele can win the title, this is the advantage in Ligue 1, which makes Dembele's presence further reduced.

The benefits were also immediate, with Dembele defending, defending, and fouling opponents much less over the course of a season. Otherwise, with the level of "black feet" in Ligue 1, Dembele can't play many games in a season, but he has hardly been injured in Ligue 1 this season, and the most news I heard about him when he was in Barcelona was "injury".

How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?

Spend a season in good health, and Paris is naturally a hideaway for Dembele. But the European Cup is not Ligue 1, and the intensity will come up. The most important thing is that Mbappe mainly looks at Dembele due to an injury on the side, and suddenly changes from a supporting role to a protagonist, and Dembele is not adaptable.

Look at his last season at Barcelona, it was Xavi who got used to him like a child, and let him play on the wing for a good season. But the French coach wasn't going to be so nice to him, and he didn't have that time. Without a backbone behind him, Dembele will be chaotic on the pitch, and the relaxed joy of Paris will soon disappear, and all the defensive intensity will come at him.

All of a sudden, I felt as if I was back at Barcelona, as we mentioned above, he was a player who relied entirely on talent, his cooperation with his teammates was always too casual, and sometimes the passing was extremely irresponsible. World class when you're in good form, Ligue 1 when you're not in good form. In the past, when Mbappe was there, Dembele's good and bad times were not obvious.

How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?

A good one, a few bad, that's a common thing. There are only three games in the group stage of the European Championship, so how can there be so much time for Dembele. So when the big flanks can only rely on Dembele, the manager can only pray on the sidelines to see his luck. Fortunately, Mbappe's injury is a minor injury that will not affect the knockout round.

Otherwise, with Dembele's psychological quality and the characteristics of a hanger, it seems that he is not far from being injured. I still remember that he was injured and retired from the national team after playing more than 30 minutes in the last two games of the European Cup, and you really can't count on him in the big picture.

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  • How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?
  • How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?
  • How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?
  • How did Dembele's joy in Paris disappear in France?

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