
Gardenia - known as Zen friend in ancient times, fragrant flowers are not delicate

author:Journal of Family Chinese Medicine


In ancient times, it was called Zen friends, fragrant flowers are not delicate

Gardenia - known as Zen friend in ancient times, fragrant flowers are not delicate
Gardenia - known as Zen friend in ancient times, fragrant flowers are not delicate


Gardenia is valued by Buddhism, according to legend, it comes from India (Tianzhu), ancient India is the birthplace of Buddhism, so it is also called Zen friends. There are many varieties of gardenias, including large-leaved, oval-leaved, small-leaved gardenias, dry gardenias, and water gardenias. It should be planted in a place or potted and can bear fruit. Its shape is like the ancient wine utensils - the wedge, so it is named the wedge flower, and then the troll is used as a gardenia, called the gardenia since ancient times, and some places are called jade lotus because of its shape like a lotus.

Gardenias, blooming in summer, white as snow, jade flawless, rich and fragrant, fragrant and lush. "One has sent small peaks, and the fragrance of herbs and clear water is cold. The jade quality is naturally not heaty, and it is better to move to the middle of the month. (Song Zhu Shuzhen's poem "Gardenia") The poet writes gardenias as crystal clear and lovely, even in the hot summer, it also brings people a sense of coolness and no heat. It is more compared with the moonlight, which brings out its "jade quality".

Gardenia for Zen friends, white and clean, fragrant and pleasant, give people a sense of tranquility, planted in the temple ancient temple, the place of Buddhism, then the scene is blended, so it is often loved by poets and inkmen, there is a poem "Gardenia": "The bamboo fence is new and fragrant, the fragrance is full of snow, and it is known that it is a different Tianzhu species, and it can come to the poetry society to stir up the new intestines." In the poem, the fragrant and white characteristics of gardenia are described, and the relationship between it and Buddhism is explained, and this scene is combined with the meditation of Buddhism, and the birthplace of gardenia is said. Planted in this clean environment, it gives people a sense of awakening, enlightenment, cleanliness, quietness and coolness, promotes thinking, and brings good sentences to poets, which is the ornamental value of gardenias.

Gardenias, roots, leaves, and fruits can all be used in medicine. Its flowers are bitter, cold, non-toxic, and enter the spleen, lungs, and liver meridians. It can clear heat, relieve fire, detoxify, and cool the lungs. It is mainly used for the treatment of pulmonary fever and cough, nasal bleeding, urine drenching, stomach pain, bruises, damp heat jaundice, sores and ulcers, swelling and pain, water and fire burns, red dysentery, phlegm, swelling and poison and other diseases. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" of the Ming Dynasty said that it "treats vomiting blood, hemorrhage, blood under dysentery, bloody shower, and blood stasis from injury". "Treatise on Medicinal Properties" says: "Benefit the five drenches, the main evil, urinate, and solve the five kinds of yellow diseases." Blind. "Danxi Heart Method" cloud: "Great power to reduce fire." Leak from the urine. "Modern studies have shown that gardenia contains the flavonoids gardenia, triterpenoids, gardenia acids A, B and sperm acids. In addition, it also contains tannin, saffron acid, etc. Pharmacological studies have confirmed that gardenia has an inhibitory effect on hemolytic streptococci and some skin fungi, can inhibit the body temperature center, and has an antipyretic effect. It can increase bile secretion, choleretic effect, and can reduce bilirubin in the blood. Its decoction and alcohol extract have the effect of lowering blood pressure. Gardenia flow extract has a sedative effect on mice.

Here are a few gardenia dietary remedies for you to choose from:

╱Gardenia Boy Chicken/

Ingredients: 6 gardenias (pick the petals and wash), 1 chicken (about 300 grams), mushroom slices, winter bamboo shoot slices, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, rice wine, ginger, green onions, sugar, and water starch.

Preparation: Finely chop the gardenias, put them in a bowl and add water. Stir rice wine, monosodium glutamate and wet starch well, sprinkle with sugar, dissolve and set aside; Mix with soy sauce, rice wine, ginger slices, green onions, and sugar, and soak the chicken in the sauce for 1 hour. Then put it in a large bowl, add winter bamboo shoot slices and mushroom slices, steam for about 15 minutes, take out and pour gardenia puree, and steam for another 1 minute. Serve with meals.

Efficacy: Replenish deficiency and strengthen the body, replenish the essence and fill the essence, beautify and nourish the skin.

╱Gardenia fish maw/

Ingredients: 8 gardenias (pick the petals, wash and cut them), 200 grams of fish maw (blanch with boiling water after cutting), 50 grams of magnolia slices, 15 grams of rice wine, pearl powder, ginger slices, 150 grams of egg white, fresh soup, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, wet starch, sesame oil, vegetable oil, dry starch, green onion and other seasonings.

Preparation: Put the gardenia into a bowl first, add rice wine, water, monosodium glutamate, sugar, and wet starch and stir well. Take another bowl, beat in the egg whites, beat them with chopsticks, pour them into the bowl with gardenia puree, stir and pour them, and then add dry starch and mix well. Put the wok on the fire, put in the oil to heat, add the green onion and ginger slices to stir fragrant, remove the green onion and ginger, add the fresh soup, fish maw, rice wine, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, put in the magnolia slices after burning thoroughly, thicken with wet starch, push well, slowly pour in the gardenia puree, push and fry with a hand spoon while pouring, fry until the gardenia puree is covered with fish maw and pearl powder, pour a little sesame oil, sprinkle with the end of the ham, and then serve it on a plate.

Efficacy: Nourish yin and nourish the lungs and relieve cough.

╱Gardenia abalone/

Ingredients: 4 gardenias (pick the petals and wash), 300 grams of Shuifa abalone (diced), 5 grams of minced coriander, 50 grams of Shuifa shiitake mushrooms (diced), 1 cooked egg (diced), 25 grams of ham, 10 grams of lotus seeds, almonds, peanuts, 20 grams of winter bamboo shoots (diced), 100 grams of strawberry jam and refined vegetable oil, 100 grams of chili powder, appropriate amount of refined salt and pepper.

Production: Put the net pot on the fire, put the oil and burn until it is hot, put the abalone and stir-fry it half-cooked, put in lotus seeds, almonds, peanuts, shuifa mushrooms, eggs, ham, winter bamboo shoots, stir-fry evenly, put in strawberry jam, fresh soup, refined salt, chili powder, sprinkle gardenia flower slices after simmering, simmer slightly, put it on the plate out of the pot, and sprinkle with chopped coriander.

Efficacy: Nourish qi and blood, nourish yin and nourish Jin.


Ingredients: 200 grams of gardenia, 150 grams of shelled bamboo shoots, 100 grams of bacon, appropriate amount of chopped green onion and shredded ginger.

Production: First, the gardenia petals are removed and washed, and the small bamboo shoots are washed and cut obliquely into thin slices; Cut the bacon into small cubes; Add oil to the wok, when it is heated to sixty percent, pour the gardenia, small bamboo shoots and bacon into the pot together, stir-fry several times, add chopped green onion and ginger, and then stir-fry until cooked, add monosodium glutamate and salt as appropriate.

Efficacy: This dish is light and fragrant, crisp and refreshing, with the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, clearing heat and relieving the intestines, and is suitable for diseases such as sluggish stomach, reduced diet, abdominal distension and stool.

╱Gardenia braised peas/

Ingredients: 4 gardenias (peeled and sliced), 200 grams of fresh peas, 3 eggs, 250 grams of fresh soup, 15 grams of wet starch, 5 grams of sesame oil, appropriate amount of vegetable oil, refined salt and monosodium glutamate.

Production: Crack the eggs into the bowl, add refined salt, monosodium glutamate and a little fresh soup and stir evenly, put the wok on the fire, heat the oil, fry the egg liquid to make the minced paste, put in the fresh soup, fresh peas, refined salt, monosodium glutamate after heating, thicken with wet starch, sprinkle with gardenia flower slices, drizzle with sesame oil, and get out of the pot. Serve with meals.

Efficacy: Clears away heat and fire, nourishes stomach and spleen. Suitable for people with febrile venereal diseases.

Gardenia - known as Zen friend in ancient times, fragrant flowers are not delicate
Gardenia - known as Zen friend in ancient times, fragrant flowers are not delicate

Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hosted by the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

Knowledge of Chinese medicine Health and wellness information

Gardenia - known as Zen friend in ancient times, fragrant flowers are not delicate

The copyright of the article belongs to Family Chinese Medicine, and it is not allowed to be reprinted or excerpted without authorization. The copyright of the picture belongs to the original author.

Please use the prescription under the guidance of a physician.

The author of this article: Yuan Xiu

Editor of this article: Hidetaki

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