
Odesza LLC Trademark Enforcement Case No. 24-cv-2482

author:Jite intellectual property

The plaintiff in the case has now applied for a TRO motion, which has been signed, and the case is represented by Sullivan & Carter, LLP.

Case Information:

Time of prosecution: March 27, 2024


Type of Protection: Trademark

Trademark number: 4920462, 5364856, 5364857

原告品牌:Odesza LLC

品牌:Odesza LLC

代理律所:Sullivan & Carter, LLP

Place of occurrence: Illinois, USA

Brand website:

Brand introduction:

The plaintiff in the case is an electronic music production & performance company based in Seattle, Washington; The company's musical style is a fusion of electronic, pop, and experimental elements, and the music it creates has left a lasting impact on electronic music festivals.

Odesza LLC Trademark Enforcement Case No. 24-cv-2482

Case Progress:

Odesza LLC Trademark Enforcement Case No. 24-cv-2482

Trademark Infringement Details:

Odesza LLC Trademark Enforcement Case No. 24-cv-2482
Odesza LLC Trademark Enforcement Case No. 24-cv-2482
Odesza LLC Trademark Enforcement Case No. 24-cv-2482

Law Firm Introduction:

Sullivan & Carter, LLP (SCIP) is a law firm based in Chicago, Illinois, USA, SCIP has excelled in intellectual property litigation and has represented many cases involving trademarks, copyrights and other intellectual property disputes. For example, he represented the plant automatic waterer in the lawsuit and the FlexLatch infringement case.

Product examples:

Odesza LLC Trademark Enforcement Case No. 24-cv-2482

Sellers who sell related products should pay attention to self-inspection and avoid stepping on the minefield of infringement. What happens if you are sued? After receiving the notice from the platform, you can immediately entrust a lawyer to analyze and deal with it, and it can be solved in as fast as 1-2 months. If you need professional infringement settlement services, or want to know whether your products are infringing, please leave a message for consultation~

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