
It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

author:Commemorative coin notes are reserved

Time is in a hurry, June is almost over, the market for commemorative coins and banknotes is not optimistic, and it is also the off-season to enter the middle of the year.

In addition to the past June, which is about to enter July, what other commemorative coins in July are worth paying attention to.

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

In fact, although it is the off-season recently, there are still many commemorative coins that have been rising, and the market performance is still good.

For example, the recent performance of Dragon Coin and Peking Opera Coin is very eye-catching, and compared with the first half of the year, it has begun to rise, which is a good momentum.

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

Started to rise

Let's focus on the commemorative coins of the national park, which are also the commemorative coins that will be issued in 2023.

There are a total of 5 kinds of commemorative coins for this commemorative coin, that is to say, there are 5 series, and the commemorative coins to be issued this year are the commemorative coins of the Northeast Tiger and Leopard.

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

The issuance of commemorative coins with a face value of 10 yuan is not very large, so it has also begun to rise recently.

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

Compared with the bleak scene of the previous year, it has risen now, although the increase is not very large, but it has also begun to rise.

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

Appointments for Singapore are coming soon

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

The Siberian Tiger and Leopard commemorative coins are coming soon, and the number of commemorative coins issued last time will definitely be reduced.

Therefore, the difficulty of making an appointment will increase, and of course, the room for appreciation will be greater, so friends who want to make an appointment must be fully prepared.

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

How to make an appointment

The mode of reservation for ordinary commemorative coins is still online reservation, and the mode of offline exchange, the basic mode is still unchanged.

If you want to make more appointments, you may need to do some homework in advance, such as preparing to fill in the information in advance and grasp the information in time.

It's up! S$10 is about to be reserved, 120 pieces per person, it is difficult to make an appointment

The above is the information of the undertaking bank, you can understand it in advance, and if there is further information, the editor will also release it in time.