
Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"

author:Yan'an traffic police

In order to further improve the awareness of road traffic safety, rule of law and civilization among the rural people, effectively prevent and reduce the occurrence of rural road traffic accidents from the source. On June 25, the auxiliary police of the Chuankou Squadron of the Second Brigade directly under the Traffic Police Detachment of the Yan'an Municipal Public Security Bureau pasted safety reflective strips for the electric vehicles, agricultural vehicles and tricycles of the people in the jurisdiction at the persuasion station of Lianghekou Village, preached traffic safety knowledge and ensured the driving safety of the people in the jurisdiction.

Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"

During the activity, the people's auxiliary police and traffic safety persuaders gave full play to the role of "two stations and two members" in rural areas, inspected and persuaded passing vehicles at major intersections, and corrected all kinds of traffic violations in a timely manner. At the same time, the people's auxiliary police while pasting reflective strips for vehicles, while publicizing road traffic safety knowledge to the masses, through the placement of traffic safety publicity boards, the distribution of traffic safety publicity materials, the explanation of typical cases, on-site Q&A, etc., to popularize traffic safety knowledge to drivers and the passing masses, and explain the serious consequences of illegal acts such as unlicensed and unlicensed, drunk driving, illegal carrying of agricultural vehicles, overcrowding, overloading, speeding, and not using seat belts and safety helmets in accordance with regulations. Actively educate and guide the masses, put an end to the luck mentality, strictly abide by traffic laws and regulations, and earnestly improve the awareness of safe travel.

Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"
Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"
Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"
Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"
Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"
Sticking a "small sign" to illuminate the "safety line"

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