
Live well, and only then can you have courage in life

author:Lie Wheat

Life, good and bad, bitter or sweet.

There are unforeseen tribulations and accidents, but there are also opportunities and good fortune that belong to them.

Every choice you make may affect your future path.

Those things that make people feel unbearable will slowly become a thing of the past if they want to open a point.

It's just that some people choose to bind themselves with the past, trap themselves in the past, let themselves live in pain and remorse, and make the good days worse and worse, and even think that "it's better to die for a hundred".

As everyone knows, living well is more important than anything else, and only by living well can there be hope for life.

Live well, and only then can you have courage in life

1. The hardships that have endured have become the road under your feet

Poor origins can limit a person's development.

But as long as you don't give up on yourself and dare to pursue beauty, no matter how hard life is, it can't limit your pace of progress.

You know, the way is for people to come out.

Sometimes, you think that there is no way out, but in fact, the road may be around the corner, but in the middle of it, you are easily confused by the suffering in front of you, thinking that life stops.

So, don't give up or just complain because of the suffering in front of you, life will not change because of your abandonment or complaining, but it may change in the process of gritting your teeth and persevering.

In the face of suffering, as long as you work hard to get through it, everything will slowly become a thing of the past.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, was born poor, and even went to be a monk in order to beg for food, but the suffering did not stop, and he later suffered a lot, but he did not give up on himself, but knew how to constantly hone himself in the suffering, so that he had the ability to seize all opportunities for upward mobility.

It can be seen that its success depends not only on luck, but also on its own hard work to get out of its own way.

Poverty is not a limitation, poverty is a limitation, in the face of the hardships of life, only want to give up, but refuse to force yourself to hold on for a while, how can there be a way out of life.

The hardships that you have endured now will become the road under your feet in the future.

If you want to go further, you must grit your teeth and persevere, survive one hardship after another, and work hard to achieve a better self.

Live well, and only then can you have courage in life

2. Live well, nothing is unpassable

There are some things that I felt that I couldn't get over at the time, but I will find out afterwards that there is nothing that I can't get over.

It's just that you were in it at the time, and you were emotionally affected and felt painful.

But with the passage of time, the negative emotions will slowly subside, and the things that you felt unbearable at that time will naturally not affect you, and will slowly become our past memories.

However, there are still people who are still unable to get over and are paranoid about the past.

But I forget that the past is a thing of the past, and if I continue to cling to it, I am just torturing myself and making myself feel that I can't get by.

It's like some people are still thinking about the good old days when they are old, resenting the injustice of fate and blaming the people around them for not working hard enough...... Let yourself be trapped by obsessions, can't see the beauty of life, and make your life more and more miserable.

It's better to want to open up, live well, treat everything in life as an experience, face it with a smile, face it with a smile, live a better self in the suffering, and walk out of your own way by yourself.

The reason why you can't get by in life is not that you can't live it, but that you don't want to go over.

Instead of continuing to trap yourself in the past, you should fight to break free and save yourself from the past.

Live well, and only then can you have courage in life

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