
In 1944, 33 Japanese were displaced on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. Of these, 32 were males and one was female. When they were rescued six years later, there were only 20 people left. During this period, they exactly


In 1944, 33 Japanese were displaced on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. Of these, 32 were males and one was female. When they were rescued six years later, there were only 20 people left. What did they experience during this time?

In June 1944, the Pacific War was in full swing. Japanese and U.S. troops fought fiercely on the islands of the Pacific. At this time, several fishing boats carrying Japanese fishermen were attacked by American artillery fire at sea and were forced to sail to a small island called Anatahan.

There were 33 people on board, 32 of whom were men and one woman. The woman's name is Kazuko, and together with her boss Nakazato, she runs a company on the island that develops coconut groves. As the war dragged on, the rest of the company's employees evacuated the island, leaving only Kazuko and Nakasato to hold their ground.

When the fishermen's boats hit the rocks, they were lucky and everyone made it to the island, but the boats were damaged and could no longer sail. Thirty-three people came to the island and faced the dilemma of lack of supplies, more people and less food.

Originally, there were many bananas, sugarcane and other crops planted on the island, and some chickens, ducks and livestock were also raised, which was enough for Kazuko and Nakazato to eat for a long time.

But now there are 31 more mouths on the island to be fed, and the food reserves have bottomed out in a short time. Fortunately, they picked up a large bucket left by the U.S. military, which was used to catch rainwater and solve the drinking water problem.

In such a difficult environment, the survival wisdom of the Japanese nation, which has been inherited for thousands of years, was stimulated. The fishermen used their skills to make some simple fishing gear and began to catch marine fish to satisfy their hunger. The island's rats, lizards, and bats have also become a source of food. They even try their hand at winemaking with coconut water, seeking a hint of relaxation on a sleepy day.

The problem of lack of clothing has also been solved. Anyway, on a desert island, no one pays attention to dress, so Kazuko weaves a skirt from tree bark to cover her lower body, while other men casually drape some leaves or wear pieces of clothing that have washed ashore to hide their shame.

However, the crisis is growing in the shadows. 32 men and 1 woman, living day and night on a lonely island, the seeds of desire have been planted. Everyone knows that if this continues, something must happen.

So, the oldest islander came forward to propose that Kazuko marry Nakazato in order to calm the possible trouble. This proposal worked, and for more than a year, the island was uneventful and without any conflict.

In August 1945, the islanders accidentally discovered the wreckage of a U.S. fighter plane in the mountains. Among the wreckage, they found 4 pistols and 70 rounds of ammunition. With weapons in hand, the two guys began to be arrogant and reckless.

The first thing they did was to run away and occupy Kazuko, and they lived a life of three people who were extravagant. Within a few days, a person who was at odds with them mysteriously "jumped off a tree and died". The islanders knew who did it, but no one dared to squeak.

The desire for power is like a fire, which burns more and more. The following year, two gunmen clashed over a waka, one of whom was "accidentally" killed. The gun has a new owner, and Kazuko is forced to follow a new "husband". At this point, the people on the island were panicked and undercurrents were surging. Everyone realized that whoever had the weapons in his hands would be able to take possession of Wako and monopolize power.

Next, all kinds of strange "accidents" were frequently staged: some people fell into the water inexplicably while fishing, and some people suddenly fell off the cliff while walking on the edge of the cliff. Kazuko has changed her "husband" one after another, and there are fewer and fewer men on the island. In just two years, nine people died mysteriously.

Seeing the fight intensifying, the elder couldn't sit still. He intervened and proposed that Kazuko choose a "husband" of her choice, and that no one else should quarrel again.

At the same time, he demanded that the two remaining guns be thrown into the sea to completely eradicate the scourge. However, how can it be so easy to stop the fighting? After losing their guns, the men thought of a "clever plan": Wouldn't it be too peaceful to get rid of the root cause of the trouble? An assassination attempt is already brewing.

Fortunately, an infatuated man overheard the conspiracy, and he hurriedly reported the news, allowing Kazuko to escape to the mountains and forests in time to hide, and survived.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is 1950. After a long wait, Kazuko finally looked forward to a glimmer of light. One day, she noticed the appearance of American ships on the sea. She waved her parachute cloth in both hands, desperately trying to attract the attention of the people on board. The hard work paid off, her actions were finally discovered by the crew, and the rescue finally came!

However, when U.S. ships and planes came to the rescue, the men on the island were in doubt. They felt that this was a trap set by the Americans, and they insisted on refusing to accept the aid. It seems that the long-term isolation has made them lose their basic trust in the outside world.

In this way, Kazuko was picked up, but the others hesitated. It wasn't until a year later that a man received a letter from home. The letter told him that Japan had surrendered and that the war was over. He finally made up his mind and accepted the aid of the American army. When he stepped on the American ship, it dawned on him that what Kazuko said was true.

When the news reached the island, the others let down their guard one after another and set out on their way home. In this way, this 7-year island survival finally came to an end.

Although the survivors who returned to their homeland were reborn, the wounds left by those difficult years could not be healed overnight......

In 1944, 33 Japanese were displaced on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. Of these, 32 were males and one was female. When they were rescued six years later, there were only 20 people left. During this period, they exactly
In 1944, 33 Japanese were displaced on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. Of these, 32 were males and one was female. When they were rescued six years later, there were only 20 people left. During this period, they exactly
In 1944, 33 Japanese were displaced on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean. Of these, 32 were males and one was female. When they were rescued six years later, there were only 20 people left. During this period, they exactly

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