
In 2024, the deepening of medical reform will → these "new actions".

author:Bijie release

People's livelihood, health is the greatest. The "examination papers" of medical reform in the new era are slowly unfolding.

Focusing on the "Key Tasks for Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System in 2024" recently issued by the General Office of the State Council, the 2024 National Conference on Deepening Medical Reform Experience Promotion and China Health Development Conference was held in Chengdu, Sichuan Province from June 22 to 23.

Since the mainland launched a new round of reform of the medical and health system, more than 1.4 billion people have gained a real sense of health: the world's largest basic medical security network covers urban and rural areas, and the main health indicators of residents rank among the top middle- and high-income countries......

In 2024, the deepening of medical reform will → these "new actions".

A small step for medical reform is a big step for people's livelihood. What are the differences in the key tasks of medical reform this year?

Medical insurance, medical care, and medicine are inseparable, and it is especially necessary to work in the same direction during reform. Promoting the coordinated development and governance of the "three medicines" is an important part of deepening the current medical reform. The key tasks in 2024 clearly put forward the need to explore the establishment of a unified and efficient policy coordination, information connectivity, and regulatory linkage mechanism for medical insurance, medical care, and medicine.

"Health care reform is a relay race". Zhu Hongbiao, a first-level inspector of the Department of Institutional Reform of the National Health Commission, said that the key tasks of this year's medical reform pay more attention to learning and promoting the experience of Sanming medical reform according to local conditions.

In terms of "difficulty in seeing a doctor", we will mainly focus on further improving the medical and health service system and implementing the hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system.

It is very important to improve the medical and health service system to make the health of the masses more "medical".

Improve the capacity of public health services, strengthen the capacity building of primary medical and health services, organize secondary and tertiary hospitals to improve the capacity of the grassroots through personnel sinking, telemedicine, training, itinerant medical treatment, etc., orderly promote the establishment and construction of national medical centers and national regional medical centers, deepen the reform of close medical associations, and improve the capacity of health personnel...... The people have called for it, and the government has responded. The key tasks in 2024 will accurately focus on the people's urgency, hardship and hope, and promote "zero problems" with a "list of problems".

In terms of "expensive medical treatment", we will strive to make a breakthrough in the centralized procurement of medicines "price reduction without quality reduction"——

Medical reform is promoted and medical insurance is leading. In 2024, the key tasks will be clear, promote the centralized procurement of drugs and medical consumables to improve quality and expand the scope, and strengthen the quality supervision of selected drugs and medical consumables in centralized procurement.

This means that the centralized procurement of pharmaceuticals will be further expanded, and the selected products in the centralized procurement will always adhere to the original intention of "reducing prices without reducing quality", so that the people will continue to benefit.

In 2024, the deepening of medical reform will → these "new actions".

A number of measures to benefit people's livelihood and warm people's hearts are "on the way": it is estimated that by the end of 2024, the total number of national and provincial centralized procurement drugs will reach 500; Guide three pilot provinces, including Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang, and Sichuan, to carry out provincial (regional) pilot projects for deepening the reform of medical service prices, and guide five pilot cities, including Tangshan, Suzhou, Xiamen, Ganzhou, and Leshan, to further explore the establishment of a new mechanism for medical service prices......

In terms of "convenience of seeing a doctor", we will promote digital empowerment of medical reform and make good use of "data"——

Promote the development and utilization of public data resources in the field of health care, promote the "handheld" and "online" handling of medical service matters, integrate medical and pharmaceutical data element resources, and build a transaction service platform for the transformation of achievements around key areas such as innovative drugs...... Continue to enhance the people's "sense of access to medical treatment", so that medical services can show "science and technology"!

In 2024, the deepening of medical reform will → these "new actions".

The relevant person in charge of the National Health Commission said that on the whole, the key tasks in 2024 will be more problem-oriented and goal-oriented, more prominent system integration and collaborative linkage, and more prominent innovation and breakthroughs, and effective implementation. In the future, we will strengthen the monitoring of medical reform, summarize and promote local experience and practices in a timely manner, and promote the national medical reform work to a new level.

If the goal is clear, the direction is clear, and the direction is clear. The "roadmap" for deepening medical reform in 2024 has been clear, as long as we "start again" in the direction of building a more high-quality and efficient medical and health service system, and continue to lay a solid foundation for people's livelihood in the construction of a healthy China, we will definitely be able to do a good job in medical reform to benefit the people.

Source: WeChat public account "Xinhua News Agency"

Planner: Chen Fang Reporter: Li Heng, Dong Ruifeng, Dong Xiaohong

Editor: Luo Hongye Editor: Wang Yun Director: Dai Yuanming

Bijie release submission email: [email protected]

In 2024, the deepening of medical reform will → these "new actions".

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