
With no fights to fight and a large dead zone, how far can the SLG sugarcane game go?

author:The game understands in seconds

In the vast world of strategy games (SLGs), every battle should be won by intelligence and strategy. But at present, "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" pursues too much leisure and deviates a little from the essence of SLG. The phenomenon of "quick battles and quick solutions" presented in "Three Schemes", as well as the absolute dominance of the alliance over the battle situation, are quietly eroding the core values of the game and the player experience.

With no fights to fight and a large dead zone, how far can the SLG sugarcane game go?

First, the shadow of advancing too quickly

The simplification of operations and the acceleration of the pace of the game seem to save waiting time and obtain the joy of rapid development in the early stage, but in fact deprive the depth of strategy deployment and confrontation. Relying on the advantages of resources and combat power, the alliance quickly decided the direction of the battle, making the battle stylized and lacking strategy and suspense. This "blitzkrieg" mode not only makes casual players have no experience, but also promotes no suspense and no fight in the later game, so as to quickly enter the "ghost zone" state.

With no fights to fight and a large dead zone, how far can the SLG sugarcane game go?

Second, the dilemma of strong and weak differentiation

The accumulation of strong alliances and the concentration of bigwig players during the closed beta period have created an insurmountable gap between civilian players and "Kryptonians". Even if civilian players try their best, they can't get much experience in the later battles, and this huge gap in experience makes the game more attractive to civilian players, and it will inevitably lead to the loss of enthusiasm for players in the later battles. Once players step out of their comfort zone, churn becomes an inevitable trend.

With no fights to fight and a large dead zone, how far can the SLG sugarcane game go?

3. The imbalance between simplification and depth

The simplification of the game mechanics certainly lowers the barrier to entry, but at the expense of the strategic complexity that SLG games should have, in pursuit of ease of play. If the game is just a simple hedging of combat power, not only civilian players will lose the game experience, but it will also be difficult for Krypton players to feel the fun of challenge and strategy in the game. When players find that there is a lack of effective countermeasures in the later confrontation, the game becomes a single-dimensional resource race and loses the soul of a strategy game.

With no fights to fight and a large dead zone, how far can the SLG sugarcane game go?

4. The "Sugarcane Effect" of SLG Games

Just as the player's evaluation of Sanmou: it is easy to get started at the beginning, but the game is over when the land is over, that is, like sugar cane, you can taste the sweetness at first, but it is quickly abandoned after the food is tasteless. If the game design only focuses on short-term pleasure and ignores the depth of strategy and long-term playability, it can only become a "one-time experience" in the hearts of players. This kind of "sugar cane game" is not only a waste of player enthusiasm, but also a burial of the game's potential.

With no fights to fight and a large dead zone, how far can the SLG sugarcane game go?

Admittedly, each game has its own unique positioning and audience, but as an SLG game, its core competitiveness lies in deep strategy and long-term player engagement. The current problems are a test of the wisdom of game designers. how to maintain the depth of strategy while ensuring that the game is easy to play; How to balance the strength and weakness, so that each player can find their own stage in the game, these are all issues that need to be solved urgently. SLG should not just be a product of fast food culture, but should become an enduring classic in the hearts of players. Let us look forward to the fact that Sanmou can find the fun of strategic games in the future development and become a veritable strategic feast.

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