
"Cute Detective 2024" My electronic mustard is over, I really love it!

author:Mi Jia Yu Tong watched entertainment

#头条创作挑战赛#很多综艺MC其实很重要, the new season, whether the MC is changed or not, and whether or not new people are added, will cause an uproar.

Just like the trump card has not been recorded yet, the information about the resident personnel has been spread on the Internet.

And almost all of them are asking for the original cast.

But "Cute Detective" is very strange.

After watching it for a few seasons, I feel that it looks good to change anyone!

is like the resident MC of the new season, compared with the first season, there are only Na Ying and Huang Zitao left.

"Cute Detective 2024" My electronic mustard is over, I really love it!
"Cute Detective 2024" My electronic mustard is over, I really love it!

And there is also an absence between these two people.

But I feel that no matter who comes to this show, it's very good-looking!

Speaking of games, scripts, and plots, in fact, many variety shows are very similar.

Therefore, I deeply felt it, and it is most likely a problem with the atmosphere of the show.

Of course, I would like to represent my personal opinion!

"Cute Detective 2024" My electronic mustard is over, I really love it!

Because no matter what the show, if you like it, you will inevitably have dislikes.

But "Cute Detective" is just good to look at every way.

I just can't understand why there are only ten issues?

When will I be paid back the two instalments owed?

This season's "Cute Detective" Tian Jiarui has all kinds of highlights, which is really amazing.

Gao Ye changed the wisdom of his sister-in-law, no matter how he looked at it, he was a fool.

"Cute Detective 2024" My electronic mustard is over, I really love it!

Why did Cheng Lei come for so many issues, I can't get enough of it.

Wu Zhenyu turned out to be so fun!

Xiang Zuo's comedy cells are very good!

Sister Meng, as always, "spoke wildly"!

I like "Cute Detective" so much!

"Cute Detective 2024" My electronic mustard is over, I really love it!

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