
"2023 Chinese Poetry Conference" Second Flying Flower Order: Idioms

author:Brilliant Flying Flower Order
"2023 Chinese Poetry Conference" Second Flying Flower Order: Idioms

The second flying flower order of the 2023 Poetry Conference: idioms


1. Lang rode a bamboo horse and went around the bed to make green plums.

Childhood sweetheart, from Li Bai's "Long Trunk Travel: Part I"

2. After a long time, he came out, still holding the pipa and half covering his face.

Thousand Calls

3. Living together for a long time, the two children have no suspicion.

There is no guess in the two

4. Rest, tomorrow the yellow butterfly is also worried.


5. Last year, in this door today, the peach blossoms on the human face are red.

Peach blossom with a human face

6. The halberd sinks into the sand and the iron is not sold, and it will be washed and recognized by the previous dynasty.

Broken halberd and sinking sand

7. There are no colorful phoenix wings, and the heart is a little clear.

The heart has a soul

8. Who cries the most in the seat? Jiangzhou Sima Qing shirt wet.

Sima Qingshan

9. Think about the past, Jin Ge Iron Horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

Jin Ge Iron Horse

10. Flowing water and flowers go in spring, heaven and earth.

Falling flowers and flowing water

11. As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win countless in the world.

Golden Wind and Jade Dew

12. The grass grows and the warbler flies in the February sky, and the willows are drunk with spring smoke.

The grass grows and the warbler flies

13. Helplessly, the flowers fell, and the familiar swallow returned.

Helpless, déjà vu

14. Natural beauty is difficult to give up, and once chosen on the king's side.

Born beautiful

15. Although it is hard to find thousands of waters, blowing away the wild sand and reaching the gold.

Chitai Manzō

16. Die before leaving the school, and the hero will be full of tears.


17. Bao Gong and Gong Mao launched, and fought heroically.


18. Pity the Qin Emperor and Han Wu, slightly lose the literary style; Tang Zong and Song Zu are slightly less coquettish.

Slightly less coquettish (not)

18. The winding path leads to the secluded place, and the flowers and trees in the meditation room are deep.

The winding path leads to the secluded

19. I suddenly heard that there is a fairy mountain on the sea, and the mountain is in the ethereal space.


20. The sky is high and the clouds are light, and the geese flying in the south are broken.

The sky is high and the clouds are light

21. When is the spring flower and autumn moon, and how much do you know about the past.

Spring, Flowers, Autumn and Moon

22. The buildings near the water get the moon first, and the flowers and trees in the sun are easy to spring.

Near the water

23. The Red Army is not afraid of difficult expeditions, and thousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting for leisure.

Wanshui Senzan

24. The son said on the river: The deceased is like a husband.

The deceased is like a husband.

25. Looking back and smiling, the six palaces have no color.

Look back and smile

26. In heaven I wish to be a winged bird, and on earth I wish to be a branch.

Connecting Wings

27. The moon stars are scarce, and the black magpie flies south.

The moon stars are scarce

28. Zhou Gong vomits and feeds, and the world returns to the heart.

The world is in the heart

29. Dive into the night with the wind, moisturizing things silently.

Moisturizing things silently

30. If you want to compare West Lake to Xizi, light makeup and heavy makeup are always appropriate.

Light makeup, heavy makeup

31. Yurong is lonely and tears are dry, and pear blossoms bring rain in spring.

Pear blossoms bring rain

32. I advise the Heavenly Father to be vigorous and reduce talents without sticking to one pattern.


33. Now I think about it, the rain and snow are falling. (Not)

33. Weibei spring tree, Jiangdong sunset clouds.

Spring trees and twilight clouds

34. If the love between the two is long, how can it be in the morning and twilight?

Morning and dusk

35. Pointing out the country, inspiring words, and dung was ten thousand households.

Pointing the way

36. It's still the old time to travel to the garden, and the car is like a flowing water and a horse. The flower moon is in the spring breeze.

Heavy traffic

37. The garden is full of spring and can't be closed, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall.

Spring is full of flowers

38. This year's laughter will return to next year, and the autumn moon and spring breeze will be leisurely.

Spring breeze and autumn moon (not)

"2023 Chinese Poetry Conference" Second Flying Flower Order: Idioms

I'll add the Flying Flower Order: idioms

There are beautiful women in the north, peerless and independent.

Peerless independence

One look at the city, and then look at the country.

Rather than know the city and the country, it is difficult to get a beautiful woman.

extremely beautiful

Whoever says an inch is careless, and he will be rewarded with three springs.

Chunhui of grass

Drink and sing wildly, who is the hero?


Turning over the hands to make clouds and hands rain, why do you need to count them?

Turn your hands into clouds and cover your hands for rain

Once the sea was difficult to water, except for Wushan, it is not a cloud.

Once in the sea

The shadow of Xianyuntan is long, and the stars change a few degrees of autumn.

Things change and stars move

Endless is sorrow, and the ends of the earth are full of thoughts.

The ends of the earth

The peach blossoms are gone, and there is no heaven and earth and no world.

There is no other world

The world turned back to the dragon, and he couldn't go here.

The world is spinning

The water of the Shu River is green, the mountains are green, and the holy lord is in love with the morning and twilight.

Morning and dusk

The tiger is better than the past, and the world is turned upside down and generous.

The tiger is on the dragon plate and the world is turned upside down

Where are the bright eyes and bright teeth? Bloodstained geists can't be returned.

Bright eyes and bright teeth

Waiting for leisure to know the east wind side, thousands of purples and thousands of reds are always spring.


There is no way out of the mountains and rivers, and the willows and flowers are bright and another village.

See light at the end of the tunnel

The buildings near the water get the moon first, and the flowers and trees are easy to spring.

Near the water

Don't be afraid of broken bones, you have to leave your innocence in the world.


The morning bell and dusk drum are not in the ear, and the bright moon and lonely clouds are long.

——Li Xian-ying《Yamanaka》

Morning bells and dusk drums

The children of Jiangdong are talented, and their comeback is unknown.

——Tang Du Mu "Wujiang Pavilion"

I heard that Ma Zhou was a new Fengke in the past, and no one knew the old and unrecognized.


stage a comeback

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and sunny, and this matter is difficult to complete.


"2023 Chinese Poetry Conference" Second Flying Flower Order: Idioms

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