
The latest World University Rankings by subject are announced! University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's 17 disciplines, among the top 100 in the world!

author:Undergraduate enrollment of the University of Electronic Science and Technology

Recently, U.S. News released the data of the 2024-2025 World University Rankings by Subject, which is divided into 51 sub-fields and covers 2,250 institutions. Among them, 30 disciplines of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China are on the list, with 9 new disciplines compared with 2023; The number of subjects in the top 10 in the world increased by two; The number of subjects in the top 50 increased by 4; The number of the world's top 100 disciplines has increased by 6, and the rising data shows that the University of Electronic Science and Technology has achieved remarkable results in discipline construction in recent years.

The latest World University Rankings by subject are announced! University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's 17 disciplines, among the top 100 in the world!

Source: Qingta Pro

The electronic information disciplines, represented by electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering, etc., are the traditional advantageous disciplines of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. In the fourth round of national first-level discipline evaluation, the two disciplines of electronic science and technology and information and communication engineering were A+, and both rounds were selected as national "double first-class" construction disciplines. The school's advantageous disciplines of electronic information continue to rank in the leading position in China, and several directions have reached the international advanced level.

In addition, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China takes the construction of "double first-class" as an opportunity to comprehensively promote the construction of five major discipline groups: "Electronic Science and Technology Discipline Group", "Information and Communication Engineering Discipline Group", "Computer Science and Technology Discipline Group", "Information Medicine Interdisciplinary Discipline Group" and "Mathematics and Physics Discipline Group". Vigorously implement the "Science Construction and Academic Level Strength Improvement Plan" to promote the construction of a strong science department that matches the first-class engineering courses.

The latest World University Rankings by subject are announced! University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's 17 disciplines, among the top 100 in the world!

In the process of giving full play to the leading role of the advantageous disciplines of electronic information, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China focuses on emerging interdisciplinary fields such as information medicine, artificial intelligence, and quantum information, and strives to promote the cross-integration of disciplines in the field of electronic information with science and medicine, and cultivate new discipline growth points. Implement the "Philosophy and Social Sciences Prosperity Plan" to comprehensively enhance the influence of humanities and social sciences at home and abroad.

With the support of a number of initiatives, the comprehensive strength of the disciplines of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China has been significantly improved, and a picture of high-quality development is slowly unfolding——

In the ESI University Rankings released in May 2024, 16 subjects are on the list, and 3 subjects are in the top 1,000 in the world.

The latest World University Rankings by subject are announced! University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's 17 disciplines, among the top 100 in the world!

In the 2023 Ranking of China's Best Disciplines, 25 disciplines from the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China are on the list;

In the latest ranking of world-class disciplines, "Communication Engineering" ranks 3rd in the world, "Computer Science and Engineering" ranks 11th in the world, "Instrument Science" ranks 15th in the world, and "Power Electronics Engineering" ranks 31st in the world.


The latest World University Rankings by subject are announced! University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's 17 disciplines, among the top 100 in the world!

Two disciplines of the University of Electronic Science and Technology were rated A+ in the fourth round of national discipline evaluation

The discipline ecology of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China continues to be optimized, and there are 19 first-level discipline doctoral degree authorization points and 31 first-level discipline master's degree authorization points, forming a good discipline ecology with electronic information discipline as the core, engineering as the mainstay, coordinated development of science, engineering, medicine, management and literature, and multidisciplinary cross-integration.

With the support of a strong disciplinary foundation, a total of 32 majors of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China have been selected as national first-class undergraduate major construction sites, and 15 majors have been selected as provincial first-class undergraduate major construction sites, involving 36 enrollment majors, accounting for 97.29% of the total number of enrollment majors.

The latest World University Rankings by subject are announced! University of Electronic Science and Technology of China's 17 disciplines, among the top 100 in the world!

Based on the new stage, forge ahead on a new journey. The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China will continue to implement the strategy of "discipline improvement", strengthen characteristic guidance and cross-collaboration, and build a first-class discipline ecosystem with mutual support, cross-integration and coordinated development in accordance with the construction idea of "excellent engineering, strong science, new education, and fine literature", and strive to run out of the "acceleration" of building a world-class university with Chinese characteristics.

In 2024, welcome to apply for the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and with the help of solid disciplines, you will be able to embark on a broader stage of life!

Pay attention to the headlines of "Undergraduate Admissions of the University of Electronic Science and Technology" for more exciting information!

The source of the material for this article: Qingta Pro official WeChat, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Qiangguo Education Quality Official WeChat, etc

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