
2024 Minhou County Sugarcane Area Primary School First Grade Enrollment Announcement for Migrant Children

author:Meet Minhou

1. Enrollment Target

Migrant children living in sugarcane streets and school-age children who meet the household registration requirements in the four mountainous townships of Yangli, Dahu, Xiaoji, and Tingping. (School-age children born before August 31, 2018 who are not enrolled in school).

2. Participate in the computer allocation school

The First Affiliated Primary School of Minhou County Teachers' Training School and the schools in Jingxi and Zhuqi townships have a balance of places.

3. Time and place of registration

1. Registration time

(1) Online appointment time: July 1 - July 7

(2) Time for submission of materials: July 8-July 13, 8:30-11:00 a.m., 14:30-17:00 p.m. (except weekends).

2. Place of registration

The First Affiliated Primary School of Minhou County Teacher Training School

3. Consultation telephone


(July 1-July 13, 8:30-11:00 a.m., 14:30-17:00 p.m., except Saturdays and Sundays)

4. Applicants should bring materials for registration

(1) Accompanying children

Category I: There is a purchase of a house

1. Original and photocopy of household registration booklet of origin;

2. Original and photocopy of parents' ID cards;

3. The original and copy of the house ownership certificate (real estate ownership certificate, advance notice registration certificate or real estate registration certificate), and the housing information inquiry certificate; (Highest priority)

4. "One household in six years" informed consent.

★ Note: The nature of the house does not include commercial, commercial and residential buildings.

Category II: No Purchase

1. Original and photocopy of household registration booklet of origin;

2. Original and photocopy of parents' ID cards;

3. The original and photocopy of the valid residence permit within the jurisdiction of both parents;

4. The real estate certificate materials at the address of the parents' residence permit (such as a copy of the real estate certificate);

5. The informed consent form of "one household for six years" issued by the owner.

6. Father (mother) hold the original and copy of the business license and the annual tax certificate (national tax and local tax electronic invoice) in Sugarcane Street before February 28. (Confirmed sub-priority will be provided separately)

7. Proof that one of the parents has continuously paid social security in the prefecture for more than one year (as of June 30 of the current year). (Confirmed third priority, provided separately)

★ Note: If both parents of the relocated children hold residence permits but change their place of residence after March 1, 2024 (including March 1), or if they are unable to provide the real estate certificate materials and the informed consent form issued by the owner, they are not allowed to participate in the computer allocation, and the Sugarcane area will be arranged by the Education Bureau.

(2) School-age children in the four mountainous townships of Yangli, Dahu, Xiaoji, and Tingping

1. Original and photocopy of household registration booklet of origin;

2. Original and photocopy of parents' ID cards;

3. Choose one of the two situations

Scenario one

(1) The original and photocopy of the labor contract signed by one parent with the employment unit in Chengguan area for more than one year;

(2) Original salary statement (bank salary statement must be provided);

(3) Proof that one of the parents has continuously paid social security in the prefecture for more than one year (as of June 30, 2024) (if it is the third priority, it will be provided separately).

Scenario two

(1) The original and copy of the industrial and commercial business license held by the father (mother) in Sugarcane Street before February 28;

(2) Annual tax payment certificates such as electronic invoices for national tax and local tax. (Confirmed sub-priority will be provided separately)

4. Choose one of the two situations

Scenario one

(1) Valid housing lease certificate for both parents living in the sugarcane area for more than half a year;

(2) The real estate certificate materials on the parents' residential address (such as a copy of the real estate certificate);

(3) The informed consent form of "one household in six years" issued by the owner.

Scenario two

(1) The original and photocopy of the parents' house ownership certificate (real estate ownership certificate, advance notice registration certificate or real estate registration certificate), and the housing information inquiry certificate; (Highest priority)

(2) "One household in six years" informed consent.

★ Note: School-age children in the four mountainous townships must have registration materials from 1 to 4 points, of which there are two situations in point 3 and point 4, and the corresponding registration materials can be provided in any case of each point.

5. Priority allocation conditions

On the premise that the children of migrants meet the requirements for public primary schools, the following priority levels will be set for first-choice students:

Highest priority

(1) Accompanying children whose parents hold 100% of the property rights (house ownership certificate, real estate ownership certificate, advance notice registration certificate, real estate registration certificate) in the sugarcane area;

(2) Migrant children who share real estate with their grandparents (maternal grandparents) and the parents hold more than 50% (inclusive) of the shares.

Minor priority

(1) Accompanying children whose parents hold a business license in the district where they live before February 28 and have an annual tax payment certificate (national tax and local tax electronic invoice);

(2) Migrant children of one parent with a sugarcane area household registration and the other party's residence permit in the same place;

(3) Migrant children whose parents have household registration in sugarcane areas.

(4) The school of the elder brother (sister) of the children of multi-child families is the first choice school for the younger brother (sister).

Third priority

Children whose parents have paid social security in the prefecture for more than one year (as of June 30 of the same year).

★ Special note: If the older brother (sister) of the school-age child is enrolled in the primary school of this year's computer-based allocation in the sugarcane area, he or she is willing to be assigned to the same primary school with a second priority condition. The original and photocopy of the elder brother's (sister's) household registration book should be provided on the day of registration for on-site confirmation.

6. Schedule

July 1-7

Online appointment registration for the children of the relocation

July 8-13 (except Saturdays and Sundays)

Accept the registration materials and conduct a preliminary review on the spot

July 14-31

Qualification review and report for approval

August 1-3

Publicize the results of the examination of the admission qualifications of the children who have migrated with them

August 16th

Publish the balance of school places for the children of migrants

August 18th

Eligible children of immigrants fill in the volunteers

August 26th

Computer-based allocation will be held to publicize the results

August 27-30


7. Other matters

1. Students who fail to fill in the volunteer at the registration point on time or obtain the "computer allocation" degree will be treated as giving up the degree of the school on their own, and the degree will not be allocated separately.

2. Parents of relocated children must ensure that all registration materials provided are true, legal and valid.

3. For enrollment news, please pay attention to the WeChat public account of "Minhou County Teacher Training School First Affiliated Primary School".


1. In order to facilitate the registration of parents and avoid queuing, the registration point implements appointment registration, please scan the QR code of "pre-registration" and make an appointment for on-site registration. School-age children whose household registration has settled in sugarcane and parents who do not meet the requirements for first-grade computer allocation for their children are not within the scope of this computer allocation enrollment and should not fill in.

2024 Minhou County Sugarcane Area Primary School First Grade Enrollment Announcement for Migrant Children
2024 Minhou County Sugarcane Area Primary School First Grade Enrollment Announcement for Migrant Children

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2. Parents of students should organize the prepared registration materials in an orderly manner, and be sure to bring the materials to the First Affiliated Primary School of Minhou County Teacher Training School for on-site registration according to the appointment time, and do not need to bring their children to school. When registering, you need to confirm with the on-site staff whether there are priority allocation conditions and priority levels.

3. For the specific format requirements of the copy of the registration materials, please scan the QR code "Sample of the Format of the Copy of the Registration Materials" to view. If you need to provide the informed consent form of "one household in six years", please scan the corresponding QR code below, download and print it and fill it in truthfully.

Source: The First Affiliated Primary School of Minhou County Teacher Training School

Editor: Lin Dan (small) Ning Yuanyuan Proofreader: Wu Zihang Hong Tingting Review: Wu Xin Pan Jie Producer: Xie Yongjie Ni Xinxin

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2024 Minhou County Sugarcane Area Primary School First Grade Enrollment Announcement for Migrant Children

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