
"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

author:Ning Xiaoyu

As the saying goes, "Friendship comes first, competition comes second".

But in Vanity Fair, the sisters are competitions, and feelings are feelings.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

After all, no one wants to give up the opportunity to "become popular" that has been won with great difficulty.

When He Jie and her sisters chatted in the dormitory, they said: I chose you not because of friendship, but because of strength.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

As the senior sister of "Sister Lang", Na Ying also expressed unabashedly: "We choose people or not, it has nothing to do with whether we like it or not, friendship!" ”

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Everyone faced the game with such a mentality, so there was a situation:

Whenever they go to the team to form a group, or when they interact in private, the sisters accidentally expose their true colors.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

01 Qi Wei and Cai Wenjing

Remember the first time you were selected in groups?

Because when I watched the first stage, I sat together and chatted;

Because I saw Cai Wenjing's stage, it was very creative and had potential.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Qi Wei glanced directly, Cai Wenjing knew her intentions, and when the two successfully teamed up, many viewers still felt that they were surprised that they could get along so well.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Including in the process of working and living together, the two of them are called a mutual appreciation:

Cai Wenjing praised Qi Wei's super strength and leadership online, and when chatting with the two directors, she was very imposing and looked like a fan girl.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

And Qi Wei also generously praised Cai Wenjing on the stage for providing emotional value to the team, and affirmed her character and positive energy many times.

Including the second team, Cai Wenjing and Xie Jinyan were bound together, and Qi Wei chose her without hesitation.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

At this point, everyone feels that with such a sympathy for each other, the two people will always support and encourage each other, even if they are not in the same team, and private interaction is indispensable.

However, the reality is: Qi Wei compared and compared, and slowly distanced herself from Cai Wenjing, so Cai Wenjing would say when she was joking: She hasn't sent messages recently.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Not only that, Qi Wei also selected the captain Cai Wenjing liked in her heart, and Cai Wenjing teased again: "Former teammates have become enemies, and people's hearts are sinister."

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Even if the five princes formed a team, and the two were in the same group, it could be seen that Qi Wei's choice this time was very passive.

Her favorite team members, such as Liu Xin, have been selected by He Jie, Chen Lijun, after repeated hesitation, also chose He Jie, and through the accumulation of popularity of the third and fourth princes, Cai Wenjing's popularity has soared, and among the optional members, Cai Wenjing can add points to the team, so Qi Wei chose her again.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Of course, Cai Wenjing looks very arrogant, but in fact, she also has her own little ideas, otherwise she would not have taken the initiative to take on the responsibility of "parent" in the previous competition, and she would not be "brave and strategic" in front of many older sisters.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

So it is not difficult to see that the friendship established by Qi Wei and Cai Wenjing in "Sister Lang" is more based on personal interests in the show.

Whether such a friendship can go a long way, we will wait and see.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

02 Liu Yan He Jie

Before the third performance, the sisters of He Jie's group came to a dormitory meeting, and one was careless, and everyone became sad.

Because He Jie talked about her own difficulties and mentioned the original low period, it was because of this that the audience learned from her that Liu Yan and Fan Xiangyan were her old friends for many years.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Originally, old friends participated in the competition together, either like to "huddle together for warmth", or "teasing each other" in private, but in the show, the three of them never showed how familiar they were.

Not only that, Liu Yan's small move also directly exposed the "true face" of this friendship.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

After Shang Wenjie and He Jie had a small friction, He Jie left with her schoolbag on her back, and Liu Yan did not chase her out to ask and accompany, and the reason for this was revealed at a dinner in the group later.

As He Jie's good friend, Liu Yan showed his admiration for Shang Wenjie's stable mood in front of He Jie.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Although the misunderstanding between He Jie and Shang Wenjie was resolved because of this topic, I don't know how He Jie felt at that time.

Including He Jie and Qi Wei as the captains, when they competed for songs, Qi Wei put forward the opinion of respecting He Jie, and said a lot of reasons, and everyone praised her for being smart and strategic.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Liu Yan looked at He Jie, who was stunned on the field, but couldn't help but say: "He Dabao's mind hasn't even turned around!" ”

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

These words can see the closeness of the relationship between the two, but they can't feel the warmth of friendship between each other, and it seems that they are more just teasing each other.

It can be said that the relationship between Liu Yan and He Jie is really not as comfortable as the relationship between her and Sa Dingding.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

The two only experienced the cooperation of Yigong, and then when Sa Dingding was the captain, Liu Yan resolutely chose her and encouraged her all the time.

03 Shang Wenjie Zhu Dan

If you want to say that the sister who takes the most care of Zhu Dan in "Sister Lang", it must be Shang Wenjie.

As we all know, as a host, although Zhu Dan's hosting strength is very strong, but on this professional singing and dancing stage, Zhu Dan is a bit "dragging his feet" in every aspect.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Singing, going out of tune from time to time, dancing, although I can keep up with everyone's footsteps, but the body still seems uncoordinated, and in terms of topicality, if you don't mention its feelings, it doesn't seem to have much attention.

Combining the above factors, every time a team is selected, Zhu Dan is very passive.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

In this case, Shang Wenjie has joined the same team with Zhu Dan many times, and in terms of singing, she continues to patiently guide and help her, and also praise and encourage her to sing well.

In private life, the two live in the same dormitory, and Shang Wenjie will also help Zhu Dan blow her hair at her request.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

The most touching scene is that after the fourth performance, Zhu Dan was almost eliminated.

However, what is unexpected is that the program team has designed a new selection competition system for Wugong, and it seems that staying is more painful than being eliminated.

Zhu Dan sat on the field, watching others chatting and forming teams, but he was cold and lonely, and he felt very uncomfortable.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

At this time, Shi Wenjie and Guo Biting noticed her loss and ran to her side, chatting with her, comforting her, and waiting with her.

Of course, Shang Wenjie cares enough about Zhu Dan, and Zhu Dan is also very partial to Shang Wenjie.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

After Shang Wenjie and He Jie had a misunderstanding, Zhu Dan helped Shang Wenjie explain twice, once to explain why Shang Wenjie wanted to sing with Guo Biting, and once to express for Shang Wenjie, she and He Jie have different frequencies, so they can't get together.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

In addition, when choosing songs, when hearing beautiful big vocal songs, Zhu Dan will also think of Shang Wenjie for the first time.

From this point of view, the friendship between the two is constantly heating up, and presumably after the show, they will get better and better.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

04 Chen Haoyu Chen Lijun

Maybe it's because they are both surnamed Chen, or maybe it's because the first stage gives the audience the impression that the two people look very similar, plus they are in a group and both of them are extraordinary.

Therefore, Chen Haoyu and Chen Lijun are often compared to each other, and under the camera, the two seem to be very chatty in private.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

On Chen Lijun's birthday, she was in the same group with Liu Xin and Qi Wei, thinking that her former teammates would no longer rest assured of each other after they separated, but Chen Haoyu, Liu Yan, and Sa Dingding still quietly gave Chen Lijun gifts very intimately and privately.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

In addition, in the latest team-up, Chen Haoyu's understanding and support for Chen Lijun was even more exposed.

She obviously wanted to team up with Chen Lijun, so when selecting people, she didn't stop if she didn't turn over Chen Lijun's cards.

finally turned to Chen Lijun, but I didn't expect Chen Lijun not to choose her directly, but was very hesitant.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

At this time, Chen Haoyu did not force it, but chose to support.

When Qi Wei and He Jie both wanted to win over Chen Lijun and constantly put pressure on her in front of her, Chen Haoyu obviously wanted to, but told Chen Lijun: You are very embarrassed, don't you, it doesn't matter, I won't put pressure on you.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Seeing this scene, I have to say that if I really think about each other, their friendship is indeed rare.

05 Guo Biting Miao Miao

Speaking of which, it is very surprising that Guo Biting and Miao Miao can play together.

I thought that the two had only worked together on the stage and didn't have much in common, but when Wugong formed a team, they showed a strong idea of wanting to be in a team.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Miao Miao wanted to stand with He Jie and pull Guo Biting together, but Guo Biting said: They will definitely choose you but not me.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

Miao Miao is also very modest, she is thinking: What if the other party chooses Guo Biting away but doesn't choose herself?

At this time, Guo Biting was very righteous: Then I will go down and tell them, saying that you must choose Miao Miao, otherwise I will cry.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

This paragraph really made a lot of fun for the audience, because the conversation between the two sounded a little naïve, just like two children, but it also revealed their simple friendship: there is no utilitarianism, winning or losing, just simply wanting to be in a group.

After the end of the training, Guo Biting and Miao Miao also went to the outdoor lawn to admire the moon together, talk about their lives, talk about their plans for the future, and have a feeling of quiet years.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

In the words of netizens: The two even talk at the same frequency, which is too compatible.

Indeed, if you think about it carefully, Guo Biting's personality has always been very gentle and easy-going, with a feeling of being at ease with what happens, not fighting or grabbing.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

As for Miao Miao, from the fact that she was able to give up her career for many years for her family, she was also full of gentleness and patience to her children and Zheng Kai.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

It is enough to see that the life mentality of the two people is very relaxed and optimistic, it seems that they don't care about winning or losing on the stage of "Sister Lang", but more concerned about experiencing the process.

In this way, it is not surprising that the two can become friends.

Therefore, on the stage of "Sister Lang", everyone's purpose is different, and it is inevitable to fight openly and secretly, but there is also true love.

"Sister Lang" has five pairs of "fairy friendship": two pairs show their original form, two pairs are true love, and one pair is heating up

To sum it up, it is good to be able to get along with people who are destined to get along, cherish it, and good friends are estranged for profit, and it is good to see it clearly.