
Yang Jiang: Eat a small bowl of black fungus pork rib soup every day

author:Journal of Family Chinese Medicine
Yang Jiang: Eat a small bowl of black fungus pork rib soup every day

Yang Jiang: Eat a small bowl of black fungus pork rib soup every day

Beijing/Shan Shouqing

Yang Jiang was born in Wuxi on July 17, 1911 and died in Beijing on May 25, 2016. On the road to her longevity at the age of 105, she left too many admirable points: playwright, novelist, essayist, translator, researcher, praised as "the most talented woman, the most virtuous wife", "can write articles, go down to the kitchen", and after the age of 100, Shou Gao writes well......

No matter how much you know about Yang Jiang, the longevity number of "105 years old" is talked about by people. After we have studied the longevity of this long-lived celebrity, we will find that Yang Jiang's diet is very particular about "less": less meat, less salt, less sugar, and not too full at every meal. One of her favorite dishes is not complicated - black fungus pork rib soup, a small bowl every day, and she never gets tired of eating it.

There are several articles about the ingredients used in this soup and how to make it: "The big stick bones are crushed and boiled in soup, and then the black fungus is boiled in the soup. "Generally speaking, when you mention big stick bones and pork ribs, you mean pork bones. The classification of pig bones includes skulls, stick bones, ribs, foot bones, joint bones, etc. In this way, Yang Jiang's favorite "black fungus pork rib soup" uses big stick bones instead of pork ribs, which is a bit unworthy of the name. Of course, this is fine, just as there is no fish in the dish called "Fish Flavor Shredded Pork". Moreover, according to the traditional Chinese medicine "medicine and food are of the same origin", pig bones have the dietary and health effects of strengthening the waist and knees, benefiting strength and strength, and replenishing weakness.

To continue to be more serious about the soup that Yang Jiang likes to eat, you have to study the things in the soup. Usually, large stick bones or ribs are connected by flesh and bones, and some flesh is more or less close to the bones. Yang Jiang's "big stick bones are crushed and boiled in soup, and then black fungus is boiled in soup", which is "fungus + pork ribs soup", which is different from "fungus + pork ribs + soup". In the former's soup, there are only fungus, and there are no ribs or big bone sticks. This is the embodiment of Yang Jiang's dietary principle of "less meat and more vegetarian". A Chinese medicine health expert once used 16 words to evaluate the "black fungus pork rib soup" that Yang Jiang likes to eat: replenish bones and marrow, nourish the liver and blood, moisten the intestines and dryness, and slim down and keep healthy.

"Eating a reasonable diet is very important, and overeating can bring disaster and endanger your health," Yang said. She pursues "a simple life, a noble soul is the highest state of life". On her 90th birthday, Yang Jiang deliberately "avoided her birthday" and hid in the guest house of Tsinghua University for a few days. On her 100th birthday, she said that if you want to celebrate her birthday, the best thing to do is to cook yourself a bowl of longevity noodles and eat it for her, so that your heart will arrive. After becoming famous, Yang Jiang "didn't have a birthday" and never held a "birthday banquet" for himself.

On weekdays, the neighbors praised her for "writing articles and going to the kitchen", and her mother-in-law admired her for "shaking the pen and holding the spatula". In 1941, 30-year-old Yang Jiang was very happy when she heard her husband Qian Zhongshu's idea of writing a novel, urging him to write it quickly, which is the well-known literary masterpiece "The Siege". In order to support Qian Zhongshu's writing, Yang Jiang took care of all the housework, chopping wood to make a fire and cooking, and was willing to be a "maid under the stove". In 1994, Qian Zhongshu was hospitalized due to illness. Soon after, their daughter Qian Ying also fell ill and was hospitalized. Yang Jiang, who was in her 80s at the time, went back and forth, making all kinds of vegetable purees and stewing various therapeutic soups for her husband and daughter. She can remove the chicken until there is no tendon, and she can also handle the fish so that there is not a single thorn left.

is also fine, not to mention the vegetarian food made by Yang Jiang, which is also what she is most proud of. Yang Jiang once said: "Soy milk is something that our family often eats. I make soy milk by myself every day, and I have to beat it very finely, and peanuts can also be left in it, and walnuts can also be used. I also make almond butter, so it's delicious! Like Yi Yin, the inventor of decoction, she skillfully used cooking to illustrate the truth: "After a person has undergone different degrees of exercise, he will obtain different degrees of cultivation and different degrees of benefits." It's like spices, the more crushed they are, the finer they are ground, and the stronger the fragrance becomes. ”

Yang Jiang's carefulness and attention to diet have made her live a long and healthy life. At the age of 100, she was in good shape. The medical examiner, relatives and friends said that her 100-year-old longevity scripture is in line with the health preservation of the "Yellow Emperor's Neijing": eat modestly, live regularly, do not work in vain, and have the same form as the spirit. At the age of 102, she copied Qian Zhongshu's early poetry collection "Huaiju Poems" in small letters. At the age of 103, she published nine volumes of "The Complete Works of Yang Jiang", with a total of more than 2.7 million words.

All these are the wonders of the literati and the miracles of life. Yang Jiang left the world with endless memories of the "moral articles", and also left people with the longevity scripture of "vegetarian-based, nutritionally balanced". No wonder she, who usually has a small circle of friends, detonated the circle of friends in the online world behind her......


Yang Jiang's 105 years of dietary life have achieved her health and longevity, and also added luster to her pen and ink life. Her drama "Satisfactory" was put on the stage in 1943 and was still performed until 2014, with a "stage career" of more than 70 years. Interestingly, the birth of this long-standing masterpiece was due to a dinner party between Yang Jiang and friends.

It was one night in the winter of 1942, and Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang were invited by friends to eat roast mutton at a restaurant. Everyone gathered around a pot of firewood, held chopsticks more than 2 feet long, snatched the mutton from the tongue of fire, and sandwiched it in the dry baked cake to eat. Some friends say that this is the Mongolian way of eating. Yang Jiang then talked about the Mongolian prince in "Yuncaixia" and the Mongolian prince in "Dinner". So, friends encouraged Yang Jiang: Why not have a script too? Yang Jiangqian said that he had never written a drama, but only watched a few scenes occasionally.

After the meal, the flavor of the roast mutton is not easy to forget, and the words of encouragement from friends are also repeatedly teased, Yang Jiang quickly wrote the script "Satisfactory", and the drama soon entered the rehearsal and was performed......

The reputation of black fungus

According to the theory of "medicine and food homology" in traditional Chinese medicine, people have given black fungus a lot of praise, saying that it is "the meat of vegetarian food", "the black treasure of Chinese food", "the scavenger of human blood vessels", "the product of prolonging life" and "the elixir of immortality".

Yang Jiang: Eat a small bowl of black fungus pork rib soup every day
Yang Jiang: Eat a small bowl of black fungus pork rib soup every day

Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hosted by the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Knowledge of Chinese medicine Health and wellness information

Yang Jiang: Eat a small bowl of black fungus pork rib soup every day

The copyright of the article belongs to Family Chinese Medicine, and it is not allowed to be reprinted or excerpted without authorization. The copyright of the picture belongs to the original author.

Please use the prescription under the guidance of a physician.

The author of this article: Shan Shouqing

Editor of this article: Hidetaki

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