
He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

author:Shi Jixing said
He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

Tian Jiyun, who once served as vice premier of the mainland, is 95 years old this year, and after his retirement, Tian Jiyun likes to watch TV dramas and live with his children, but it is strange that none of his 4 children are engaged in politics, why is this?

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

Enter Zhongnanhai

Tian Jiyun's father was a revolutionary named "Tian Jinghan", and in 1938, he and Tian Jiyun's uncle formed an anti-Japanese guerrilla force and joined the revolutionary team.

Tian Jiyun was deeply influenced by his father and uncle, joined the revolution at the age of 16, and was organized and arranged to study in the No. 3 Anti-Japanese Middle School in Hebei, Shandong, and Henan. In 1947, after graduating from the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Accounting School, Tian Jiyun was assigned to work as an accountant in the Supply Department of the General Headquarters of the War Logistics under the leadership of the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Military Region.

But Tian Jiyun was not satisfied with the status quo, he wanted to follow the big team to the front line and shed blood for the country.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

In 1948, after the Huaihai Campaign began, there was an unwritten rule that "whoever can recruit a company is the company commander, and whoever can recruit a battalion is the battalion commander."

Tian Jiyun seized this opportunity, he mobilized 96 progressive youths to enlist in the army, and was appointed by the organization as the "commander of the stretcher battalion of the Second Field Army". Although they did not need to fight the enemy face-to-face, they needed to carry the wounded or killed fighters back to the rear on stretchers in time.

The first battle of Huaihai was very tragic, our army suffered heavy casualties, Tian Jiyun led the team to shuttle through the artillery fire, just to save his comrades from the line of fire as soon as possible.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

Several times enemy shells fell beside him, and the huge explosion almost overturned Tian Jiyun, but he did not retreat, but continued to advance. In a battle, Tian Jiyun carried out 5 wounded by himself.

Because of his excellent work, he was promoted to the rank of full battalion, equipped with a horse and a German-style pistol, Tian Jiyun couldn't put it down, pinned the gun firmly to his waist, and was determined to kill a few more enemies.

After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Tian Jiyun was arranged to go to Guizhou to take up a post and be responsible for the logistics of the troops.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

In August 1950, Tian Jiyun led an armed platoon to transport salt and cloth from Chongqing back to Guizhou, but was unexpectedly attacked by bandits at 72 Daogui in Tongzi County.

Tian Jiyun took out a pistol and pointed it at the bandits, but the gun was "dumb", it couldn't be fired, seeing that the bandits were about to climb the car, Tian Jiyun immediately decided to let the driver drive over, and could not let the materials fall into the hands of the bandits.

Fortunately, there were no casualties among our troops, and the supplies were successfully transported back to Guizhou. Afterwards, Tian Jiyun handed over the pistol to the ordnance officer for inspection, only to find that the firing pin of this gun was not long enough.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

Tian Jiyun was appreciated by the leaders because of this incident and was promoted to section chief of the Guizhou Provincial Department of Finance. In 1969, he was transferred to Sichuan and served as the director of the provincial finance bureau.

Sichuan's economy was not ideal at that time, and Tian Jiyun proposed through investigation that "it is necessary to expand the financial affairs of enterprises in order to expand the autonomy of enterprises."

Tian Jiyun and his colleagues formulated economic policies such as the implementation of profit sharing for five small industries, and also introduced a series of tax policies conducive to economic development.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

Sichuan's economy has been significantly improved and upgraded, and the central government has also paid attention to Tian Jiyun and conducted an inspection of him. In 1981, Tian Jiyun was transferred to the Central Committee to serve as secretary general of the State Council, responsible for economic construction.

From 1983 to 1993, Tian Jiyun was elected Vice Premier of the State Council and continued to contribute to the country before retiring in 2003.

Some people noticed that Tian Jiyun didn't seem to mention his children in public, and people couldn't help but wonder, what are Tian Jiyun's children doing?

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

family and offspring

Tian Jiyun has not publicly mentioned his family much, he and his wife Li Yinghua have walked hand in hand for 66 spring and autumn seasons, Tian Jiyun's social platform avatar is still a photo of the couple.

Tian Jiyun and Li Yinghua met at the No. 3 Anti-Japanese Middle School in Hebei, Luzhou, and Henan, and after the Huaihai Campaign, the two became husband and wife.

Tian Jiyun and Li Yinghua cooperate tacitly, and Li Yinghua is in charge of all the affairs of the family, and he also named Li Yinghua the "Prime Minister of the Family", and he gave his wife a hand.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

In March 1949, Tian Jiyun and Li Yinghua were responsible for escorting two wagons of silver dollars to be used in enemy-occupied areas to the south. At this time, Li Yinghua was pregnant, but she still completed the task of the party organization excellently, and her husband Tian Jiyun successfully sent the silver dollar to the south.

In order not to delay her work, Li Yinghua did not report the pregnancy to the party organization at first, and after crossing the river to the south, she did not choose to rest, but proposed to follow the large army into the southwest.

Along the way, Li Yinghua did not shout bitterness or tiredness, and when they arrived in Xiangtan, their eldest daughter was born. According to media reports, Tian Jiyun's eldest daughter has been an educated youth and a soldier, which is the pride of Tian Jiyun and his wife.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Tian Jiyun was arranged to work in Guizhou, and Li Yinghua also followed.

Li Yinghua suffered from tuberculosis when she was pregnant with her second child, and at that time, there was no specific medicine, so she could only take traditional Chinese medicine for conditioning. Li Yinghua was worried that it would affect the child and was a little resistant to taking medicine. Someone gave Tian Jiyun and his wife a home remedy, eating garlic for three meals a day, and the miraculous thing is that after Li Yinghua ate garlic for more than half a year, he got better and gave birth to a second daughter smoothly.

Because they took medicine during pregnancy, Tian Jiyun and his wife were worried that it would affect their second daughter, so they paid special attention to their second daughter.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

Tian Jiyun carefully observed the second daughter for a while, and finally reassured that his children were not affected by the drug and had physical defects, but as the second daughter grew up, Tian Jiyun found that the second daughter was a little withdrawn, often staying alone in a place, and was not very willing to play with other children.

Tian Jiyun named her second daughter "Lequn", hoping that she can grow up happily and healthily and have many good friends. He will also accompany the children when he is free and patiently enlighten his second daughter. When he grew up, Tian Lequn went to the countryside to work as an educated youth and also as a worker.

The third and fourth sons were also born in Guizhou, the third son served as a soldier and a worker, and the fourth son was also a worker.

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

In a report on China News Network, Tian Jiyun's sons were mentioned, and one of the sons' name was "Tian Chenggang", who was a senior business manager and a senior political engineer.

There is very little information about Tian Jiyun's children, and it is reported that none of his children are in politics. Tian Jiyun also said, "Yinghua and I have never used our power and influence to seek any benefits for our children."

He joined the revolution at the age of 16 and later became a deputy prime minister, and now at the age of 95, he is still tough, and none of his four children are in politics

His children are just "ordinary people" who quietly contribute to the country in different positions.


[1] The Paper, "Tian Jiyun Writes an Article on Remembering My Wife: We Have Never Used Power and Influence to Seek Benefits for Our Children" 20141125

[2] The surging news "Impression Tian Jiyun: Holding the little great-granddaughter to watch cartoons, taking a photo with his wife as a WeChat avatar" 20160621

[3] Party History Wenyuan, "Three Turning Points in Life Before Tian Jiyun Walked into Zhongnanhai", 20070510