
Two Chinese women massaged in Cambodia, said good 15,000 riel, and the result... It's terrible!


Recently, two Chinese girls wanted to experience Cambodia's cost-effective massage services, but unexpectedly got an unexpected ending. The two girls recounted their massage experiences, hoping to sound a wake-up call for their compatriots in Cambodia.

One of the Chinese girls said that her massage experience with her friends in Cambodia made her "unforgettable", and she shared it here, hoping to remind her Chinese friends in Cambodia that they must be more careful when they go to massage parlors in the future.

"Cambodia is an exotic country, mysterious and fascinating," she said. Outside of work, she and her friends want to relax their tired body and mind. Walking down the streets that day, they saw a massage parlor owned by a local, with a sign on the door that read, 'Massage, 15,000 riels'. The price seemed quite attractive, and due to the busy day, they looked at each other and decided to go in and relax. ”

Two Chinese women massaged in Cambodia, said good 15,000 riel, and the result... It's terrible!

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"As soon as I walked into this massage parlor, I felt a sense of loss in my heart. The interior of the store is far from what you imagined, and every room is cluttered. There is a simple bed and fan in the room, the paint on the walls is peeling, and there is a faint smell of old in the corners. She said, but thinking that since they had already come in and the price was quite right, they held the mentality of experiencing it and stayed to consume.

According to reports, she and her friend were brought into two adjacent small rooms, and the masseur followed in. The two of them lay on the not-so-clean bed, trying to ignore the discomfort around them, and looked forward to the upcoming moment of relaxation.

The Chinese girl said that after the massage began, the eldest sister of the massage was quite skilled, and the technique was just right, and the mastery of strength and the precise grasp of acupuncture points showed a certain professional level. Every movement was smooth and smooth, and at the initial stage, she felt a more comfortable experience. However, this peace and comfort did not last long. During the massage, the masseuse's cell phone rang repeatedly, and her expression became a little agitated, knocking on the isolation window more than once, a series of abrupt actions that made the atmosphere of the whole room tense.

She said that because she didn't know Cambodian at all, she could only speculate to herself, perhaps suggesting that the massage time was coming to an end. After about half an hour of the massage, the masseur suddenly stopped without warning and told him with a smile that the time had come. She got up and sat up in surprise, because she had made an appointment with another friend to meet at 8 o'clock that night, and she hurriedly turned on her phone to confirm the time.

She said that she entered the store at 6:20 a.m., and originally planned to end the massage at 7:30, but the massage ended at 7:30. The service time was "cut in half" made them angry, so they reasoned with the store, but the boss heard the question and his face flashed a trace of impatience and claimed that the massage time was enough, and he pressed it for 50 minutes, but 50 minutes was also charged according to an hour.

Two Chinese women massaged in Cambodia, said good 15,000 riel, and the result... It's terrible!

She also said that although she could not understand the conversation between her friend and the owner of the massage parlor, it was obvious from the boss's tough attitude and gestures that he was trying his best to defend himself and even try to pass the buck. The boss insisted that the massage time was calculated from the moment they entered the room, insisting that it was 50 minutes, and that it would be charged according to an hour, and refused to make any concessions or compensation. In the end, in order not to get into trouble, she and her friends reluctantly left the massage parlor. In the face of the unreasonable shopkeepers, they felt both angry and helpless, saying that they could not enter such irregular shops at will in the future. In particular, if you don't understand the language and the environment is unfamiliar, it may be difficult to get a satisfactory result if you continue to argue, and even bring unnecessary trouble to yourself.

Two Chinese women massaged in Cambodia, said good 15,000 riel, and the result... It's terrible!

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She thinks the massage experience was "terrible". After she and her friends returned to their residence, they couldn't calm down for a long time. On the one hand, I feel annoyed by this unpleasant experience, and on the other hand, I blame myself for my own negligence. They hope to share this experience so that the Chinese friends in Cambodia can take it as a warning.

It is worth noting that massage parlors in Cambodia have different prices and uneven service quality, and there have been cases of foreign tourists losing their belongings in street massage parlors. Of course, there are many massage parlors in Cambodia with good service quality, environment and experience, which need to be chosen by consumers after consideration.

Experience a massage that focuses on relaxation. Here, Cambodian headlines remind the majority of compatriots that you must be cautious when choosing a massage parlor, do not be attracted by the price, and it is best to stay away from massage parlors that do not have clear signs and formal processes.

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